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edit: diemzheel viss kas tika uzlikts uz ir ticis izdzeests un vairs no turienes nav pieejams. Taadeelj es saaku jaunu eksperimentu prieksh mDSL lietotaajiem ar bittorrent paliidziibu uz shii trakera - mDSL tracker ko nesen atradu - info par mDSL tracker, pirmais torrents ir uzlikts, tad jau redzees kaa taa lieta ies cool.gif Aatrums saakotneeji nebuus tik liels kaa no trubzaam, bet ja buus pietiekoshi cilveeku kas velk torrentu un peectam arii seedo, tad arii aatrums var buut tuvs trubzu aatrumam

Prieksh mDSL lietotaaju zinaashanas esmu uplodojis 1-26 no NGE uz kad tiks pabeigti veel chetras directors cut episodes, Death un jaunaa End of Evangelion versiju domaaju taas arii tur pat ielikt. Taa ka ja kaads ir ieintereseets lai dodas uz sho ftp un tad zem incoming/film/anime var to nokachaat ar lielu aatrumu

            «          Zhentarim DivX Presents          »

                          Title : Neon Genesis Evangelion [Renewal]
                          Parts : 26
                          Genre : Action / Sci-Fi
                    Release Date : April 2004

                  Feature Length : 24 Minutes
                            Size : 26x~350mb
                Audio Languages : Japanese 5.1 & english 2.0
                      Subtitles : English & German
                  Audio Encoding : He-Aac for 5.1 & Ogg Vorbis quality 3 for 2.0
                Video Frame Rate : 23.97 fps
                Video Resolution : 704x480 (Displayed in original 4:3 format)
                    Video Codec : DivX 5.11 with b-frames
                          Source : R2 NTSC DVD (video) R1 NTSC DVD (Eng audio & subs)
                          Ripper : Rayek


Retiming of the english audio done using cooledit pro to make it fit the new renewal frames.
VERY tiring at times, no 2 eps have the same values, and fooling to much around in one session
added mysterious background noise, thus a lot of tests & swearing invsted in each ep.

Great source, a little noisy. Some pixie, warpsharp & a tad of spatial smoothing did the trick tho.
Almost ridicilously high bitrate, as the aim for 350mb was done with 6chan ogg in mind.
The arrival of he-aac made it possible to make great rips at 233mb with 5.1, but since this is more of a "special treat"
then a reencode, its not a disaster to have a higher video bitrate is it? tongue.gif
Those with older cpus might get some playback issues, but when you later invest in a new pc you'll dig it smile.gif

Big thumbs up to Mentar for taking care of the subs!


BUY this if you like it.
Then you get the damn ac3 that ppl have nagged about as well, and no dub track. (was also nagged about)
But, no subs... happy.gif

papildus info var izlasiit sheit - AR Evangelion release un te ar - Evangelion un New End of Eva coming

ja probleemas ar atskanoshanu [izskataas ka nav 4:3, vai probleemas ar tiishanu utt] - Zhentarim playback FAQ
paprovēju novilku un aplauzos tos tavus nge jautājums ar ko lai skatās mkv formatu sanaca man bs playeri dabūt video bet audio bija tik eng celinš ko saprotams man nafig nevajag tādat vai tu lūdzu nevarētu ieteikt kādus kodekus un kādu playeri vajag lai skatītos tavu versiju
vispā trubas ļoti neslikts resurss vispā varētu varbūt es tur ielādēt kaut ko ^^ vinīgais admins moš mūs tur drīz iznīcinas jo saaksim aizņemt padaudz vietas ^^
.mkv ir Matroska formaats.. zinamaa meeraa pat labaaks par .ogm (kas gan ir nedaudz populaaraaks)
ar VideoLAN VLC domāt ka *.mkv iet bez problēmām...
-How do I play it?
You need two things: our playback pack and divx 5.2.1 for the best possible
decoding. You can get the playback pack here:
and divx from While you can decide which parts to install we recommend
that you select everything since you will most likely need it. Zoomplayer should also
be used to view the files since it supports all the features of mkv, playing them in
the normal media player will most likely play all audio streams at once. At the end of
the playback pack installer you'll be asked if your computer is 1.5GHz or faster, this
determines some of the initial settings which can easily be changed later. See
"minimum requirements" for a more detailed description.

manuprāt te viss ir skaidri un gaishi pateikts - vinju playback paku[arii ir uz ftp] var likt bez lieka uztraukuma - tur tikai nepicieshamie directshow filtri un zoomplayer [kursh ir ieteicamais players], ja nevar dabuut skanju tad visdriizaak tev nav aac directshow filtrs. bez tam zoomplayeri vajag lai aspect ratio ir uz derived lai pareizi atteelotu anamorphic codeetu video.

