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Uzdūros uz šādas lapas un bija kur pakavēt savu laiku. Ja vēl ieraksta searchā "anime", ta tur ir ko apskatīties! Nu ja kādam intresē kāds anime varonis tu esi, kādā veidā tu nogalināsi Inyuashu, no kuras animes tu esi, tava anime meitene utt... tad

P.S.-žēl ka te neko nevar iekopēt no turienes dry.gif
Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Name: ******
Hair: Naturally multi-coloured.
Clothes: Long, super cool trenchcoats.
Powers: Healing
Special Features: Wolf ears and tail
Sidekick: Small fluffy animal that talks...usually too much.
Attitude: Happy, bouncy, too hyper for it to be heathly.
Weapon: A sword that's twice as big as you are.

What would your Anime life be like? by hearthlight
Name: *******
Gender: *******
Your looks: Short silver hair.
Your best friend: An ackward schoolboy.
Your powers: Mind control.
Your beloved: A sexy vampire.
Your occupation: Comic relief.
Your ending: Sweet and romantic.

Be An Anime Character by mangacatgirl
Character Name ****
Eyes White (No pupils)
Hair Big Black Afro
Fashion Style Dark Demonic Clothes
Attitude Loving
Role Magical Girl/Magical Boy

Your Anime Stalker by taka
LiveJournal username
Favorite color
Weather outside now
Anime Stalker Onizuka Eikichi
How many days? 8
Status of stalker he/she's sleeping on your bed

Blind date with a hot anime guy ^.^ by Originality
Lucky Number
Favorite color
Date ===
Where the date is Bowling Alley
First thing date says to you "Where to?"
Last thing date says to you "NO DON'T LEAVE!!"
Te bildiite =D image

What would you look like as an Anime Charecter? (MODIFIED!) by tobyspit
Gender, Age, and Species: Female; 8,124 ; Demon
Walk of Life: Shadow Mage
Hair Style: Pigtails with iron hairties
Eyes Type and Color: Angry, All white
Clothing: Leather clad. Chains and plenty of belts.
Weapons and Accessories: Spiked Gloves, Cowboy hat
Memerable Quote: "If you die, I will save you from hell, friend."

RPG or Anime Character by ChaoticSoul
Your Name
Species Neko-Hanyou(Half CatDemon)
Hair Color Silver w/ Purple Streaks
Eye Color Left-Black Right-Red
Personality Flirty
Weapon/Power Broad Sword

Anime Bishounen Match by c_chan
LJ Username:
Favorite Number:
Your Match: Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)

Your Anime Life by kazoku
Your username
Gross income of creators $9,292,549
Genre Romance
Your role Villain
Your secret You were a prince/princess in your past life.
Will you save the world? No, you croak half-way through the last battle.

What Kind of Anime Do You Belong In? by Amb
Whats Your Name?
Whats your favorite song?
How Old Are You?
Whats Your Favorite Color?
Whats Your Anime? Neon Genesis Evangelion

Your Anime Self by blargityblarg
Full Name:
Hair Style: Spikey
Hair Color: Nevermind, You're Bald
Eye Color: Green
Weapon: Shurikens
Role: Hero's Rival

What kind of anime charater do you look and are like? by chipmunkie
hair color short hot red
eye color black
weapon of choise bows
your pet doggy

Create-An-Anime-Character (Girls) by 66onyx99
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY)
Character Name Kandi
Character Age 23
Hair Colour Colour-changing
Weapon of Choice Throwing stars

Heh nepietika laika visus aizpildiit ;P
nu vajag taks skatiities kas raxtiits agraak smile.gif
Lai vai kaa buutu, shitais ir smiekliigs:
Gross income of creators $4,973,343
Genre Action
Your role Sidekick
Your secret You are the one chosen by fate to destroy the world.
Will you save the world? Yes, and you live happily ever after.

Sidekick, kam lemts izniicinaat pasauli, to neizdara? Tur jau par 4$ gross income nevareetu buut...

