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Emm, konkretizēju - veselu čupu savu draugu un paziņu sauc nikos, kas ir cēlušies no japāju valodas.
Tu skaties pārāk daudz anime, ja...

...tu no friziera atgriezies ar zilu galvu... o.0; (nu ventspilī visi mani pa gabalu atpazīs bez problēmām laugh.gif)
...tu mistisku iemeslu dēļ esi sācis katra jautājuma teikuma beigās teikt "ka"...
...tu nupat dabūji sev CD playeri un viss ko tu klausies ir japāņu valodā o_o;
Njaa es sev gribeeju zaljus matus kraasot, bet tad vainu baarda un uusas ar jaakraaso laikam vai jaadzen. Dziit negribu, a kraasot tizli laikam izskatiitos.
...ja tu, dzirdot teikumus, kuru galaa ir "ne", vienmeer iedomaajies par japaanju valodu. Un pats lieto "ne" taa kaa japaanji, aizmirstot par skaistajaam latvieshu fraazeem "vai ne" un gandriiz nekad nelietoto bet tieshi taapeec skaisto "vai jaa".
Droši vien jau pieminēts, bet... tu kasi pakausi kādā tev neērtā situācijā. Tas ir tas, kas man pēdējā laikā ir. sad.gif
Un vēlviens papildinājums -
Kad prasi kādam kautko, tad mēgini uztaisīt -puppy eyes
Bet kad saņem to- sparkling eyes
QUOTE(Kikyou @ Feb 10 2005, 23:23)

...tu no friziera atgriezies ar zilu galvu... o.0; (nu ventspilī visi mani pa gabalu atpazīs bez problēmām laugh.gif)

Tu V-pili uzmanibu pievers tikai ar pirsingu un melniem matiem vien... Esmu parbaudijusi...
Un pat ja drebes neatbilst stilam... Visi skatas diavini uz tevi sad.gif
V-pilii jau uz manu metaalista jaku visi skjiibi skataas 8) kaut gan piirsinga man *veel* nav. Iisteniibaa pietiek jau ar gariem matiem un baardu, lai tev uzmaniibu saaktu pieveerst tajaa taalajaa nostuurii.
QUOTE(MIMI @ Feb 11 2005, 14:15)
QUOTE(Kikyou @ Feb 10 2005, 23:23)

...tu no friziera atgriezies ar zilu galvu... o.0; (nu ventspilī visi mani pa gabalu atpazīs bez problēmām laugh.gif)

Tu V-pili uzmanibu pievers tikai ar pirsingu un melniem matiem vien... Esmu parbaudijusi...

Nē, tā ir "Oi nē, noteikti kautkāds kauslis, jāturās pa gabalu" uzmanība.
A es šorīt braucu mikriņā, uzreiz dabūju "Omg what a weirdo" uzmanību laugh.gif
Es katru dienu dabūju šos dīvainos skatienus. biggrin.gif
(Vai man kaut kas uz sejas?)
Nee mani visi ignoree... Vai vienkaarshi nepamana... ph34r.gif
Rakņājoties LiveJournal atradu saitu ar quiziem, šis bija viens no iznākumiem.. biggrin.gif

You call your dog Shinji.

You perform a canon ball dive into a pool while yelling "Spirit Bomb!"

Your house has an anime room.

You and your friends flash peace signs and take girlish poses when you are happy.

You get an anime tattoo. even though you're scared of needles.

Your walls are covered in wallscrolls and posters from your favorite series.

If you use the term 'Kawaii' for describing everything.

You try to convince your girlfriend that 'cat ears' and 'tail' really looks good on them.

You can sing songs from your favorite shows, in Japanese, even though you dont speek Japanese...

You spent hours looking through your library for a copy of "The Universe of Four Gods"

You have legally changed your name to that of your favorite charcter.

You wear a necklace and fall down everytime someone says sit boy.

You insist on having an entrance that includes spotlights, music, and raining cherry blossoms (while you hold a rose if you're a guy).

Your only dream is to attend Tokyo U with a girl you haven't seen in 15 years.

You play an instrument and you nick name it Inuyasha

For valinetines day you buy a stuffed dog and make up your on japanese name for it

If you get mad at you teacher and draw a picture of her as a anime demon cat

You wtch Iron Chef constanly to pick up great recipes ( haven't done it but plan to )

You've bought a twenty dollar ring in the shaped of a dragon to show off at school.

You always have your hair covering your left eye and always fliping it so you look like a anime character.

You think that falling flat on your back with your legs in the air is a normal reaction to big news.

You are worried because you don't have several desirable members of the opposite sex frantically trying to make you fall in love with them.

You shave a cresent moon onto your cats head, dye the cat purple, then take it to school and insist it's Luna, your talking cat.

You go around town trying to eat donuts and act all crazy-like, all the while saying you're Vash the Stampede.

To resolve a conflict, you insist in a duel.