par videolan - vinjs speelees bet tur var nebuut pareiz aspect ratio, ja pats manuaali neuzspiezh 4:3. jo pagaidaam vieniigie playeri kas pareizi atbalst anamorphisko video, kas ir viena no mkv jaunajaam iespeejaam, ir Zoomplayer un The Core Media Player(TCMP)

par anamorphic -
-It looks stretched! (or what does anamorphic mean)
This means you're using a player that doesn't support aspect ratio correction or that
vsfilter is trying to extended the image to 4:3 (which it does with the default
settings. Set it to original image size and use a player which supports it to fix the

Many newer mkv encodes are anamorphic which means that the pixels themselves don't
have a 1:1 aspect ratio which is assumed in avi and ogm. This allows encoding without
having to resize the source which keeps a lot more detail, especially for 16:9 movies.

bet izlasot playback FAQ - tur visam ir atbildes

lai paarbaudiitu vai players pareizi uztur AspectRatio correction ar anamorphic video shai vietaa var dabuut test video - AspectRatio test for anamorphic playback
viss keksā paldies par iespēju novilkt seriālu ja ir kādi requesti es ar priekš tevīm Revol varu tur kau ko uzmest
prieks dzirdeet ka viss sanaaca smile.gif requesti taa iisti nenaak praataa, bet ja ir iespeeja labpraat redzeetu ko var piedaavaat rolleyes.gif

btw: es turpat pie NGE ieliku arii savu anime listi, taa ka ja ir kaut kas, kas baigi interesee - suutiet PM vai email, gan jau vareetu veel ko tur uzmest. cool.gif
2x2 = SHINOBUDEN [dathsqad]
Daphne in the Brilliant Blue [lunar]
DearS [Anime-Keep]
Full Metal Alchemist [anbu] liidz 40 ep
Ghost.In.The.Shell 2
Girls Bravo [lunar]
Gokusen live action
Hana Yori Dango whsrip
Mezzo DSA (hz kaada grupa)
Naruto [aone-anbu]
Paranoia Agent [aone]
Ragnarok The Animation [shinsen ragnamart]
GunGrave liidz 11 ep
Samurai Champloo [aone] [af-f]
Tenjou Tenge [aone] [anime station]
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex
OnePiece [93-102 ep] +special + mowie
Elfen Lied
Hiakru no Go
shitas man laikam pashlaik ir uz harda sarksats mosh nav preciizs uz dvd ir veel dfg kaa tam saraksta nav un to arii gruutaak buus dabuut jo probleemas muuzhiigaas ar free space , jan o shitaa kau ko vajag varu uz trubaam uplodeet
Peec Saiko requesta pashlaik tiek uploadots Midori no Hibi [A-E], pashlaik ir pirmaas divas seerijas jau uz ftp, visam pabeigtam vajadzeetu buut peec kaadaam stundaam 15-20. Esmu sanjeemis veel paaris requestus, ko uzlikt peec tam vai nu veelaak pats izdomaashu vai uztaisiishu poll.

ja vari uzliec kaadas pirmaas seerijas Full Metal Alchemist vai Hikaru no Go
Piebildīšu ka arī kabeļTV Livas lietotāji arī var tikt klātu biggrin.gif
Nja, stulbums ar tiem jaunajiem mDSL IP - Lielākā daļa DC hubu mani uzskata par ārzemnieku un tie nav tikai hubi, tādēļ atkal rodas jautājums - kāpēc es?! rolleyes.gif
atkal izradzeetie mDSL lietotāji dry.gif
ielaadeeju paaris Hikaru no GO sakum epizodes ja kaadam ir veelme leenam varu turpinaat uplodeet visu serialu 75 epas ph34r.gif
Lielumlielais PALDIES
Revol un kaarleenam smile.gif

Taa turpinaat!
Es varu tur Trigun iemest, ja kādu interesē...
vajaga to resursu privatizēt laugh.gif
izskataas ka vinjs ir pilns uz doto briidi, nevaru pabeigt Midori no Hibi uzlikshanu - met pretii ka "Disk full - please upload later", taa ka uz peedeejaam 5 seerijaam buus japagaida ilgaak.
Kas tas taads vispaar ir par ftp://?
QUOTE(Rune @ Oct 28 2004, 00:49)
Kas tas taads vispaar ir par ftp://?

ar ftp:// saakas FTP serveru adreses, tur var piekljuut gan ar parastu web paarluuku gan ar speciaalaam FTP client programaam kas nodroshina vairaak iespeeju un eertaaku darboshanos.
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is the best means for moving large files across the Internet. FTP is a client/server protocol that enables a user with an FTP client to log on to a remote machine, navigate the file system of that remote machine, and upload and download files from that machine. There are two basic types of FTP on the Internet, anonymous ftp and private ftp. With anonymous ftp, one logs in as user anonymous, giving one's email address as a password. With private FTP, one logs in with the username and password one has established on that particular system. You are logged into your home directory, with all the file permissions you would normally have there.

