Oct 11 2005, 14:14
zu zay
nē, Roze, saki ko gribi, bet es tev tomēr šai jautājumā nespēju pilnībā piekrist!
Oct 11 2005, 14:38
Emmm, WTF? Kas te notiek, kaads paskaidros...?
Oct 11 2005, 14:42
cik zinu, tas ir tests

tiks nodzeests veelaak, don't worry
Oct 11 2005, 14:52
Tests? He, he...
Oct 11 2005, 15:15
paspamojam, paspamojam kameer varam
Oct 11 2005, 15:25
Oct 11 2005, 15:33
No really, what is this about? *get's a headake* oh, boy's...
ziii ziiiii ziiiii ziiiii ziiii bruum brummmm, zajiitis, zakjiitis 1, 2, 3 sirsniiga sapostoshanaas!!!!
well, shii cik noprotu ir foruma testeeshana???
Oct 11 2005, 16:51

Oct 11 2005, 17:11
Oct 11 2005, 17:26
Foruma testēšana? WTF?!
Oct 11 2005, 17:55
Uz jumta stāv ķieģelis A un B. Cik sver kilograms sviesta?
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 18:03
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 18:07
Starpcitu, naktspuķīt, man liidziigs uzdevums bija olimpiaadee, kad es veel 6. klasee maaciijos

Bija 400 gramu rubiinu un 600 gramu nefriitu, pie rubiiniem veel piebeera 200 gramu rubiinu un no nefriita gabalinjiem nobeera nost 400 gramus nefriita, cik Jānim gadu????
pa gaisu lido divi krokodili, viens zaljsh un otrs sarkans, cik maksaa divi zalji aaboli????
ljoti daudzi, kuriem shis jautaajums tikai uzdots, atbildeeja ar divi lati......
Oct 11 2005, 18:24
What a is going on here??
QUOTE(Tomoko @ Oct 11 2005, 18:24)
What a is going on here??
shis ir neliels spams, mans tagadeejais posts ir spamas, es tagad spamoju, luudzu taa vairs nedariet..... lai forumaa nekas taads vair neatkaartotos!!!!
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 18:33
Football, Football, I love football
Yes, tres, dos, uno
Dos, tres,, shit, bitch, asshole son of a bitch
Everybody cuddle, blah I mean huddle
I just stepped in a mud puddle, butthole
Freak, who just tapped on my ass cheek
Nevermind, let's try quarterback sneak
Cover me, smother me with love that's brotherly
That didn't work, try another play
Hut one, hut two, hut hut hurry up
I'm reachin' up another grown man's butt
Hike the ball, I mean I like Bizarre
But Jesus yikes, I think I can feel his balls
My piu is long as it is hard, yeah so are my balls
It's the longest yard, whoops that's not the chorus
Run it back, wrong song, yeah disreguard
That whole statement I just made, what yard line we on?
On 5 and our timeouts are gone
Less than a minute left, I just throw my ball
To the sideline to Von, he steps outta bounds
48 seconds left on the clock but every last one counts
Call another huddle, we're down by six
The plan is, to throw the ball to Swift
But he's so god dang high, that he's trips
Falls and slips, Proof grabs him by his fingertips
And runs the ball all the way down to the one
But he don't get in, but all we need is a put ???
But all we need is a touch down and an extra point to win
But then I get sacked all the way back to the ten
God dammit I'ma slap somebody if I get tapped on the ass again
Everybody's laughin' now, no timeouts and its now fourth now
We're never gonna make it, wait I just got an idea
Quick, everybody get naked, Denaun go long
I'ma throw the bomb, c'mon how they gonna tackle you with no pants on
Ass out with a floppin' schlong, touchdown yeah I told you
It's the longest yard
Oct 11 2005, 18:40
wow.... kaa var vispaar pietikt pacietiibas kaut ko taadu uzraxtiitt?
bet ja jau spamo tad no visas sirds
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 18:42
LOL nedomaajiet, ka tas ir par mani, tikai gabals no dziesmas My ballz

aa jaa, olji ir apalji
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 18:45

