QUOTE(Church @ Jul 30 2007, 22:56)

tieshi taa. taa kaa vairums neciesh emo, vairums veelaas sheit redzeet kosheriigu / aspraatiigu / humoristisku / nezheeliigu konkreetaas subkultuuras nolikshanu zem zemes, nevis maigus spriedeleejumus par teemu

Q: How many Emos does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: None. They'd rather sit in the dark & cry.
i wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself
If a blonde and an emo kid jump off a building and hit the ground at the same time, who dies first?
The blonde, she drowns in the emo kid's tears.
What is the best kind of pizza? An emo pizza because it cuts itself.
Emo is to music as Terrorism is to society.
My emo friend's hair ate his face.
I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend, but could you go cut yourself elsewhere?
Drive an emo insane:
Put 'em in a round room and tell them to go cry in the corner.
Q: how do you get an emo out of a tree?
A: Cut The Rope
Q: How many emo's does it take to paint a wall?
A: Depends on how hard you throw them.
Q: what is tragic about 4 emo's in a car crash?
A: The car seated 5
Q: Why can't Emos rob banks?
A: They hold the knife to their own throats and everyone says go for it!
-knock knock
-whos there
-an emo
-go away
(par shito reecu.. lol...

Emo Alphabet