Shis [] ir FTP serveris no kura mDSL interneta lietotaaji var kachaat tur uzliktos failus ar daudz lielaaku aatrumu [~100-200 kb/s] nekaa no interneta vispaareeji [max ~32kb/s].
dzonis, sore, cik nu priviligjeeti ir maksaat 20 lashus meenesii?
QUOTE(Outlawz @ Oct 28 2004, 01:58)
dzonis, sore, cik nu priviligjeeti ir maksaat 20 lashus meenesii?

Vo-vo dry.gif
Uzliešu vēl sāli uz brūces un piebildīšu ka Somijā vai Zviedrijā par tiem pašiem 30 Eiro (tie paši 18-20Ls) mēnesī var dabūt DSL pieslēgumu līdz 2Mbit, pie tam ne jau lokālo vien
Šis ... (cenzēts) trafika dalījums "vietējais" un "starptautiskais" pastāv tikai ex-PSRS valstīs. Pie tam arī jau vairs ne visās.
Varbūt var samesties lielākam HDD?
Teiksim kādus Ls5 no cilv utml?
Tikai ieteikums...
QUOTE(Taka @ Oct 28 2004, 08:29)
QUOTE(Outlawz @ Oct 28 2004, 01:58)
dzonis, sore, cik nu priviligjeeti ir maksaat 20 lashus meenesii?

Vo-vo dry.gif
Uzliešu vēl sāli uz brūces un piebildīšu ka Somijā vai Zviedrijā par tiem pašiem 30 Eiro (tie paši 18-20Ls) mēnesī var dabūt DSL pieslēgumu līdz 2Mbit, pie tam ne jau lokālo vien
Šis ... (cenzēts) trafika dalījums "vietējais" un "starptautiskais" pastāv tikai ex-PSRS valstīs. Pie tam arī jau vairs ne visās.

nu ka lai saka..seezju uz koju 1mb neta kuru parsvaraa aizsitu es un kursh bez maxas, bet (!!) torentu nav, dc ar nav, par eezeli, kazu un citiem dziivniekiem var aizmirst un te ar ftp tika mdsl lietotaajiem...manaa skatiijuma taa ir privileedjija
Bītīt matos!
Tu lieto inetu par velti un gribi lai tev VISS būtu ļauts??? blink.gif
Pasaki paldies, ka vispār vari inetu lietot bez maksas.
Šī "privilēģija" ir par naudu. Domāju, ka ja tu maksātu par savu koju inetu kādu naudiņu arī varētu sūkt ko sirds vēlas.
Par šo "tikai mDSL":
DSL lietotāju pieslēguma ātrums ir 2Mbit downstream/512Kbit upstream.
Bet! Tikai līdz BBRASam. Tas nozīmē ka ar 2Mbit ātrumu tu vari sūknēt tikai telekoma tīkla iekšpusē.
Pa Latviju jau paliek tikai 256/64 bet ārzemes - kas pāri paliks...
Tāpēc DSL lietotāji priecājas par iespēju izmantot FTP serveri, kurš ir telekoma tīkla iekšpusē un ar kuru var strādāt "uz pilnu klapi".
Tikai DSL lietotājiem tāpēc, ka ārējās trubas nav no gumijas.
Ja būs megatrafiks šo resursu piegriezīs. Ceru ka saproti, ka cilvēks, kurš atļāvās šo resursu piedāvāt, riskē ar savu ādu.
Nu vismaz ar nepatīkamu sarunu ar priekšniecību, kad atklāsies nenormāls ārējs trafiks. Iekšējo trafiku, savukārt, neviens neskaita.

Es lietoju internetu no kabeļtelevīzijas Livas.
Ziepniekkalnā viņi izmanto telekoma trubas tāpēc mana IP arī ir no mDSL adrešu lauka un es varu tikt klāt.
zinu tos dsl pribumbasus un es (un ne tikai)buut ar mieru maxaat, ja tik pieliktu jaudu un sho to atveertu
tas servaks uzstaadiits uz darba kompja vai kaa tas bij jaasaprot ar to priekshnieciibu? huh.gif
Precīzi nezinu, bet cik sapratu tad tieši tā.
Kāds telekoma darbinieks pacenties priekš saviem klientiem smile.gif
Dzonis tad jau cita lieta smile.gif
ka tik tas darbinieks nesak aktīvi delte spiest uz anime sadaļu hikaru no go ar nevaru turpināt
es būtu priecīgs, ja kāds uploadotu Ninja Scroll ar *.avi nevis *.mkv (kas tas vispār par formātu blink.gif ) līdz pat pēdējai ep. un Samurai 7 no 2 ep uz augšu.
QUOTE(Outlawz @ Oct 28 2004, 15:10)
*.mkv (kas tas vispār par formātu  blink.gif )

Pasties pirmos postos, tur bija links uz kodeku.

Vienīgi laikam jāiedod mans movie lists biggrin.gif. Diemžēl tur nav svaigākā informācija. sad.gif
Jau būs kāds mēnesis kopš neesmu atjaunojis savu movie listi.