Un tas, ka mani divaas vietaas izveeleejaas, ka man jaabuut ieksh Evangelion, spiezh mani vienreiz atvilkt un noskatiities to paaraak biezhi dzirdeeto anime...
Hair: In a style so odd, it defies all laws of physics.
Clothes: Long, super cool trenchcoats.
Powers: Can talk to animals
Special Features: Wings
Sidekick: The great spirit of (insert character name of choice here), as channeled through whatever item you have onhand at the time.
Attitude: Extremely smart, very quiet.
Weapon: A sword that's twice as big as you are.
Naturally multi-coloured.
Clothes: As revealing as you can legally get away with.
Powers: Shape Shifting
Special Features: Fangs
Sidekick: None, you have no need for a sidekick.
Attitude: Overprotective of those you care about.
Weapon: Nothing
haha shis ir mans otrais niks xD
Short and brightly coloured.
Clothes: Leather, belts, chains, bondage pants, collars, and tight shirts.
Powers: Can talk to animals
Special Features: Random tattoo(s)
Sidekick: A wise-ass little demon.
Attitude: Very quiet and reserverd, extremely shy.
Weapon: A sword that's twice as big as you are.
QUOTE(JurCHiX @ Dec 19 2004, 10:52)
Reku veel viens testinsh -  kursh no Chobits characteriem tu esi!

OI, a labs test, saku godīgi , es nevarēju uzinēt kas man sanāks beigās pat tuvu.
Biju tēmējusi uz Ditu.. a re kas sanāca.

Guru has spoken. You share this result with 2% of respondents.
QUOTE(Rob_X @ Jan 3 2005, 15:48)
nu vajag taks skatiities kas raxtiits agraak  smile.gif

Ek, nu tas bija sen.. nak prātā krievu frāz "Это было давно и не правда"
Vārdu sakot, es piesaku turpināt šo topiku. happy.gif

Biš paturpiņāšu re, te būs vēl kāds tests. Tāpat randomly izvēlēts. What Type Of Anime Character Are You?

You're A Yaoi Boi (Gay Boy)! Sensitive and caring, you just want some boyXboy love! Is that too much to ask?

Mhahaha, tas godīgi nebija speciāli, man bija lielas acis kad ieraudzīju rezultātu, ek, bet kā atbilst, pašreizējam garstāvoklim. biggrin.gif
xex man iznaca ne tas ko velejos smile.gif

You share this result with 5% of respondents.

Oi, a es jau sāku domāt ka viņu tur vienkārši nav. Nē, ir gan, nu ko, then I have not the sutable personality for Dita. biggrin.gif
You share this result with 1% of respondents.
Guru has spoken. You share this result with 14% of respondents.

You share this result with 14% of respondents.
Es nodomaaju, ka nav, ko niekoties un jaaizpilda veel kaads tests, un redz, kas es iznaacu laugh.gif
Guru has spoken. You share this result with 44% of respondents.

Njaa, shitais tests arii slikti uztaisiits, jo lielaakaa dalja ir viens un tas pats dziivnieks:
Guru has spoken. You share this result with 58% of respondents.

O, shitais ir reaals ph34r.gif
Guru has spoken. You share this result with 0% of respondents.
Redz, kaa uguni met sejaa...
Mans izdomāja ka grib pēdējo izpildīt, palika interesanti.
Nā.. izskatās pilnīgi prognozējams, bet nu...nā, nav vērts. pameklēsim ko labāku.
Which Anime/manga Character are you????


OI, negaidīju.
Which Anime/manga Character are you????" - Results:

Heero Yuy

Hehe... smile.gif Principā apraksts diezgan precīzs.
QUOTE(Yume @ Jan 5 2005, 22:42)
Biš paturpiņāšu re, te būs vēl kāds tests. Tāpat randomly izvēlēts. What Type Of AnimeCharacter Are You?

You're A Yaoi Boi (Gay Boy)! Sensitive and caring, you just want some boyXboy love! Is that too muč to ask?

Mhahaha, tas godīgi nebija speciāli, man bija lielas acis kad ieraudzīju rezultātu, ek, bet kā atbilst, pašreizējam garstāvoklim. biggrin.gif

blink.gif blink.gif
lab lab.. tu esi meitene.. a tu zini kāds man bija šoks kad es šito savā rezultātā ieraudzīju blink.gif
Hair: Naturally multi-coloured.
Clothes: Long, super cool trenchcoats.
Powers: Healing
Special Features: Wolf ears and tail
Sidekick: Small fluffy animal that talks...usually too much.
Attitude: Happy, bouncy, too hyper for it to be heathly.
Weapon: A sword that's twice as big as you are.

Šitas man patīk... biggrin.gif
...quizzes tomeer interesanta padariishana
Dievinu shito atbildi, neko preciizaaku man neatradiisi:
Ok then what do you like to eat the most???