The employees at Gamestop know you, and tell you when you walk in if they've gotten a new shipment of anime DVDs.

You've gotten angry at someone and placed two fingers on your forehead shouted the word "Makanekasopo!" (specail beam cannon or light of death) and then poked them in the eye.

You waste countless amounts of hair gel to get that "Goku look"

You map out points in Tokyo where the Dragons of Earth might attack

You believe it is possible for a person to be severly beaten in the head with a large hammer, stick, etc...and still come out alive.

You have a moment of confusion whenever you go to school because there are no girls in those tiny little skirts that come with their school uniform

You yell out 'Baka hanyou Inu-Yasha!' at your birthday party and everyone (except your parents) knows you're talking to your boyfriend.

You tell your parents you need to stay out past curfew to save the colonies.

Each time you see a stray animal, you turn your hat sideways and throw one of those plastic Pokeballs Burger King was giving out in their kids' meals yelling, "POKEBALL, GO!"

You add "no da" to the end of all statements you make

The majority of your CDs are Japanese or the English version of a Japanese soundtrack or the English soundtrack of an anime that just decided that it would use English in its songs.

You misplace your manga and someone at school you don't even know gives it to you saying they knew it was yours.

You incorporate Japanese, somehow, into every class.

You can sing songs from your favorite shows, in Japanese, even though you dont speek Japanese...

You use random Japanese words such as baka, kawaii, and hentai.

You try to read every book from right to left

You take a break from watching anime to go to your computer (nicknamed Lord Conti) to download anime (for previewing purposes only! wink.gif ), while visiting your favorite anime forum, while listening to Japanese webradio...

You call your parents Oka-san and Otou-san

You say ITADAKIMASU!! before you eat your meals

You think that locket your boyfriend gave you will turn you into a magical girl

You'll risk grounding to get a good new fanfic.

You constantly say "w00p" after almost every sentance.

You insist on chopsticks for everyday use.

Your bookshelf is filled with anime boxed sets and no books

You stop listening to the radio because english makes no sense to you anymore and it's your first spoken language

You call yourself "otaku."

All of your family portraits have been altered to the proper super large eye size.

Random battles seem to erupt wherever you go.

You take the time to write messages on your cigarettes, only to burn them right away.

Your dreams are animated.

You naru punch all the guys at school, and then wonder why they don't follow you around like keitaro follows naru.

You hold your eyes really wide all day trying to make them stay big

Duct tape is really funny to you and most of your threats involve taping people to walls.

When you're washing dishes you yell out "SUPAH WAVE SMASHUH!" or any water attack.

You run out of space on your computer because the hard drive is taken up by hundreds of anime pics, mp3s, midis, and music videos.

You spend all night trying to figure out how many people you can get to go in with you on buying the complete collection of Sailor Moon episodes in Japanese.

You spend your whole spring break working on an anime webpage.

You expect to see a teardrop over someone's head when they get embarressed.

You start to speak with an odd accent.

You can watch two animes in the same room at the same time and still have the TV off.

You know your favorite character's bloodtype.

Knowing Sailor Moon helps you on an Astronomy test.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to anime.
tagad vienmer chau vietaa saku ohaijooo vai kko taadu un paraadu tipisko victory zhestu....
uij.. vakar niseedeeju12 h pie dacha skatoties naruto uc... tagad taa aci saap... ehee.. un man shodien bij exis... hnm.. nevar buut, ka nesanaaca pamaaciities.....
tu esi paaraak dawdz skatiijusies/ies anime,ja ...
katru reizi,kad ieskaties spogulii,Tew liekas, ka Tawas acis ir par mazaam un mati nestaaw pareizi...
Tew shkjiet,ka Tawi draugi nepareizi reagjee uz jaunumiem, gan labaam,gan sliktaam zinjaam..."winji tak ir bezjutiigi!"
Tu nesaproti,kaapeec cilweeki uz Tewi atskataas,pat ja Tew ir sarkanas kontaktleecas un violeti mati, un skolas formaam tipiski swaarcinji ar ieloceem,kuri pliiwo un izraada Tawu apakshwelju..
Tawam kakjim uz pieres uzziimeec pusmeeness un tu meegjini ar winju sarunaaties..
kad panda zoodaarzaa netur plakaatu ar japaanisku uzraxtu,Tu neizpratnee raugies apkaart,kur tad tas ir pasleepc..
Tew shkjiet laba doma weikt plastisko operaaciju,lai ieguutu sew kakja ausis (ehhh.. happy.gif ), Tew zheel,ka esi piedzimis bez astes - agraak tak taadi dzima,tas dabas muzejaa paradiic!
Tu apskrien puspilseetu,lai nopirktu sew platas lentes,ko siet matos,jo staigaat apkaart ar tikai matu gumijaam wien buutu apkaunojoshi..
Tu nemani,kaa aizskrien laiks un,kad maa jautaa: "wajtad Teu shodien uz skolu naw jaaiet?" attopies,ka lajkam ne guleeshanai ne maajasdarbiem shonakt laika neatlika...
Tu esi aizmirsis sawu/sawu draugu iistos waardus...
... tu apsver iespeeju naakamreiz iet pie friziera ar japaanja fotograafiju.
QUOTE(edg @ Apr 19 2005, 08:07)
... tu apsver iespēju nākamreiz iet pie friziera ar japāņa fotograafiju.