Te nu būs movie liste: - 2 CD RF
[SB] 36th Chamber Of Shaolin, The - CD
[SB] Bamboo House of Dolls - 1 CD Finale
[SB] Clans of Intrigue - 2 CD MHK ([A&AM]Munchiehk)
[SB] Come Drink With Me - 1 CD
[SB] Let's Make Laugh - 1 CD WRD
[SB] Love in a Fallen City - 1 CD imbt
[SB] Mad Monkey Kung Fu - 1 CD
[SB] Magic Blade, The - 1 CD RETRO
[SB] New One-Armed Swordsman - 1 CD Phalanx
[SB] One-Armed Swordsman - 1 CD phalanx
[SB] Return of the One-Armed Swordsman - 1 CD phalanx
[SB] Shaolin Mantis - 1 CD phalanx
[SB] Shaolin Temple - 2 CD d-c-t
1-Ichi - CD SiCK
2000 AD - 1 CD
2009 Lost Memories - 2 CD
Accidental Spy, The - 2 CD newmov
Agitator - 2 CD dino
All About Lily Chou-Chou - 3 CD SKY
Animatrix, The - CD
Apocalypse Now Redux (uncut) - 3 CD WAF
Aragami - 2 CD NXS
Arahan - 3 CD CiMG
Armour of God - 2 CD
Armour of God 2: Operation Condor - 1 CD
Art Museum by the Zoo - 2 CD WAF
As Tears Go By - 4 CD MHK ([A&AM]Munchiehk)
Ashes of Time - 1 CD
Assassin, The - 1 CD
Attack the Gas Station - 2 CD WAF
Audition - 2 CD NtJ
Autumn's Tale, An - 2 CD RoCo
Avalon - 2 CD iNOS
Avenging Fist, The - 2 CD MrCJ
Azumi - 3 CD NXS
Ballistic Kiss - 1 CD
Band of Brothers - 10 CD DEiTY
Battle Royale - 2 CD
Battle Royale II - 2 CD PROMiSE
Beautiful Boxer - 2 CD PoD
Better Tomorrow 2, A - 2 CD WAF
Better Tomorrow 3, A - 2 CD WAF
Better Tomorrow, A - 2 CD WAF
Beyond Hypothermia - 1 CD GoDSMaCK
Bichunmoo - 2 CD
Big Boss, The - 2 CD ACE
Big Heat, The - 1 CD phalanx [ACF]
Blade, The - 1 CD
Blue Gate Crossing - 1 CD imbt
Blue Light, The - 2 CD nixx
Blue Spring - 2 CD X7
Body Weapon - 1 CD vm-bw
Boot, Das - 3 CD MrAD
Border Line - 1 CD iMBT
Boys Are Easy - 1 CD
Breaking News - 2 CD RoCo
Bride with White Hair 2, The - 1 CD PosTX
Bride with White Hair, The - 1 CD
Brother - 1 CD
Bullet in the Head - 2 CD APEX
Butterfly and Sword - 1 CD NTF ([A&AM] Nine Tail Fox)
Carry On Pickpocket - 1 CD
Cast Away - 2 CD
Change the Life - 2 CD
Chihwaseon - 3 CD WAF
Chinese Ghost Story II, A - 2 CD WAF
Chinese Ghost Story III, A - 2 CD WAF
Chinese Ghost Story, A - 2 CD WAF
Chop Socky: Cinema Hong Kong - 1 CD iMBT
Christmas in August - 2 CD
Chungking Express - 2 CD
Circle, The - 2 CD glis
City on Fire - 1 CD javaopera
City War - 1 CD SKY
Classic. The - 2 CD
Cradle 2 the Grave - 2 CD WAF
Dance of a Dream - 2 CD RoCo
Dances with Wolves - 4 CD WAF
Dark Water - CD
Days of Being Wild - 2 CD MHK ([A&AM]Munchiehk)
Dead Friend - 2 CD CiMG
Dead or Alive - 1 CD
Dead or Alive 2: Birds - 1 CD PosTX
Deadful Melody - 1 CD
Deadly Outlaw: Rekka - 1 CD VOMiT
Demon City Shinjuku - 1 CD
Dersu Uzala - 2 CD
Ditto - 2 CD MOJiS
Doll Master - 2 CD CiMG
Dolls - 2 CD
Dr. Wai and the Scripture Without Words - 1 CD
Dragon Chronicles - 2 CD TheyCallMeBruce (TCMB)
Dragon Head - 2 CD PoD
Dragon Inn - 1 CD LungYiChi [ACF]
Dragon Inn (uncut) - 2 CD WAF
Dragon Lord - 1 CD YO!
Dragons Forever - 1 CD
Dreadnaught - 1 CD
Drunken Master - 2 CD ACE
Drunken Master 2 - 2 CD ACE
Duel, The - 2 CD BoLa
Eagle Shooting Heroes, The - 1 CD GD
Eagle's Claw - 1 CD
Eastern Condors - 2 CD PoD
Emperor and The Assassin, The - 2 CD QiX
Enter the Dragon - 2 CD aFLD
Extreme Crisis - 1 CD VoMiT
Eye, The - 1 CD
Face - 2 CD RoCo
Failan - 2 CD
Farewell My Concubine - 3 CD WAF
Fight, Zatoichi, Fight - 1 CD SAPHiRE
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within - 2 CD
Fire Dragon - 1 CD
Fist of Legend - 1 DVD
Fists of Fury - 2 CD ACE
Five Venoms - 1 CD bloodweiser
Fong Sai Yuk - 2 CD
Fong Sai Yuk 2 - 2 CD
Forrest Gump - 2 CD
Fox with Nine Tails - 2 CD
Friend - 3 CD WAF
Full Contact - 1 CD
Fulltime Killer - 2 CD iRB
Game of Death - 2 CD ACE
Ghost in the Shell - 2 CD KT
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence - 2 CD WAF
Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex - 13 CD iNOS
Ghost of the Mirror - 1 CD boblejet [ACF]
God of Cookery - 1 CD
God of Gamblers - 1 CD
Gojoe - 2 CD SKY
Golden Chicken - 2 CD MHK ([A&AM]Munchiehk)
Gonin 2 - 1 CD RETRO
Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The - 2 CD
Gozu - 2 CD LymdG
Grave of the Fireflies - 2 CD iNOS
Graveyard of Honor - ? CD koRyu
Green Mile - 2 CD
Green Tea - 2 CD SUM
Hana-bi - 1 CD
Hand of Death - 2 CD FTV
Happiness of the Katakuris, The - 2 CD SKY
Hard-Boiled - 3 CD APEX
Haunted Office - 1 CD SiCK
Heart of Dragon - 1 CD YO!
Heat Team - 2 CD SUM
Hero - 2 CD
Hero of Swallow, The - 1 CD
Hidden Fortress - 2 CD
High Noon - 2 CD
High Risk - 2 CD eht (acf)
Hitman - 1 CD
Hong Kong 1941 - 1 CD iMBT
Ice Rain - 2 CD PoLo
Iceman Cometh, The - 2 CD ACF
Ichi the Killer - 2 CD LiGHTNiNG
Il Mare - 2 CD WAF
In the Line of Duty IV - 1 CD Vortex
In the Mood for Love - 2 CD RoCo
Incredible Kung Fu Master, The - 1 CD
Infernal Affairs - 2 CD
Infernal Affairs 2 - 2 CD iMBT
Infernal Affairs 3: End Inferno - 2 CD iMBT
Inspector Wears Skirts, The - 1 CD [ACF] Artur
Iron Fisted Monk - 1 CD
Iron Monkey - 2 CD MHK Muchniek
Isle, The - 2 CD ntsc
Jakarta - 2 CD RoCo
Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade - 2 CD iNOS
Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade EXTRAS - 1 CD iNOS
JSA: Joint Security Area - 2 CD
Ju-on: The Grudge - 2 CD
Ju-on: The Grudge 2 - 2 CD WAF
Kikoku - 2 CD WarsaWDVDRip
Kikujiro no natsu - 2 CD ShareReactor
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (uncut) - 2 CD iNCiTE
Killer, The - 2 CD APEX
Kiss of the Dragon - CD
Knockabout - CD
Koshonin - 2 CD WarsaWDVDRip
Kung Fu Cult Master, The - 2 CD APEX
Kunoichi Lady Ninja - 1 CD tetre
Langoliers - 2 CD
Laputa: Castle in the Sky - 3 CD iNOS
Last Hero in China - 1 CD
Legend of Evil Lake, The - 2 CD rf
Legend of Zu, The - 2 CD
Ley Lines - 1 CD paul-scream22
Lhorn - 1 CD VALiOMEDiA
Longest Nite, The - 1 CD
Lost in Time - 2 CD TLF
Loyal 47 Ronin, The - 2 CD
Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro - 1 CD
Magnificent Butcher - 2 CD WAF
Magnificent Warriors - 1 CD
Matrix Reloaded Extras - 1 CD
Matrix Reloaded, The - 2 CD CBK
Matrix Revolutions, The - 2 CD WAF
Matrix, The - 2 CD
Medallion, The - 2 CD
Memories of Murder - 3 CD WAF
Memories of Murder EXTRAS - 2 CD CBK
Metropolis - 3 CD iNOS
Miracles - 2 CD
Modern Yakuza: Outlaw Killer - 1 CD WRD
Mulholland Dr. - 2 CD
Multiple Personality Detective Psycho - Kazuhiko Amamiya Returns - 6 CD warsawdvdrip
Musa - 3 CD SKY
My Father is a Hero - 1 CD
My Lucky Stars 2: Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Stars - 1 CD YO!
My Sassy Girl - 3 CD WAF
My Wife is a Gangster 2 - 2 CD AXiNE
Naked Killer - 1 CD psycko
Naked Weapon - 2 CD AndyHsu
Neon Genesis Evangelion - 13 CD iNOS
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth - 2 CD iNOS
Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion - 2 CD iNOS
Nightmare - 1 CD
Ninja in the Dragon's Den - 1 CD BLooDWeiSeR
Ninja Scroll - 3 CD iNOS
Odd Couple - 1 CD
Oldboy - 2 CD MoNG
Oldboy EXTRAS - 2 CD PoLo
Once a Thief - 2 CD KT
Once Upon a Time in China - 2 CD
Once Upon a Time in China 2 - 2 CD
Once Upon a Time in China 3 - 2 CD
Once Upon a Time in China 4 - 1 CD
Once Upon a Time in China and America - 2 CD
One Nite in Mongkok - 2 CD TLF
One, The - 1 CD
Ong Bak - 2 CD
Onmyoji 2 - 2 CD KT
Owl's Castle - 2 CD ACE
Phone - 2 CD
Police Story - 2 CD NewMov
Police Story 2 - 2 CD NewMov
Police Story 3: Supercop - 2 CD NewMov
Pom Pom - 1 CD Artur (ACF)
Pom Pom Strikes Back - 1 CD Artur (ACF)
Porco Rosso - 3 CD iNOS
Princess Mononoke - 3 CD iNOS
Prison on Fire - 1 CD
Prodigal Son, The - 2 CD
