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Man pietiek ar manu kājstarpi- citas negribu pētīt biggrin.gif

Cilvēku zem manis nesen apzaga
Vąrds vitą! laugh.gif

Cilveks aiz manis piipč cepumus.
kas ar cepumiem? o.O

cilvēks aiz manis ir čangalis?
Wieni skolas starbrizos iet pipet, bet otri uz weikalinjiem pirkt grauzamos- tie ary taa saka.(tiesam reti) cool.gif

Cilveks aiz manis mazgaa radio.

cilvēkam zem manis garšo iesala ekstrakts. Tenma lēnām un ar baudu našķojas gar aizvakar ieguuto burciņu
Meibe yes, meibe not! laugh.gif

Cilveks aiz manis tapetes liimee uz mashinaam, taa vajag.
Jā! kā tu zināji ka es gāju līmēt tapetes uz mašīnas 3:00 no rīta /. __ /.

Cilvēks zem manis dažreiz dara patiesi jocīgas lietas
Jā, piemēram, šonakt spēlēju aklās vistiņas, rāpoju pa zemi guļammaisā pēc konfektes, peldējos āliņģī, piedalījos turnīrā un izgāzos, un vēl mani nesa puiši. Vai nav dīvains aktivitāšu salikums?

Cilvēks zem manis raksta ZPD
Mushas-Assisn redz un zinjo par wisu, wisu, gandriiz wisu... ph34r.gif

Cilweks aiz manis migaa saka: bulj bulj bulj...!
blink.gif rolleyes.gif biggrin.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
nē es miegā tikai lamājos

cilvēks aiz manis nēsā svarkus

cilvēks aiz manis skatās Invader Zim. <3

cilvēks aiz manis ir fizmats

Cilvēks zem manis nesen izdarīja kaut ko fail'ojošu
es teju nepārtraukti daru kko failojošu tongue.gif

cilvēks zem manis netic manam augstākminētajasm apgalvojumam
nu kapēc gan nē. XD

cilvēks aiz manis ir skatijies `Axis Power Hetalia`.
Itālija mīl pastu.Latvia gets bullied by Russia.

Cilvēkam aiz manis ir slapji mati.
Tieši tā. Esmu slapja žurka.

Cilvēkam zem manis nepatīk vēsture.
That's so not true!

Cilveks aiz manis paardod tinti burcinjaas.
Nē, bet es to labprāt nopirktu.

Cilvēkam zem manis tek acis
activate it to exit.

Chapter 5: Blast Pit

Find the train/tram, jump on it and hit 'use' to activate it
(forward makes it go faster). Best of all it runs down a lot of the
monsters in the tunnel. Note: at full speed the train will break
through the barrier and send you flying (not necessarily a bad thing
as you can still continue providing you can afford the health), use
the boxes to climb past the slime to the pipe.

Continue on and see what is happening at the Test Fire Chamber.
Its not a pretty sight, but that horrible monster needs to be killed┘
how convenient that it is sitting under a rocket engine. To fire the
engine and kill the critter, you must provide oxygen, power, and fuel.
To do this you must get past the tentacles┘.

You have two choices: you can walk and crouch past and descend to
the various hallways that lead to the controls rooms, or you can use
grenades or shotgun blasts to cause the tentacles to retreat briefly
(then you run for it, repeating the blast at every platform). When
going after the oxygen, fuel and power switches, remember: the order
is not important.

Oxygen & Fuel switches: Go down to the level directly below you,
and break the boards with your crowbar to exit the chamber. Cross the
bridge (hint: don't shoot at the alien on the bridge, those boxes
explode and will make you have to jump across) and follow the red and
blue pipes down the hallway. Break the sewer grate and drop into the
pipes, follow the pipe and turn left, then climb up.

Approach the huge fan and before pushing the button you'd better
save the game (this is dangerous). Hit the button and run up the
ladder hopefully avoiding the fan blades now in motion. Once the fan
hits full speed jump toward it and ride the air current up to the
boarded up ceiling (use your crowbar to break them). Use the vent to
get to the Oxygen/Fuel control room and activate both. Exit by using
the ladder and head back for the test chamber and the giant tentacle

Power switch: Descend to the lowest level, avoiding the tentacles
as you did before (explosives or skulking). The walkways have huge
holes in them and these jumps are tough, save first. It helps to look
downward to time the jump better.