vai arī, tu apsver iespēju pie friziera vispār neiet un audzēt garos matus, lai vēlāk cīņas karstumā tos varētu slaiki apmest ap kaklu (ar nelielu iespēju nožņaugt sevi ar saviem matiem).
Panjem eljas kraasas un pirmais ko tu uzziimee uz savaam bixeeem ir kaads anime feiss biggrin.gif
Kad nozjuus kraasa nobildeeshu un ieliksu te bildi tongue.gif
Anime=diagnoze? blink.gif tongue.gif
kad tev liekas ka kad tu dusmojies, tev virs galvas peradas dazadas zimes... un kad tu esi sashutis tad tev ir pilite pie galvas... biggrin.gif blink.gif biggrin.gif
Tu esi skatījies pārāk daudz anime, ja esi gatavs vergot visu 9. klasi mājturības pulciņā, šujot kaut ko ar anime saaistītu [ mans pirmais projekts būs sarkans mētelis. :3 ].
O, runājot par mācībām..
Tu esi skatījies par daudz anime ( šajā gadījumā lasījis mangas), ja tavs konspektu bloks izskatās šādi. ( emm, tie kas pa malām ir ātrie pieraksti, no ta kas dzirdēts)
Apmēram tā izskatās katra otrā lapa manā mūzikas kladē. o_O
oo,Tew ir muuzikas klade? es to parasti deeweeju par skichu bloknotu.. laugh.gif
Ja paaraak daudzi no turpmaak mineetajiem punktiem ir attiecinaami uz tevi:

