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Death is on swift wings..........

stupid is as stupid does..........

the crying flower of hopelessness........cries for you...

the angel of light and dark await you............don't worry you'll be fine

why is dying so importaint its not like it accomplishes anythin.....

you hold your key to your own destany.............use it right!

Btw I can't read lavian but its fine i guess since I have alot of friends that do so please put some in lavian ok!! laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
lielā daudzumā daudzpunkš patika, doma ir sakarīga! biggrin.gif (pēc smaidiņa jau sapratīsi!)
tu esi kautkads filazofs biggrin.gif tadus tekstus te ples vala biggrin.gif
(maybe i got in too over my head I can't even guess what you guys said dry.gif )

the end is near................... get ready!

are you die?

mama said life is like a box of never know what your gonna get tongue.gif
Hey, interesting idea... I like that one- about box of chocolates/life... Makes me wanna eat chocolate! happy.gif
Do we can put some quotes or sayings too?
QUOTE(Atashi @ Jan 30 2006, 19:31)
Hey, interesting idea... I like that one- about box of chocolates/life... Makes me wanna eat chocolate! happy.gif
Do we can put some quotes or sayings too?

yea i asked people 2 but i can't read them so maybe im in over my head laugh.gif but yea feel free to put some on oki laugh.gif
"The sadness of the moon is reflected in your eyes.... I see it there every day."

"The heartless moon reflects your soul."

I thought up both of these......I write stories as a hobbie so I have to think up my own things....hope you like them

See Ya!! (^ _ ^)
cool i ususally think of them when i start on the topic
taste the bitter dropletts of love

fear in nothing but a negitive entity........u can choose to indulge into it

come on have a heart....................because your spiret is gone

my favourite
to love somebody is to tell him: you will never die
life is a gate way and what is behind it u'll never know

live to the future to live ur life

if u r alone ur life is a glass ball
biggrin.gif tongue.gif laugh.gif these are my fav sayings
More I wrote...

"It seems that only in sadness and despair we see with absolute clarity what the world is truely like."

I wrote this next one for a story I never completed...

" 'Deciever, witch, murderer.' These are the names the people around here call me...But, one thing they will never call me that is the truth is keeper of the peace..."

I'll think up some more later...

See Ya!! (^ _ ^)
the life force of you is depleating.................better believe before its too late

this is on my phone (cell of course) when u call...>>Death awaits you leave your message before its too late ..............but remember fate is inevitable....

If you died can die again!!
"Don`t complain about your world because somewhere else exists much more horrible worlds than yours"

"In the end of the world everything will change - what was dead will reborn; and what was alive - shall die. And Chaos will rule the world."

"Believe that you`re not like everyone, and you`ll be special."

un viens latviski: "Pienaglo savu Dievu pie krusta, lai, skatoties uz Taviem grēkiem, viņš no Tevis neaizbēg!" cool.gif
life is a gate way no-one can go through with out death behind it

keep to urself or bad things will happen
Well... I like some sayings... they're similar to Kazenimarocloud's ones.

Mommy, can I play?......... with your life...
Let me be with your boyfriend... is that much to ask?
I'm tired, find me a bed and put me to sleep...

No... I must find more... :|
QUOTE(Atashi @ Feb 23 2006, 18:16)
Well... I like some sayings... they're similar to Kazenimarocloud's ones.

Mommy, can I play?......... with your life...
Let me be with your boyfriend... is that much to ask?
I'm tired, find me a bed and put me to sleep...

No... I must find more... :|

those are good but please just call me kaze ok laugh.gif
blessed by the forces of nature.......................the sages and wizards of aww

nocternal is just another form of......................darkness

black cat crosses your path.................good luck .....white snooty cat climbs up a tree and crys for hours......... bad luck
life is cruel, and i am just trying to keep up with it...
QUOTE(lastguru @ Mar 17 2006, 00:33)
life is cruel, and i am just trying to keep up with it...

life's a byach - her XD
QUOTE(ReD_FoXy @ Mar 17 2006, 23:33)

life's a byach - her XD

or maybe "nobody dies virgin - life f.cks us all" XD
Noglaastiija galvu, bet izraadaas - ar mietu.
Life is an offering death is a given...........make the choice to live and you'll always die in the end......

the problem with humans is they never know what they want till its gone

stupidity is just knowedge with a problem.......
You can only realise the true value of something when you have had it and are about to or already have lost it. This relates to everything.
i'm not gonna say enything, because you have very depressive theme. it kills me down!
something not-pessimistic.

life is easier with eyes closed

1. rule, i rule - deal with it! (effective on boys!)
QUOTE(kahi @ Apr 12 2006, 11:03)
1. rule, i rule - deal with it! (effective on boys!)