Jaa, rezultaats - pieskaitiet mani pie vairaakuma aka Heeeeero...
manupraat tas tests i bishk saskjobiits jo es ar itka pieskaitams pie Heero Yui klases... wacko.gif
skatoties vienu no sheit piemineetajiem Quizzes, uzduuros nesliktam jautaajumam <=> atbildei:
If You Could Have Any Of The Following Super Powers, Which Would You Choose?
The Ability To Pass Any Exam!

nodereetu tagad shitaada superspeeja biggrin.gif
Guru has spoken. You share this result with 34% of respondents.


btw, vai to html code arii kaut kaa var "ieposteet"? Lai automaatiski paraada rezultaatu, vai jaaseivo bilde uz cietaa?
What type of anime character are you?
You're A Hero! You live to save the world! You are honest, true, and always victorious! You may not always get the girls/boys, but all you really want to do is battle the bad guys.

Ha es zinaju ka kaut kas tam lidzigs bus... dry.gif
QUOTE(xikes @ Jan 8 2005, 10:40)
btw, vai to html code arii kaut kaa var "ieposteet"? Lai automaatiski paraada rezultaatu, vai jaaseivo bilde uz cietaa?

var jau tikai iepostot bildes linku(tiek apskatiits uzspiezjot uz bildes labo peles pogu un iekopeets raxtiishanas sadaljaa zem pogas IMG)...
Es jau neko tikai godiigi atbilddeju ^__^
You're A Bishounen (Attractive Young Male)! You hunk, you. All the girls want your body! You have a cool car, and a way with words. You know exactly how to get what you want.


Plus otrs:
Vaaa... kā es gribētu būt Chii!!
A to man kautkāds stulbs sailor moon sanāca sad.gif Kautgan animi šo vēl neesu redzējis...
Centos atbildeet peec iespeejas objektiivaak un luuk rezultaati...

Nr 1


You're An Intellectual! You can always be found reading or on the computer. People always come to you when they need information. You don't really care about love at this point, your only goal is to improve your mind. After all, knowledge is power!

Nr 2


Kautgan es uzskatu ka objektiivaak buutu bijis kaads personaazhs ar mazaaku paarsvaru uz labo pusi...
buus laikam triguns jaanoskataas


viii.. ja šaja forumā nebūtu tāds Hideki jau aizņemts ta būtu sev tādu izvēlējies!

Fist of the North Star? blink.gif
Ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!! Nezināju, ka tev tādi muskuļi Kiku-chan!!!! laugh.gif Kā tu tos pamanijies noslēpt?? biggrin.gif
Pati brīnos. Maybe, es par tādu naktī pārvēršos? biggrin.gif Tad, kad pilnmēness...
Kāda kaķu suga
You are a Random cat! Also known as an alley cat or a mutt. You aren't given to high-falutin' ways, but you're accessible and popular. People love you for who you are, not what you are.
You're A Hero!
You live to save the world! You are honest, true,<br>and always victorious! You may not always get the girls/boys, but all you really want to do is battle the bad guys.

njaa... =|



What kind of a cat?

You are a Persian! You are quiet, gentle, and loving, though sometimes you need extra attention and care. Some might call you high maintenance, but you just need to be pampered.
You are a Sphinx! You are mocked for your unusual appearance, but you are very loving and devoted. People just need to give you a chance!
Kāda tēja tu esi? laugh.gif

Lemon Tea...
Strong willed and a bit feisty in temper you stand
out from other people! Creative but dangerous
you have few friends and those that have been
accepted into your small group are special and
unique just like yourself. Once your mind is
made up that's it and no one can change it. You
can think clearly and figure out just what to
do in a tense situation which is a rare gift.
You arent twisted by societies rules and
regulations and are rebel by nature!

hehe, nu, esmu otaku kā-nekā. biggrin.gif
Chamomile Tea... You are Chamomile Tea. Your an original! Helpful to anyone in need and always willing to lend a hand, you take action but not through violence, people listen to you for you have a knack for giving wonderful advice! Many look up to you and you try your best not to let them down. You have many friends steadfast or no who consider themselves lucky to be near you. You may have been hurt in the past but you dont let that stand in your way! You have a wonderful outlook on life and try to see the good in people which is an awesome gift!
Green Tea... You are Green Tea! Strong and very smart you prefer peace to violence and very rarely take action if it involves confrontation. But you make up for this with your keen insight and understanding of the world and people around you, you have a very mysterious nature. Many people see you as laid back and that may be true but you are very intelligent and make good decisions.
Lemon Tea...
bla bla bla....skat. augtaak

I have high respect for policemen.
man patīk šī frāze biggrin.gif
bet šis ir vēl labāks
have high respect for the founders of our country.