edg pieziimes par punktiem:
3. Nez, man vienmeer bijusi shitaada iipashiiba. Pat tad, kad neredzeeju iipashu atshkjiriibu starp Ultraman un latvieshu multeneem. Iespeejams, ka izveeles stingriiba ar laiku noplacinaas dabiski psihologjiskaa celjaa, kad cilveeka praats juut, ka vinja iegribas neatbilst reaalajaam iespeejaam. Otaku praats to iipashi nejuut - tas redz savaa priekshaa daudz, daudz smuku meitenju. Sheit viss atkariigs no taa, cik ljoti praats speej/nespeej nodaliit izteeli no realitaates. Un shito speeju var treneet katrs pats (googlee noteikti ir panjeemieni).
4. Nezinaaju, ka probleemas ar cilveeku atpaziishanu ir otaku probleema blink.gif . Man taada ir, bet, vai tas saakaas ar anime skatiishanos... Kas to lai zin? Iespeejams, ka taada nelaime rodas no smadzenju filtra nepareizas treneeshanas (jaa, praats treneejas patvaljiigi, tomeer ar dazhaadiem faktoriem to var ietekmeet). Otaku, taapat arii datorfanaati, dazhaada citaadi cilveeki, kuriem ir tieksmes vai nepiecieshamiiba masveidaa uztvert informaacu, uztveres filtrs ar laiku ljoti notrulinaas - praats, lai izsargaatos no paarslodzes, atceras visai mazu procentu no uznjemtaas informaacijas. Diemzheel, liela informaacijas daudzuma nelaime ir taa, ka praatam nepietiek ne laika, ne atminjas pienaaciigi labi izveerteet, kas ir svariiga informaacija un kas nav. Taapeec jo iipashi speeciigu lomu informaacijas izveelee dod visprimitiivaakaas tehnikas - juutas. Atceries to, kas tev likaas interesants, smiekliigs, patiikams utml, bet neatceries to, kas tiiri racionaali var dziivee nodereet - cilveeku sejas, eksaamenu datumi, savas maajas adrese smile.gif Starp citu, praats ljoti, ljoti censhas to visu informaaciju izfiltreet, taapeec arii ir taa, ka peec ilgas anime skatiishanaas gruuti piesleegties realitaate, visu laiku domas ir par anime, automaatiskas darbiibas, piemeeram, ieshana uz skolu chiibaas (kuram nav gadiijies smile.gif) vai istabas durvju aizsleegshana, kad tajaa veel paliek cilveeki. Lai vareetu atcereeties racionaali noderiigas lietas, man naak praataa tikai divi panjeemieni: 1) uznjemt mazaak informaacijas. mazaak anime? neiespeejami! 2) iemaaciities aizmirst anime tuuliit peec noskatiishanaas. tad jau no anime skatiishanaas uz reizi 2x mazaaka jeega, jo pusi patiikamaa naak no atcereeshanaas. Secinaajums: taada ir otaku dziives izveele.
5. Taa tachu ir milzu speeja piemaaniit savu praatu, kaut arii zemapzinjaa! Racionaali jau katrs apzinaas atshkjiriibu, bet dziljaak taa atshkjiriiba ir vaaja. Ja taa ir, tad ir vismaz kaads, kas savieno realitaati ar nerealitaati - seiyuu. Meitene, kas tev patiik iistajaa dziivee (par spiiti milzu izveeliibai)! Kas tur slikts? Ar laiku var praats speet iemaaciities saskatiit jebkuraa paraksta izskata meitenee kaut ko no anime. Tas ir vienkaarshi lieliski gadiijienaa, ja tu pirms tam uzskati, ka iistajaa dziivee meitenes nekam neder.
6. Kaadam Latvijaa ar taads ir? laugh.gif
9. Aaaaa, katram savas lietas patiik labaak!
11. Tas speekaa tikai tad, ja nav kaads cits otaku, kam to izstaastiit. Nedomaaju, ka kaads meegjinaas izstaastiit savu anime ideju ne-otaku, ja vinjam taa nebuus jau kraajusies ilgi un dikti bez iespeejas kaadam izstaastiit (jo mees apzinaamies iespeejamaas reakcijas. nu jaa, cits ir gatavs riskeet). Nee, tomeer var meegjinaat izstaastiit - kaa meegjinaajumu paarveerst kaadu par otaku. Ja tas ir svariigaak par droshu labu attieciibu uztureeshanu, tad taa nu ir pasha otaku izveele.
12. blink.gif blink.gif blink.gif Otaku ir saliidzinoshi daudz iecietiigaaki pret dazhaadaam intereseem! Tas gan laikam speekaa tikai tad, ja otaku nav tik biezhi uztureejies citu otaku sabiedriibaa, lai smadzenees veidotos ideja, ka visa pasaule robezhojas ar sho grupu - paareejie ir tikai diivaini iznjeemumi. Labi, veel ir arii taada lieta kaa izmisiiga veelme, lai citi arii buutu taadi kaa vinjsh (no kaa arii taada reakcija). Dazhiem taada piemiit.
13. Nespeeju izteeloties. Kaads cits vareetu prieksh manis veikt psihoanaliizi?
14. Visbiezhaak tas ir no praata veelmes norobezhoties no nepatiikamaa (kaadeelj ir taada lieta kaa "apvainoshanaas"). Ja tevi no visaam puseem ieniist, nesaprot un pret tevi izturas kaa pret gariigi nepieskaitaamu, logjiski ka praats ar kaadu laiku to saak vienkaarshi ignoreet. Ja otaku gribeetu, lai vinju neieniist, vinjsh tachu ieveerotu, lai paareejie punkti nebuutu speekaa!
15. biggrin.gif Arii taa ir otaku izveele. Seksuaalaas tieksmes ar laiku paarveidojas no taa, kas ir bijushas vinju visbiezhaakaas izraisiitaajas. Ja otaku gribeetu, lai vinju seksuaali saistiitu reaalas meitenes, vinjam jaapashterapeejas, aizstaajot hentai ar parasto porno uz kaadu meenesi. Nu bet tur ir jaabuut gadiem hentai-atkariigam smagaa formaa, lai nejustu seksuaalo iekaari pret reaalaas dziives meiteneem.

Secinaajums: Gandriiz katras iipashiibas pamataa ir apzinaata vai neapzinaata labu attieciibu uztureeshanas ar ne-otaku mazveertiiba. Taatad - taa ir otaku pasha izveele. Kaapeec tad buutu jaaieniist? Ieniist kaadu par to, ka vinjsh ir savaadaaks var deelj baileem no sveshaadaa, nepatikas pret jebkaadu savaadaako vai nespeejas pielaagot savas smadzenes tam, ka visi nav vienaadi. Vienvaardsakot: Praata mazspeeja.