Project S - 1 CD
PTU - 2 CD r0b
Rahxephon - CD
RahXephon Tagen Hensoukyoku - 2 CD PoLo
Rainy Dog - 1 CD kitanai
Ran - 3 CD ZEN
Rashomon - 1 CD iNOS
Razor 2: The Snare - 1 CD kfc
Razor: Sword of Justice, The - 1 CD kfc
Red Shadow - 2 CD NiXX
Return of Pom Pom, The - 1 CD Artur (ACF)
Returner - 2 CD WRD
Righting Wrongs - 1 CD TheDadDyMan
Ring - 1 CD
Ring 0: Birthday - 1 CD
Ring 2 - 1 CD
Road Home, The - 2 CD Laugh|nGMan
Road to Perdition - 2 CD
Royal Tramp 2 - 1 CD
Royal Warriors - 1 CD phalanh (ACF)
Running out of Time - 2 CD Munchiehk
Rush Hour 2 - 2 CD
Sabu - 2 CD rokurota
Samaria - 2 CD MoNG
Samurai 1: Musashi Miyamoto - 1 CD SAPHiRE
Samurai 2: Duel at Ichijoji Temple - 1 CD SAPHiRE
Samurai 3: Duel on Ganryu Island - 1 CD SAPHiRE
Samurai Reincarnation - 1 CD
Samurai Resurrection - 1 CD
Saving Private Ryan - 4 CD WAF
Scissors - 1 CD
Seventh Curse, The - 1 CD
Sex is Zero - 2 CD
Shane - 2 CD
Shanghai Knights - 2 CD
Shanghai Shanghai - 2 CD
Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu - 1 CD
Shaolin Drunken Monk - 1 CD
Shaolin Kung Fu - 1 CD
Shaolin Soccer - 1 CD
Shaolin Temple 2: Kids from Shaolin - 2 CD
Shaolin Temple, The - 2 CD NtJ
Shaolin Wooden Men - 1 CD
Shinjuku Triad Society - 2 CD paul-scream22
Shogun's Ninja - 1 CD GREiD
Shogun's Samurai, The - 2 CD SAPHiRE
Shrek - 2 CD
Shrek 2 - 2 CD WAF
Silmido - 3 CD WAF
Skinny Tiger & Fatty Dragon - 2 CD Munchiehk
Sky High - 2 CD EDRP
Snake in the Eagle's Shadow - 1 CD
So Close - 2 CD KT
Sonatine - 2 CD
Sorum - 1 CD PosTX
Spiritual Kung Fu - 1 CD
Spooky Encounters - 1 DVD
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring - 2 CD RF
Ssagaji My Honey - 2 CD RF
Stagecoach - 1 CD
Story of Ricky - 1 CD
Sugata Sanshiro - 2 CD
Swiri - 2 CD
Sword of Vengeance 3 - 1 CD
Sword, The - 2 CD arundel
Swordsman - 2 CD
Swordsman 2 - 2 CD
Swordsman III: East Is Red - 2 CD arundel [acf]
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - 2 CD
Taboo - 1 CD QiX
Taegukgi - 3 CD PosTX
Take Care of My Cat - 2 CD WAF
Tale of Two Sisters - 3 CD CiMG
Three Swordsmen, The - 2 CD
Throne of Blood - 1 CD YYddr
Tiger Cage - 1 CD
Tiger on Beat - 1 CD
Time and Tide - 2 CD 9FisH
To Err Is Humane - 1 CD Artur (ACF)
Tokyo Raiders - 1 CD
Touch of Zen, A - 2 CD MV3
Tuxedo, The - 2 CD
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me - 2 CD
Twin Warriors - 1 CD
Twins Effect - 2 CD
U Turn - 2 CD
Uninvited - 2 CD RF
Uzumaki - 1 CD CuLT
Versus - 2 CD
Vibrator - 1 CD WRD
Victim - 1 CD hanstyle
Victim, The - 1 CD
Visitor Q - 1 CD SOUTHSiDE
Volcano High - 2 CD
Warriors of Heaven and Earth - 2 CD TLF
Warriors of the Wind - 2 CD TLF
Warriors Two - 1 CD
Way Home, The - 2 CD
Way of the Dragon - 2 CD ACE
Wesley's Mysterious File, The - 1 CD
Wheels on Meals - 2 CD
When the Last Sword is Drawn - 2 CD GISO
Wild Bunch, The - 2 CD
Windstruck - 2 CD PoLo
Wing Chun - 1 CD
Winners and Sinners - 1 CD
Women's Private Parts - 1 CD
Wonder Seven - 1 CD
Yes, Madam - 1 CD [ACF] Artur
Yin Yang Master, The - 2 CD WAF
Yojimbo - 1 CD
You've Got Mail - 1 CD
Zatoichi - 2 CD SAPHiRE
Zatoichi - 2 CD AXiNE
Zatoichi and the Chess Expert - 1 CD SAPHiRE
Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold - 1 CD Finale
Zatoichi and the Doomed Man - 1 CD FiNaLe
Zatoichi and the Fugitives - 1 CD AEN
Zatoichi Goes to the Fire Festival - 1 CD SAPHiRE
Zatoichi Meets the One Armed Swordsman - 1 CD Saphire
Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo - 2 CD TheWretched
Zatoichi on the Road - 1 CD FiNaLe
Zatoichi the Outlaw - 1 CD SAPHiRE
Zatoichi's Flashing Sword - 1 CD SAPHiRE
Zatoichi's Vengeance - 1 CD AEN
Zebraman - 2 CD PoD
Zoku Sugata Sanshiro - 2 CD
Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain - 2 CD