Hehe, skatoties uz rezultātiem.. tieši tā. Tā bija man apārliecība lielāko mūža daļu. biggrin.gif

You scored as Chaotic Good.

A Chaotic Good person is someone who has little intrinsic respect for laws or authority, seeing them as insufficient to sustain what's right. These people work according to their own moral compass which, while good, is not necessarily always aligned with that of society. Despite their chaotic tendancies, these people are good at heart.

Chaotic Good 80%
True Neutral 70%
Chaotic Neutral 65%
Neutral Evil 50%
Neutral Good 50%
Lawful Good 40%
Lawful Evil 40%
Chaotic Evil 40%
Lawful Neutral 0%

A True Neutral person has two faces- either these people are merely apathetic, preferring to focus their minds on more important things, or these people truly believe in a balance of all things. To these people, there can be no light without some darkness. These people also have no dedication to, or intrinsic distrust of, laws.

True Neutral 65%

Lawful Good 60%

Chaotic Good 50%

Neutral Good 50%

Chaotic Evil 45%

Neutral Evil 45%

Chaotic Neutral 40%

Lawful Evil 35%

Lawful Neutral 25%

palasot apraxtu shim nu galiigi nesalipa kopaa... skjibs testinsh bik
A Chaotic Neutral person is someone who is self-motivated to the extreme. Thier actions may sometimes confuse others, due to their lack of moral affiliation. They have little respect for laws, and avoid both the temptation of evil and a feeling of duty to do good. These people can go along with either side of an argument- as long as they benifit from the result!

Chaotic Neutral 95%
True Neutral 85%
Lawful Evil 75%
Lawful Good 75%
Neutral Evil 65%
Chaotic Good 60%
Neutral Good 55%
Chaotic Evil 55%
Lawful Neutral 55%

mēdjināju testu iziet vēlreiz, bet dabūju to pašu...kaut kā tomēr nav..vismaz daži punkti...laikam jau šitais mans slēptais "es" smile.gif
A Chaotic Neutral person is someone who is self-motivated to the extreme. Thier actions may sometimes confuse others, due to their lack of moral affiliation. They have little respect for laws, and avoid both the temptation of evil and a feeling of duty to do good. These people can go along with either side of an argument- as long as they benifit from the result!

Chaotic Neutral 75%
Lawful Neutral 65%
Lawful Good 65%
Neutral Good 65%
Chaotic Good 55%
Lawful Evil 40%
Neutral Evil 40%
True Neutral 40%
Chaotic Evil 25%

A Chaotic Good person is someone who has little intrinsic respect for laws or authority, seeing them as insufficient to sustain what's right. These people work according to their own moral compass which, while good, is not necessarily always aligned with that of society. Despite their chaotic tendancies, these people are good at heart.

Chaotic Good 80%

True Neutral 80%

Neutral Evil 55%

Chaotic Neutral 55%

Neutral Good 50%

Lawful Good 45%

Lawful Evil 40%

Chaotic Evil 30%

Lawful Neutral 20%

Shitais quizs bij baigi labais... pilniibaa piekriitu iznaakumam un piekriitu arii otrajais un treshajai vietai (procentuaali)
QUOTE(Kikumi @ Jan 26 2005, 19:19)
Trāpīts naglai uz galvas! ph34r.gif

nu, vispaar, taadu "chaotic evil" cilveeki ir tikai un vieniigi fantasy pasaulees, protams taadus var izaudzinaat, bet ne muusdienu sabiedriiba.
Kikumi, klau.... nē, šitā neies krastā. Es piekrītu Sigfam, Chaotic evil mūsdienu sabiedrībā tiek saukti par manjakiem. Un es nezkāpēc apšaubu to faktu, ka tu esi manjaks, slepkava, kas sagaida pensionāres aiz stūra un noožņaudz ar pašu siksnām, aiz prieka.
Kā jau es teicu, LIELĀKAJĀ MĒRĀ, nevis pilnībā! Nu nav man noslieksmes kādu slepkavot... dry.gif Un starp citu, kādēļ tas jūs uztrauc? Ir tikai tests...


No rezultāta ārā var izņemt šo te:
A Chaotic Evil person is destructive to the extreme. These people put no value in life or beauty, taking pleasure in destroying both what is good and what is ordered.

Un šito atstāt:
They have little to no respect for laws and the rights of others. Revenge is a powerful motivator for these people.
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