Ultra-secinaajums: Vieniigais liidzeklis kaa ciiniities pret negatiivo attieksmi ir mainiit sevi. Un to var izdariit. Visas paareejaas pasaules mainiishanu es neuzskatu par pietiekami reaalu liidzekli - tas taapat kaa cereet, ka cilveeki buus visi lieliski komunisti, miilees pukjes, nedariis noziegumus vai grauziis taarpus. Te gan ir 2 veida paarveidoshanas - psihologjiskaa un fiziskaa. Pirmaa peec pashreizeejiem zinaatniskajiem uzskatiem bez geenu inzhenierijas vai nopietnas smadzenju skaloshanas ilgterminjaa (vairaakaas paaudzees) nav iespeejama (komunisms, nedariis noziegumus, miilees pukjes). Fiziski var piespiest cilveekus visus grauzt taarpus taapat kaa iztureeties labi pret otaku. Tomeer to neieniishana ir psihologjisks paarveidojums.
1. Ja tu apsver domu lidot uz Japaanu izbaudiit vieteejo kultuuru (templji? Kaadi veel templji, paraadiet man pasaulee vecaako otaku...)
2. Ja tev ar kaadu meiteini neveicas, tu esi paarliecinaats, ka vinja (pirms 15 gadiem peedeejoreiz redzeeta un nez kaa peekshnji aizmirsta) ir iistaa un vieniigaa.
3. Ja, tad, kad tev dziivee neveicas, tu neuztraucies, jo zini, ka gan jau liidz 22. seerijai viss nokaartosies.
Tu esi skatījies par daudz Anime, ja...
1. Tavā ledusskapī dzīvo pingvīns;
2. Tu pielūdz Japāņu pulksteni Rīgas centrā;
3. Tu mācies vācu valodu, lai saprastu daļu no Asukas teiktā...
4. Kopš esi sācis klausīties J-poprock, neko citu vairs neklausies (tas ir attiecināms uz mani... ) biggrin.gif
5. Tu regulāri zvani saviem draugiem, lai ziņotu, ka Rīgas centrā pastaigājas Hollows;
6. Tu centies dabūt ieroča nēsāšanas atļauju... zobenam...
Dažas no šīm lietām var arī nebūt saistītas ar Anime, bet tas tik un tā ir crazy... biggrin.gif
Es ta pietiekami labi māku vācu valodu... tongue.gif
Jā, šeit vēl dažas pazīmes...
1. Tu zīmē visus Anime charus pēc kārtas tikai tāpēc, lai justos VĒL lielāx Anime fans...
2. Tev ir vismaz desmit CD pilni ar Anime related music;
3. Kad kāds uzliek Amerikāņu mūziku, Tu aizspied ausis un bēdz prom... blink.gif
Isabel Carmin fon Edelhain
....ja uzvedies kaa miiljaakais chars.
Ja draugs tev atsūta SMS ar lūgumu iedot viņam darba burtnīcu (un raksta saīsinājumā DB), tad pirmais, ar ko tev acocieejas DB ir nevis darba burtnīca, bet Dattebayo (naruto suberi)"P (man tā bija)
nav par anime,par mangu-gadījums iz manas dzīves:Vakarā laukos nenāk miegs,un izdomāju lasīt brālēna komiksus.visus izlasījusi,pie sevis neganti un sulīgi nolamājos,jo neko neesmu sapratusi..hmm..tikai tad iebraucu,ka lasīju viņus kā nez,man tas likās jocīgi smile.gif
tu esi gatavs galeejiem liidzekliem gadiijumaa, ja kaads censhas vai apvaino tavu miilaako anime charu. mad.gif
.....ja tu skaties anime, lai justos normaali ( tikai normaali ), un ja neesi dienu skatiitiijies anime, tu saac suudiigi justies, triiceet.....nezini kur likties..........jaaskataas anime...................... .................. ................... .........
QUOTE(S.U.D @ Aug 25 2005, 18:07)
.....ja tu skaties anime, lai justos normaali ( tikai normaali ), un ja neesi dienu skatiitiijies anime, tu saac suudiigi justies, triiceet.....nezini kur likties..........jaaskataas anime......................  ..................    ...................    .........

Man var buut galiigaakais besis, bet iistaa anime un - besis ir pagaatne.
ja tu redzi hentai par sev vismīļāko,vissvētāko čaru,kas tavā apziņā ir ar nimbu virs galvas un pieskaitāms dieviem,un aiz dusmām un naida esi gatavs izdauzīt monitoru,un,izejot ārā,ar lielu sašutumu visiem draugiem stāsti,kāda bezgodība i-netā notiek smile.gif tas jau nekas,ka viņi pat nesaprot,par ko tu tur muldi laugh.gif
QUOTE(not_alone @ Aug 25 2005, 22:33)
ja tu redzi hentai par sev vismīļāko,vissvētāko čaru,kas tavā apziņā ir ar nimbu virs galvas un pieskaitāms dieviem,un aiz dusmām un naida esi gatavs izdauzīt monitoru,un,izejot ārā,ar lielu sašutumu visiem draugiem stāsti,kāda bezgodība i-netā notiek  smile.gif  tas jau nekas,ka viņi pat nesaprot,par ko tu tur muldi  laugh.gif

vo blj tu mani tikko aprakstiiji................ laugh.gif !!!!!!
edq priecaajos par tevi, viss ir kaartiibaa, man gan anime besi aizdziit nevar ( dazas var ) sad.gif . smile.gif
QUOTE(not_alone @ Aug 25 2005, 22:33)
ja tu redzi hentai par sev vismīļāko,vissvētāko čaru,kas tavā apziņā ir ar nimbu virs galvas un pieskaitāms dieviem,un aiz dusmām un naida esi gatavs izdauzīt monitoru,un,izejot ārā,ar lielu sašutumu visiem draugiem stāsti,kāda bezgodība i-netā notiek  smile.gif  tas jau nekas,ka viņi pat nesaprot,par ko tu tur muldi  laugh.gif