Diemžēl anime man pārsvarā pilnmetrāžas, tā kā izvēle ir maza sad.gif
njaaa.... milziigs saraksts

varbuut vareetu "silmido" ph34r.gif
Apskaties te un uploado uz servu visu ko vari ja nav žēl
uz šito ftp kāds varētu Mezzo Forte ielikt, jo diemžēl animefestā nevarēju būt līdz beigām unsure.gif
Taks, ielēju Trigun 1. epizodi, ja patiksies - varu ieliet visu.
Aizņem ap 5.7GB
Vai anime festivālā KITE bija UNCUT?!

Pašlaik es esmu darbā. Bet vakarā noteikti uzmetīšu uz ftp Jūsu pieprasītās filmas.
īpaši, lūdzu, My beautiful girl, Mary!
OOOOO! Kas par daasnu piedaavaajumu! Ljoti luudzu Jin-Roh The wolf brigade smile.gif
paldies Revol par Midori no Hibi smile.gif
QUOTE(Outlawz @ Nov 1 2004, 16:30)
īpaši, lūdzu, My beautiful girl, Mary!

Man tādas nav.

QUOTE(Sigfa @ Nov 1 2004, 16:30)
OOOOO! Kas par daasnu piedaavaajumu! Ljoti luudzu Jin-Roh The wolf brigade

Vakar ftp bija pilns sad.gif
Bet šodien no rīta izskatās ka ftp ir nedaudz patīrīts. Tā kā man uz hdd mētājās Jin-Roh Extras, tad pie reizes uzmetīšu šo materiālu.

Jin-Roh ekstras ir uz ftp. Tiklīdz atbrīvosies vieta uz ftp, uzmetīšu arī Jin-Roh multeni un Ninja Scroll
Naakoshai anime ko saaku likt uz ir "Blue Submarine No. 6"

            «          Zhentarim DivX Presents          »

                          Title : Blue Submarine 6
                        AnimeNFO :,81,loiq...submarine_.html
                          Parts : 4
                          Genre : Action / Sci-fi
                    Release Date :
                  Feature Length : 30min x 3/40min x 1
                            Size : ~350mb each

                Audio Languages : Japanese 5.1 HEAAC, English 2.0 OGG
                      Subtitles : English
                  Audio Encoding : HEAAC,OGG
                Video Frame Rate : 23.97 with VFR
                Video Resolution : 640x480
                    Video Codec : Divx 5.1
                          Source : R1 NTSC
                          Ripper : werthles


How to use divx5.ogm files:
  If you haven't set up your system for Ogg and DivX5 playback, check
  our FAQ on this URL:

Encoding Notes:
  Some VFR needed for the credits. I used SSIQ to eliminate the horrible
  rainbowing that was present. Another note: there is horrible dotcrawl
  in the episodes, but in order to eliminate it I would have had to
  eliminate the overall quality. So what you see is the best I could get