nu nekas...
nu ja dziesmas, tad dziesmas

Destroy all or nothing I dreamed I died, ended up at the gates of Heaven Greeted by a man Saint someone, said hows the ride son? Its been alright, at times a little rough, why am I here? You did alright, lived a little dark and thats alright Cause we made the darkside and the rightside is to have no fear, no fear My whole life flashed in front of me I saw everything that I was and what I had done Even let me look back on some good times for a little fun Yes, a little fun And then I heard damn boy you done good Did the every little thing that you could And then I heard damn boy you done good Damn good When you hear the call, bury them all Destroy all or nothing When I hear the call, I will bury them all I will destroy all or nothing When the sky opened up and the clouds parted clear There wasnt any doubt to why I was here And I knew Id done a good job, the best job that I could do So now it was time to move on, to get on, to get back To the question of why I was here and what I had learned, no fear My whole life flashed in front of me I saw everything that I was and what I had done Even let me look back on some good times for a little fun Yes, a little fun And then I heard damn boy you done good Did every little thing that you could And then I heard damn boy you done good Damn good When you hear the call, bury them all Destroy all or nothing When I hear the call, I will bury them all I will destroy all or nothing My whole life flashed in front of my eyes Goddamn, wake up, bad dream, bad dream When you hear the call, bury them all Destroy all or nothing When I hear the call, I will bury them all I will destroy all or nothing
atminat manu miiklu, ko noziimee S.U.D ( ja zinat atbildi, nedriikstat to postot )!!!!
Oct 11 2005, 18:47
Roze, tā ir viena ģeniāla ideja - savakt spamu vienā topikā un tad ar vienu cēlu rokas kustību visu spamu no foruma izdzēst
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 18:48
Zem zaljas?
izmanto savas telepaatiskaas speejas un izdzeesh S.U.D noziimi no Lapsas galvas!!!
Saak domaat,. kursh ir bijis shii ljaunuma saakums, Kursh tev to pateica ( i mean S.U.D noziimi)
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 18:50
Nee es ar ausiim neko neredzu
Ok taa kaa shis ir anime forums, pieveriisimies teemaam, kuras saistiitas ar anime, taatad vai tu esi redzeejis kaadu anime teelu iisteniibaa, tip reaaalu????
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 18:53
Viens vaards: Tas dzeks, kursh muusu skolaa toreiz noleeca no taa mazaa balkoninja sporta zaalee taadaa krutaa vaidaa ar tumshiem matiem un bishku paiiss, nee nee nee ar blondiem un taadaa oranzhiigaa kostiimaa
taatad jautaajums dzekiem, kuru anime beibi, tu gribeetu savaa pakljautiibaa????
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 18:57
LOL, nu nevaru izshkjirties, laikam visu anime visas beibes, un Red Foxy- nee es neizkustu es vinjai mestos virsuu
QUOTE(One winged angel @ Oct 11 2005, 18:57)
LOL, nu nevaru izshkjirties, laikam visu anime visas beibes
LOL, perverts, visi skataties shitais friiks, grib anime beibes, bljin LOL LOL ROFL!!!
Oct 11 2005, 18:58
Is this about how much spam can otaku take?
*Why, am i complaining?*
lalalalalalalalallalalalalazhvauh5eyuiabmlentyzji... hehe...
And do all spammers get banned?
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 19:01
Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tikai netieku tev klaat
eksterminee OWA un savaac vergu
Oct 11 2005, 19:03
New posts each 30 sec... how fast can spam grow?
*takes a gun & starts aiming at all spammers exept for Naktpukjiite*
Oct 11 2005, 19:03
QUOTE(Tsukino @ Oct 11 2005, 17:58)
And do all spammers get banned?
And only those that stand up to the tempation will survive the oKaze no testo.
P.S. Foxy, man arī nezkapēc DearS uzreiz ienāca prātā
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 19:04
Ha, tu domaa, ka esmu tik viegli Extermineejams??? Panaac priekshaa

Uzloka piedurknes

And first starts fight with that Tsukino guy
Oct 11 2005, 19:05
QUOTE(aigarius @ Oct 11 2005, 20:03)
P.S. Foxy, man arī nezkapēc DearS uzreiz ienāca prātā

Aigarius, mums viens praats, viena doma, viena smadzene

Un shitas topics ir labs lai izlaadeetu visu spamu... Peec tam izdzeesh un no problemo... Peec shitaa topica man nekad vairs negribeesies te muuldeet bezjeegaa
heh, izmanto savu uber super mega giga duper puper................................ pieskrien iesit ar stieni!!!!
Oct 11 2005, 19:06
QUOTE(aigarius @ Oct 11 2005, 19:03)
QUOTE(Tsukino @ Oct 11 2005, 17:58)
And do all spammers get banned?
And only those that stand up to the tempation will survive the oKaze no testo.
P.S. Foxy, man arī nezkapēc DearS uzreiz ienāca prātā

Noziimee, ka te muus testee, kas notureesies pretii kaardinaajumam spamot? Un tad tiem kuri neizturees uzliks procentus?
One winged angel
Oct 11 2005, 19:07
Stienis tika nokjerts un tika izdariits taisns sitiens ar kaaju pa ribaam

Taa ban nedeelja vilksies
Oct 11 2005, 19:09
Stienis trāpa pa bloku un nodara 25 damage, no kurien 20 neitralizē bloks.
Spēriens pa ribām trāpa daļēji un izdara 3 damage.
Tsukino, uz visu ir dievu griba
no sitiena atveeraas portaals uz Abissu un OWA tika ierauts ellee, kur kaads Balors ljaunpraatiigi izmanto OWA savos netiirajos, perversajos, brutaalajos erotisko sapnju piepildiishanas procesos, taa vinji dziivo liidz pat sho balt dienai......
I WIN!!!!!
Oct 11 2005, 19:09
tagad meees te visi kausimies? lol
Oct 11 2005, 19:10
izvairaas no OWA...
''Tsukino guy''? i'm a girl!!!!!1
Eu, jums tieshaam neruup procenti?
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