Man tā gadījās ar piedauzīgu fan-fic... es noslīcināju to autoru lamuvārdos... laugh.gif
Tu par daudz esi skatiijies anime, ja tev sapniishos raadaas Maron, kad vinja paarveershas par Jeannu, un tu redzi, 6.seeriju, (pa miegam, tu mirsti nost no smiekliem biggrin.gif ) un peekshnji uzrodas InuYasha, kurams pievienojas Kagome, un Visi, kas ir no Naruto, un uzriiko tusinju un apkaart lidinaas Fin... ... ooooooooopss... laikam es esmu paarskatiijusies par daudz anime... biggrin.gif cool.gif
Isabel Carmin fon Edelhain
QUOTE(Tomoko @ Sep 5 2005, 21:40)
Tu par daudz esi skatiijies anime, ja tev sapniishos raadaas Maron, kad vinja paarveershas par Jeannu, un tu redzi, 6.seeriju, (pa miegam, tu mirsti nost no smiekliem biggrin.gif ) un peekshnji uzrodas InuYasha, kurams pievienojas Kagome, un Visi, kas ir no Naruto, un uzriiko tusinju un apkaart lidinaas Fin... ...  ooooooooopss... laikam es esmu paarskatiijusies par daudz anime... biggrin.gif  cool.gif

Kā es tevi saprotu. Līdzīga iemesla dēl nācas piebremzēt ar Naruto. Mācība priekšdienām - nemēģināt tik stauji saraut gargabalnieku.

Itachi arī bija?

QUOTE(Tomoko @ Sep 5 2005, 20:40)
Tu par daudz esi skatiijies anime, ja tev sapniishos raadaas Maron, kad vinja paarveershas par Jeannu, un tu redzi, 6.seeriju, (pa miegam, tu mirsti nost no smiekliem biggrin.gif ) un peekshnji uzrodas InuYasha, kurams pievienojas Kagome, un Visi, kas ir no Naruto, un uzriiko tusinju un apkaart lidinaas Fin... ...  ooooooooopss... laikam es esmu paarskatiijusies par daudz anime... biggrin.gif  cool.gif

Tas jau vēl nekas - man vienreiz bija sapnis ar dzejoļiem par sautējumu (varbūt tāpēc, ka Edam garšo sautējums? o_o; ) iekš radio + homonculusiem manā virtuvē. XDD
QUOTE(Kikyou @ Sep 11 2005, 09:32)
Tas jau vēl nekas - man vienreiz bija sapnis ar dzejoļiem par sautējumu (varbūt tāpēc, ka Edam garšo sautējums? o_o; ) iekš radio + homonculusiem manā virtuvē. XDD

homonculi ir pareizais daudzskaitlis no homonculus. un manuptaat tur pareizaak bija teikt "homonkuliem".
QUOTE(Kikyou @ Sep 11 2005, 09:32)
QUOTE(Tomoko @ Sep 5 2005, 20:40)
Tu par daudz esi skatiijies anime, ja tev sapniishos raadaas Maron, kad vinja paarveershas par Jeannu, un tu redzi, 6.seeriju, (pa miegam, tu mirsti nost no smiekliem biggrin.gif ) un peekshnji uzrodas InuYasha, kurams pievienojas Kagome, un Visi, kas ir no Naruto, un uzriiko tusinju un apkaart lidinaas Fin... ...  ooooooooopss... laikam es esmu paarskatiijusies par daudz anime... biggrin.gif  cool.gif

Tas jau vēl nekas - man vienreiz bija sapnis ar dzejoļiem par sautējumu (varbūt tāpēc, ka Edam garšo sautējums? o_o; ) iekš radio + homonculusiem manā virtuvē. XDD

Ooo, re kaa, es jau domaaju, ka esmu nojuugusies... bljaaviens, skolaa saaku "skatiities" Ruruoni Kenshin... Tagad man vislaik raadaas visaadas seerijas...baac! rolleyes.gif laugh.gif biggrin.gif smile.gif
Tu esi skatiijies par daudz anime ja:

1. Tu zini no galvas visus shinigami spells;
2. Tu meegjini tos izmantot ikdienaa;
3. Skolaa sacereejumos tu parasti raksti Bleach episode 1/2/3 utt rewiev/summary;
4. Meegjini ar domu speeku spridzinaat savus klasesbiedrus;
5. Sauc sevi par shinigami.