Credits: Come visit our web page at

BUY it!  If you like this, please support the creators of this anime
  by purchasing it.

ja interesee tad driiz tur buus uzlikts [protams ja trubzaam nebeigsies vieta dry.gif ]

shis nu ir virsuu uz ftp - visi kam vajag uz priekshu cool.gif
šajā sakarā, es kā mājas DSL lietotājs, vēlos izteikt LIELU PALDIES visiem tiem, kas uz tā ftp uploado!
Pirmkaart liels paldies tam cilveekam kursh uztaisiija to FTP serveri, preksh mums MDSL lietotaajiem
Otrkaart paldies visiem tiem kas uploado tur anime, it iipashi Revol'tam.
Treshkart paldies adminiem par sho forumu. wink.gif Laiks veidot Latvian anime comunity!


Liels sveiciens Laugh|nGMan'am!
Ilgi neesmu tevi redzeejis.
Beidzot es sev piesleedzu MDSL, un tagad buushu online 24hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sho meenesi buushu visu laiku pie datora, jo esmu sev salauzis mugurkaula skriemeli un man ir gultas reziims.
(Tagad pierodu rakstiit un skatiities anime guljus) rolleyes.gif Tapeec noleemu nopietni nodarboties ar anime skatiishanos un downlodoshanu. tongue.gif

Sveiciens arii visiem pareejiem shii foruma memberiem.

Ehhh...... delj savas muguras nokaveeju AnimeFest. Velns....
Te jau jaasaka iisteniiba ir "veseljojies, un audzee stiprus kaulus!"
Nja, nav ljaunuma bez labuma, tas arii jaasaka smile.gif

Apsveicu tevi ar mDSL pieslēgšanu.
Bet pats galvenais skaties āzijas filmas, anime un VESEĻOJIES.

Šonakt uz sanāca uzmest NINJA SCROLL (jubei ninpucho) pirmo cd, bet otram un trešajam cd nepalika vietas sad.gif
stulbi kautkaa. vareetu tam servukam noziedot bish preiksh jauna cietnja.
Jā, pārs Tb nenāktu par skādi tongue.gif
Es ar vareetu piemest jaunajam HDD. Un lai tur vareetu uplodot tikai anime. smile.gif
Jûbei ninpûchô (1995) aka "Ninja Scroll" visi 3cd ir uzmesti uz
Un vēl viens anime nu ir atradis vietu uz un tas ir - Puni Puni Poemi

Puni Puni Poemi


                          Encode Details
Title:  Puni Puni Poemi
Episodes:  2 
Episodes Complete:  All
Video Codec:  XviD 
Container:  MKV
Video Dimensions:  640x480 
Average Video Bit rate:  1776
Aspect Ratio:  1.33 : 1 Fullscreen 
Frame Rate:  VFR
Encoder:  Kaverin     
Audio:  Japanese / English / English Commentary 
Sub Tracks:  English (Vobsub), Titles and Signs (Vobsub), Weird Subs (Vobsub)
Audio Codec:  HE-AAC 
DVD Source:  R1
Project Start Date:  09Oct2004 
Project End Date:  01Nov2004



  When evil aliens kill Poemi Watanabe's parents, she doesn't get mad, she gets revenge... but first she moves in with the seven crazy Aasu sisters, discovers the magic power of dead fish, develops a serious crush on a local octopus, experiences the bizarre and varied wonders and joys of fighting terrorists, S&M, giant robots and becoming a super hero... all while pursuing her REAL ambition of becoming a professional voice actress! From the creators of Excel Saga, it's the weirdest, wildest, rudest, and out and out most demented anime ever made.

Encoder Comments:
This is a pretty wild little series. It's a spin off of Excel Saga so it has the same sort of crazy humor that pokes fun at nearly everything with the difference that this really goes over the edge (if there is an edge). It's littered with references to all sorts of other series, real life events, and even lots of fanservice, especially evident in Shii's extremely large breasts which she just loves to flaunt and play with and Itsue's job as a dominatrix in a local sex club. The flow of the series is kind of spastic and hard to follow at times but that is a reflection of Kobayashi's (a.k.a Poemi) personality since she would probably explode if she had to stay still for any given length of time. I recommend that viewers watch both of the dubs on this because they're both really funny, and the high speed of the subs could be hard to read. It's somewhat like GoldenBoy too where the English dub is a bit more crude and thus funnier, like in some of the dialog between Nabeshin and Kobayashi. There is also a commentary track that is provided by the director and cast of the English dub that gives a bit of insight on what the dubbers go through before and during the process of producing the dub which is pretty interesting. Even though it is pretty short, I think this is one of the best OVAs out there, and I think most people would agree once they saw it. I hope you enjoy watching it.

Nākošais tiek uploadots - RahXephon - sīkāks info sekos vēlākā postā
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