Once across you will see a huge puddle of water on the floor
(this will become electrified soon, so you might want to arrange the
boxes to form a bridge now) move across it and enter the room. Avoid
or kill the fisher/tongue creatures that hang from the ceiling and
activate the elevator with the button.

Look to your right when it arrives; see that ladder? As the lift
descends, but before it breaks and falls, make a flying leap for that
ladder. Descend the ladder to the radioactive goo and piping. Walk on
the pipes to avoid damage. Find the generator room and activate both
switches (do not do this while on top of it though, or you'll become
all dead and crispy). Watch the spinning platform to get the timing
right and exit the generator room safely. Climb the ladder again, and
look for a platform to jump to.

Once you reach that puddle again you will either have it easy
(you made a box bridge before hand) or hard (you didn't); the
electrified pool is extremely damaging. If you have set up the boxes,
cross using them. If not you can move two crates to form a bridge most
of the way, but it will still cost you around 20 health to make it

Now that the oxygen, fuel, and power are on, you can make some
fried calamari by ascending to the top and hitting the now active test
fire button. Watch the tentacles go boom (you won't take damage if you
back away as far as you can go away from the window, but you'll miss a
pretty explosion).

Exit through the hole once occupied by the tentacle monster. Fall
through the center or you will die by hitting the slanted ground
first. Grab the .357 magnum at the bottom of the pool. Swim around
until you find a broken pipe to swim through, walk on the pipes until
you reach one suspended by cables.

Look across and see a very hard jump to an opening with a broken
grate. Make the jump and beware, the pipe ahead will break (note the
wall discoloration); if you fall with the pipe you will perish, so
jump back as it falls. Use the small ledges on the sides to make a
controlled descent into the room. Kill the head crab under the table
and collect the power-ups.

CHAPTER 6: Power Up

Through the tunnel you come upon an open area where there is a
massive firefight going on. A gargantuan armored alien beast is making
short work of a handful of the government's best and bravest. They
don't deserve your help; after all, haven't they been trying their
best to perforate your geeky skin? Make a break for the open
passageway (across from you, behind the beast) as soon as you can.
Waiting for the soldiers to die just makes the beastie gun for you
(not good).

When you reach the red doors, find the valve-wheel, turn it until
the doors open and climb up through the opening. Follow the signs to
the Power Generator (signs mark the route). Shoot the trip mines below
you, or simply send a detpack (those explosives you may have found)
down the elevator without you.

After the elevator take the stairs down to the bottom, enter the
flooded room (watch out, those fish-things pack a tiny bite, but you
can kill them with your crowbar) and destroy the boxes obstructin

Cilvēks aiz manis half life
I love Half life! Es to speli izgaju kaadas 5 reizes. ja nebutu nojudzies pedejais kompis, izietu to velkadu reizi! smile.gif

Cilveks aiz manis eed sashliku zupu.
Iww.. nekad par tādu nebiju dzirdējis huh.gif Bet šašlikus man patīīīīīīīk ēst :3

Cilvēks zem manis diezgan bieži "edito" savējos postus...

Cilveekam aiz manis apnika piipeet
Nav īsti bijis otrāds process, lai iesāktos apnikšanas process.

Cilvēks zem manis iekaros pasauli

cilvēks aiz manis tikko skatījās porno.
Nē. :< Pulkstens tak tikai astoņi!

Cilvēkam zem manis vienalga - diena vai nakts - porno ir labs jebkurā laikā!
Protams, ja vien ir izgludināts krekls

Cilvēks zem manis atrada mežā koku, kura stumbrā auga zāģi (tieši tādā veidā, ka var ņemt un zāģēt)
tādu vēl nav gadijies sastapt.

turpināsim mīļo porno tēmu..

cilvēks aiz manis skatās tikai live porno.
Nav gadījies.