Sito jau es biju licis bet, tik un ta, jautri.
Mecha Engineering Courses
MECHA301 Theoretical Mecha Design

This course covers the basic theories behind mecha design, exploring the various successful designs in mecha engineering from the basic labour droid to the advanced "Gunbuster" and "Solniod" systems in use today in most advanced military units.
Prerequisites: ELEC100, ELEC101, MECH100, MECH200, BCHEM102
MECHA333 Powersuit Design

Powersuits, mini-mecha, hardsuits, call you what they will, but to the true engineering otaku these are the ultimate in orgxxm machines (especially when used by pretty teenaged girls wielding big guns). This course covers all that is needed to be a geeky dorklike powersuit technician. A special class by Mackie Stingray on "Optimal places to place vidcams in female power armour" is part of the syllabus, if he's not caught by his sister first.
Prerequisites: ELEC100, ELEC101, MECH100, MECH200, BCHEM102
MECHA315 Mecha Weapons Design

The subject of this course is self-explanatory. Engineering students are taught weapons design for mecha and powersuits for power efficiency, size and Oomph! Find out how B-ko packs hundreds of Akagiyama missiles in a slinky powersuit, or why Budweiser cans become lethal missiles against Zentraedi battlepods.
Prerequisites: ELEC100, ELEC101, MECH100, MECH200, BCHEM102
MECHA666 Mecha Design Project

This course is THE final examination for final year engineering students. The project is to design a mecha which must meet certain criteria. This final project is judged by the dean of Engineering as well as two high-level scientists from NERV for effectiveness against a simulated Angel, multiple waves of Quedran-lau mecha and A-ko Migami. If it survives, the student gets his degree in mecha engineering; if it doesn't, well, back to the drawing board.
Prerequisites: Every darn thing you've ever learned at Anime University
tu esi skatiijies par daudz anime, ja tev ir neejosha skanjas karte, respektiivi nav skanjas, bet tas tev netraucee skatiities anime.... biggrin.gif

Balstiits uz patiesiem notikumiem biggrin.gif
Gadienā ja esi nokļuvis kāda Anime. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Survival Guide: Dangers
Yeah, anime is very cool, we can all agree on that. Massive space battles, supernatural beasts, magical explosions, and high-powered gunfights all look amazingly exciting to we, the mundane viewers. Unfortunately, for most of the characters who actually have to participate, life can get downright dangerous. If you want to survive to the next OAV, or even the next episode, there are some important safety tips you need to know.


Aliens are an unpredictable lot. If an alien lands in your vicinity, you can never be sure if it intends to befriend, subjugate, eat, or propose to you, with the latter being the least desirable in many cases. Chances are, it just wants to enslave the human race, but you can never be too sure.

Still, it is inadvisable to shoot aliens on sight, as they often have massive war fleets at their immediate disposal and precariously unstable dispositions, as well as unpredictable motives. A good rule of thumb is to never start firing first. Allow the aliens to make an impressive show of power, perhaps capturing a famous rock star or even annihilating a city or two. Then, just before All Hope is Lost, unveil humanity's salvation from destruction in the form of a new technological advancement, superior strategy, or catchy musical number.

Aliens in Love

Should you encounter an alien with amorous intentions toward you in particular, take stock of your immediate situation. Check for escape routes. There is no more dire fate than being caught up in a romantic affair with an alien, except perhaps being caught up in a romantic triangle with one or more aliens. If such a situation is unavoidable, it is best to quickly develop some universally important skill or destiny which will allow you to move to another area of the galaxy. Aliens will never become romantically involved with you unless you are on your home planet when they meet you.

Aliens the Size of Office Blocks

When an alien roughly the size of Tokyo Tower lands in the vicinity, it's almost never a good sign. Seek shelter quickly, and try not to think too hard about the fact that the alien behind you could conceivably end your life prematurely simply be breathing too deeply.

Ancient Shrines

These are always tricky and depend greatly on where one wants to go with the plot. Ancient shrines and temples have been known to house demons, relics of power, kindly old hermits, 20,000 year-old super-geniuses, alien civilizations and, occasionally, long-term housing. When venturing into an ancient shrine, take note of it's location and overall atmosphere. Is it cheery? Woodsy? Tastefully decorated? Are any candles lit? Does it appear derelict and crumbling? Foreboding? Evil? These are often clues as to the nature of the shrine. If there are rumors of a hidden evil lurking inside that rune-covered cave entrance, chances are, that's what you'll find.

Of course, no one really knows what any shrine really contains, that's why they need a brave soul like you to venture in and find out. Just remember to bring a flashlight, some knowledge of ancient lore, and (ideally) a copy of the script.

Blasphemous Comments

If someone says something to the effect of, "The Gods will be as puppets to me!" or, "HA HA, I'm invincible!" step away quickly and shield your eyes.


Maintaining reality is a trying process for the almighty, and despite their best efforts, the occasional bug shows up in the Ultimate Force system. Bugs are small eight-legged rabbit-like creatures who warp time and space around them. Though they rarely show up on the surface world, they can appear here, usually causing various flaws in the fabric of reality, such as odd weather patterns, temperature shifts, disappearing matter, and exploding soda machines. Sometimes bugs can arrive on the surface world through a "Bug Exhaust Port," formed by two incompatible things coming in close contact with one another. The bugs are drawn to the surface world by an "Attractor," some large mystic energy source. Disposing of such Attractors usually closes the Exhaust Port.