You Do Not!! mad.gif
Girls Rule!!
We always have and we always shall!!
So put that in you bong and smoke it!!
LOL!! biggrin.gif tongue.gif laugh.gif
WTF? i mean, that its scare away them (they think - ooo, she is so creapy.- and then they f*ck off)! of course, girls rock! (daaa)

pardon par spam, pillīgi ne pa tēmu!
QUOTE(kahi @ Apr 14 2006, 01:54)
WTF? i mean, that its scare away them (they think - ooo, she is so creapy.- and then they f*ck off)!

All the guys at my school already think that, I'm the meanest bully in the whole school. (But that's only because it's expected of me. (>_<) I mean just because I'm 5 and a 1/2 feet tall, it doesn't make a bully, Does it?)

of course, girls rock! (daaa)

Yes we do, don't we? (Also, that was a retoracle question,which means your not supposed to respond to it)


Ja Ne!! (^ _ ^)
ALL i ask for is ...............your life to have

killing is meaningless........but diying is meaningful

stay out of my room your fingers smell i cant have you touching my things!

what better advice to follow than your own

hurry up!! your not making money standing there gawking at yourself!!

(wow i may actually live up to kazeminarocloud's type of doing this where is he BTW? he's like never on)
My fav saying, and at the moment the only one T.T

*Life is a bitch, but hell beutiful bitch.*

Here is my bf's favorite quote:
"Life's a biotch and then we die, so the world lets go get High!!"
LOL (^ _ ^)

I wrote this for my new story on quizilla:
"When you look at me I feel like I am the queen of the universe...cause when I look in your eyes I see it there..."


Ja Ne!! (^ _ ^)
In infinite series of random events everything happens always.

(labs 50. posts biggrin.gif)
“If he breaks your heart, I’ll break his neck.” biggrin.gif

He silently wondered if he would survive this trip. He knew he wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t.
Oh well, no one lives forever.

The world was shit--he knew that much. The word “love” sounds sweet--but in the end, it was all bulsh...

People dont die from suicide they die from sadness

ja nu gadījumā kādam ir kas iedilstams, pret shi... tad mēģināju cenzēt, galīgi neskan, lūdzu šoreiz piedot
QUOTE(kaiva @ Sep 21 2006, 11:15) *

“If he breaks your heart, I’ll break his neck.” biggrin.gif

Hell Yeah!! Thats me biotch!! I'll always have my Best friends back and I'll kill anyone that hurts her. And vise versa.

He silently wondered if he would survive this trip. He knew he wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t.
Oh well, no one lives forever.

The world was shit--he knew that much. The word “love” sounds sweet--but in the end, it was all bulsh...

People dont die from suicide they die from sadness

ja nu gadījumā kādam ir kas iedilstams, pret shi... tad mēģināju cenzēt, galīgi neskan, lūdzu šoreiz piedot

Dude, really good qoutes/sayings. We love em!! (my best friends here with me)



Ja Ne!! (^ _ ^)
People say that I'm a bad influence
I say the world's already fcked, I'm just addin to it

I'm more than ill...

Eminem/bad influence

And Kima_Rose, that first about heart and neck breaking are my favorite to smile.gif
Stars are showing u the way, they light up in the dark and help u find, what u have lost. U can say the same about electric bulbs, but no one makes poems about them.

With cake is the same as with gone life - eat, eat, but its not getting sweeter.

world is going down, and im gonna sit, watch and laugh.

more u drink, more u rememmber.

damn, its hard to translate. in latvian everything sounded better...
"The only problem with love is that you can love whoever you want... but so can he."

"The only thing promised in life is death."

dry.gif What going on with me??
QUOTE(kaiva @ Oct 4 2006, 20:18) *

dry.gif What going on with me??

Depression, huh? I'll try to help... My favourites:

"When life gives you lemons, make grape juice of them, then sit back and let the world wonder how you did it."

"Expierience is the worst teacher. It gives you the test first and the instructions later."

"Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. because without it, I don't know; maybe we wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop."

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."

"I don't need your attitude, I have one of my own." <-- my fav!

