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DoC Conference DetailsAlso revealed was news about the theme song, "REDEMPTION" by Japanese artist Gackt, as well as an insert song called "LONGING" by the same artist. Gackt's involved isn't limited to prodived music though, he will also apparently be playing a role in the game. Rather than being motion captured, his part will use a new technique where he will be filmed in live action and, combined with CGI, put into the game. His outfit for the part was designed by Tetsuya Nomura, but details about his character are still unknown.
Tas nozīmē, ka Gackt būs DoC! (Lai gan Cloud, Squall un Tidus bija veidoti pēc Gackt līdzības, but now... Viņš pats ticis spēlē) O_O
Tā-ā... Un attēli ar Gackt char'u:
Some Links:
Neliels Video (Klikšķinām uz "Free" un pagaidām dažas sekundes (Tiem, kas nezin kā tikt līdz download'am))
Redemption Par.