There are two ways to dispose of bugs. First, you can use "Skuld's Own DeBugging Machine," or you can simply hit them over the head with a mallet.

Evil Ninjas

One should always be on the lookout for ninjas when wandering about the anime universe. Keep alert for dark figures jumping silently from tree to tree, showers of shiny ninja stars hurtling through the air, and individuals spouting blood like aerosol cans. These are signs that an evil ninja has been through the area recently. The best way to deal with evil ninjas is to get them airborne all at the same time. Once off the ground and in numbers, most evil ninjas retain the martial arts abilities of mayonnaise, thereby allowing you to cut through them like so much paper maché. When dealing with evil ninjas, it is advisable to bring a towel, preferably not red.


The almighty usually take a dim view of us mortals, especially those individuals who wish to rival their power. Other than that, supernatural powers can either be a blessing or a curse (if you'll pardon the expression). Higher powers involved in complex social situations, however, are a different story altogether. See below.

Goddesses in Love

If you happen to become romantically entangled with a being of supernatural origins, tread lightly. This mostly applies to guys. Anime goddesses have often been sighted in company with anime characters, but anime gods tend to be aloof and rarely associate with mere mortals.

The greatest danger comes not from the goddess herself in this case (though make no doubt, she could incinerate you with a thought if she caught you cheating), but from your prospective in-laws. All you need is an overprotective father or vengeful sister and you're toast.


Mecha will never bother you so long as you're not actually in one yourself. If you are, let's hope those VF flight lessons were worth the money you paid (see "Getting Around").

Mecha the Size of Office Blocks

The best defense is a good offense, even if that offense entails widespread smearing of urban architechture. If a giant mech shows up to defend your fair city from invading aliens, seek shelter and try not to think about the fact that the robot behind you is quite conceivably piloted by a fourteen-year-old with distinct social issues.


A key saftey tip in the world of anime is to always remember that music can severely injure or even kill, depending on one's species, bio-chemical make-up, or personal taste. It has been established that one of the most effective ways to counter invading alien fleets is to blast popular music at them with all the bass levels up. If you happen to be a member of one of these alien races and intend to invade the Earth in the near future, it is advisable to invest in a decent set of earplugs.

School Girls

Uniformed anime school girls are undoubtedly some of the most powerful beings in the universe. They have been known to possess swords, guns, magical crystals, psionic abilities, and multi-target lightweight missile packs, usually on school grounds. Worst of all, school girls are almost always caught up in a complex social drama which no one over the age of sixteen can possibly understand or prepare for.


Ladies, if you see a tentacle, don't ask questions,
just RUN!


Ultimately, the greatest danger to your personal safety in anime is probably yourself. Whether you make a wrong turn into one of the bad sections of Neo Tokyo, insult the mother of the shogun, stumble into the hive of massively powerful alien invaders, or unwittingly unleash the forces of evil upon an unsuspecting world, you have no one to blame but yourself.
QUOTE(Seven_of_zero @ Nov 22 2005, 08:09)

ohmy.gif uuu es nezināju, ka ir tāda universitāte. Pabeigšu RTU, iestāšos šajā universitātē Maģijas fakultātē. Būs jāiemācās Dragon Slave un varēšu spridzināt veselas pilsētas. happy.gif
....Es tā skatos, tur vēl nav piedāvāts tāds spell.... closedeyes.gif hmmm... tad vajadzēs iet līdz doktorantūrai un pašam būs jātklāj/jāizgudro Dragon Slave. rolleyes.gif
Man gan liekas ka vairak panakumu tev būs, šinī fakultātē
Anime University
Faculty of Engineering and Mecha Design biggrin.gif
QUOTE(Seven_of_zero @ Nov 22 2005, 17:59)
Man gan liekas ka vairak panakumu tev būs, šinī  fakultātē
Anime University
Faculty of Engineering and Mecha Design    biggrin.gif

Jā, zinu... bet man tomēr gribās uz to citu fakultāti. wink.gif Gribu kaut ko jaunu iemācīties.. kaut ko neparastu, īpašu. Engeneering un mazliet Mecha Design es jau zinu, tāpēc man liekas, tas nav tik īpašs kā Magic. biggrin.gif
Es arii gribu Magic fakultaatee! bet nekur nevareeju atrast fizisko, a es jau cereeju ka tas nav joks... sad.gif
Es laikam tieshaam esmu par daudz skatiijusies anime... mellow.gif
Shodien braucu tramvajaa un garaam brauca veelviens tramvajs. Un man likaas, ka tur seezj Inuyasha un skataas uz mani. wacko.gif Laikam jaaietur pauze... dry.gif
Neenee! Nekaada pauze! ph34r.gif
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