Hair Color: Blackl
Hair Style: Long Hair
Wardrobe: A light-colored tanktop with shorts
Personality: Kind
Kind of Anime You're In: Mecha-Giant-Robot Anime in the that even possible o__O?
Role in Anime: Cute Little Kid
Vai kādam sanāca līdzīgi?
Un tas man sanāca horoshopu testā. Bet es neesmu skorpions esmu svari,
Scorpio: Strong personality and magnetism, Scorpios are well noticed! You do understand what people fell and you like helping. You like being lider and when you have a really go for it! Sometimes you tend to act indiferent...don't do it...kay?! Someone special would be a Taurus...
Ps.: Yeah...I might be wrong...but you're too misterious to get the right sign anyway...=D
esmu pildījusi daudzus personības testus 55% sanāk Sesshomaru, 40% Shipo un 5% Sango, kaut kas dīvains, Sesshomaru+Shipo+Sango= Tigra.