Cilvēks aiz manis taisa/filmē live porno.
Hmm.. mēģinu atcerēties. Hmmm.. par porno gluži nenosauksi, tā ka ne.

Cilvēks zem manis ir raudājis, lasot Viktoru Igo vai skatoties porno
......kad tā burka saplīsa,es sāku ņirgt.

Cilvēks aiz manis negrib zināt par ko runāju.
2 girls 1 burka, extended version?

Cilvēks zem manis bieži kasa pautus arī sabiedrībā
man tādu nav, bet zinu, ka puiši tā mēdz darīt arī sabiedrībā. biggrin.gif

cilvēkam aiz manis šķiet, ka soft porn ir pārāk soft.
Aha piekritu biggrin.gif

Cilveks aiz manis satika roza ziloniti sapnos biggrin.gif
Es ... gandrīz nekad neatceros sapņus ._.

Cilvēks zem manis atceras savu sapni..

cilvēkam aiz manis nav e-talons
Guees what!

Cilvēks aiz manis izmanto zaķi.
QUOTE(Arts @ Mar 11 2009, 18:07) *

Cilvēks aiz manis izmanto zaķi.

Tavā teikumā sajutu pedofilisku piegaršu. Mamma man ar tādiem neļauj runāt unsure.gif

Cilvēkam zem manis peceļās garīgais kad viņam saka tukšus komplimentus.
Es jāju uz viņa. Vai nē.. es ESMU zaķis. O.o
Man tas riebjas

Cilvēks zem manis ir zīmējis grafitti
tikai ar stenciliem..

cilveks zem manis nekad nav bijis riga
es dzīvoju Rīgā

cilvēks zem manis ir tikko paēdis
tieši tā.

cilvēks aiz manis šodien ēda šokolādes kūku.
Diemžēl vai par laimi - nē.

Cilvēkam zem manis ir mašīnas tiesības.
Nē un kaut kā galīgi negribās, turklāt. Pietiek ar to, ka es protu piedabūt mašīnu kustēties.

QUOTE(Pj.. @ Mar 11 2009, 19:34) *

QUOTE(Arts @ Mar 11 2009, 18:07) *

Cilvēks aiz manis izmanto zaķi.

Tavā teikumā sajutu pedofilisku piegaršu. Mamma man ar tādiem neļauj runāt unsure.gif

BTW, Tava mamma ieliktu mani izolatorā laugh.gif

Cilvēks zem manis ir gājis uz Essential 4dienā, tikai tāpēc, ka par brīvu
Neeju klubos, bail, ka kāds man nepienāk ar šļirci pielaist kādu STS.

Cilvēks zem manis būtu gatavs mācīties 16h dienā, 7 dienas nedēļā, 7 nedēļas, ja pēc tam varētu saņemt liecību un vairs nekas nebūtu jādara tajā gadā. (P.S. kopā sanāk aptuvenais mācību stundu ilgums gadā)
Hmm... nez vai man tik daudz vajadzētu mācīties, lai dabūtu to lapiņu. Es nekad nepārcenšos visādā ziņā. Bet jā- ja tas man ietaupītu dzīvi, es labprātāk pati ātrgaitā mācītos, nevis ietu uz skolu.

Cilvēks zem manis uzskata, ka vismaz 50% no tā ko un kā pasniedz skolā ir bezjēdzīgs
Tā jau arī ir...

Cilvēks aiz manis raksta blogu!
Na'ah, gilfriend!

Cilvēks zem manis vēlas izpaust savu dzīves traģēdiju publiski pieejamos materiālos
Traģēdija ir pārāk izplūdis un apstrīdams jēdziens, lai par to vispār runātu. Turklāt es nezinu, vai manā dzīvē ir kas traģisks.

Cilvēks zem manis atkal jau nekaunīgi gulēja, nepildot savus tiešos pienākumus
nee, es vnk gulēju. tas tobrīd bija mans tiešais pienākums - izgulēties, kā jau katru nakti, lai es pēc tam spētu pildīt citus tiešos pienākumus nelūztot nost wink.gif

cilvēks zem manis pēdējā laikā ir saķēris vēdervīrusu.
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