" 'I love you' is an 8 letter phrase, but then again - so is 'bullshit'."

"Never knock on Death's door, ring the doorbell and run away. She hates that."

"Always remember you're absolutely unique. Just like everyone else."

Cheers smile.gif
I like this one

you are 1 in a million.

i hate some people. start to be afraid...NOW!
Kikio, thaks for try to help me smile.gif Say NO to depression, right?

“Tell me of one time when you’ve said that and I’ve listened, hm? I realy in love wit this one.

if the pizza is speaking to you, I think its time you had your medication” biggrin.gif

Just because I act tough, it doesn’t mean that’s all there is to me. Why can’t they see that? Why can’t they understand?

But how can I be the master if the master is afraid of his own slaves.
Ja tev tiek dota vēlēšanās, tad tiek dots arī spēks to piepildīt!

Visi cilvēki, notikumi, brīnumu un vispār viss, kas ap tevi ir, ir tevis paša radīts. Tavā ziņā ir ko ar to visu iesākt.

Katram mums ir sava pasaule, un katrs mēs nosakām to, kāda tā būs, katrs ppats izveidojam tos cilvēkus, kuri mums ir apkārt, nosakām notikumus un rezultātus, un tapēc ja reiz kādu vainojam notiekošajā, tad vien paši sev.

Mums katram. Piemīt. Brīvība. Darīt. Ko vien. Vēlamies.( un ja tā padomā, tad tā arī ir.)

Ja es gribu, ta es varu. Un es gribu! un es ticu, ka varu, tātad- šajā pasaulē nav nekā neiespējama!

Katra problēma slēpj sevī kādu dāvanu tieši tev. Tu meklē problēmas, jo tev nepieciešamas šīs dāvanas.

..un tā viš i biggrin.gif

- Kap nekad nenāk prinči Baltos zirgos?
- Elementāri!Baltu zirgu nav!:D
nee, ir prinči baltos zīrgos, tikai viņi atjāj ar celofāna maisiņu galvā un nokrīt beigti pie tavām kājām.

sor pa off.
insanity is just a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world. my world.

/as i didn't read all of th quotes already poisted here,sorry if in a deeply mysterious way sb had posted this beforehand/
QUOTE(kaiva @ Oct 4 2006, 13:18) *

"The only problem with love is that you can love whoever you want... but so can he."

I know how this one is. Cause its happened to me many times.(About 5 or 6) They always say "K, I'm sorry but I think I love someone else." It always hurts. And the next guy to do it to me again will pay. I'll take a sledgehammer to his head.

QUOTE(Kikio @ Oct 5 2006, 09:25) *

"When life gives you lemons, make grape juice of them, then sit back and let the world wonder how you did it."

"Expierience is the worst teacher. It gives you the test first and the instructions later."

"Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. because without it, I don't know; maybe we wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop."

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."

"I don't need your attitude, I have one of my own." <-- I like this one

" 'I love you' is an 8 letter phrase, but then again - so is 'bullshit'." <-- This is totaly me!!

"Never knock on Death's door, ring the doorbell and run away. She hates that."

"Always remember you're absolutely unique. Just like everyone else."

Really cool quotes/sayings. They rock!! I marked my faves.
katrs pats sev velns un padara savu dzīvi par elli (everyone is their own devil and turns their life into hell)

one thing is for sure in this life - it always gets worse before it gets really worse.

"is he threatening to kill me?"
"i'd say "kill" is a concept far too wide. let's say, a spontaneous withdrawal of life is to be done."
QUOTE(kahi @ Oct 7 2006, 20:25) *

nee, ir prinči baltos zīrgos, tikai viņi atjāj ar celofāna maisiņu galvā un nokrīt beigti pie tavām kājām.

sor pa off.

ne jau par to ka prņču nav, NAV BALTU ZIRGU:D
var izbalināt. nu to zirgu.

gome, again...
only the very stong can change the future.

greath path takes great responsibility.

nu nez, pagrūti bū to balināšanu!tad jauvblonds sanāks...krāsot gan var... biggrin.gif
"FCK"- the only thing missing is u
True strength is the lack of fear of getting hurt to save others.

To become stronger to hurt others is the same as making them stronger.

In a battle with yourself the only thing that matters are your psyhological qualities.

Use your pover .The world is yours!

No matter how badly you get beaten up, as long as you aren`t scared, you win!

from tenjou tenge^^D
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