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Piedāvāju padalīties ar smieklīgām, jokainām un dziļām frāzēm vai dialogiem no anime un mangām. Var arī likt bildes, ja svarīga ir vizuālā informācija. Aiziet! smile.gif
Zenofex'am pašam jautra frāze parakstā.

"Nedaruna, kachitore! Sasureba ataeraren."
"Izcīni, nevis prasi! Tikai tā tiksi atalgots."
/Adrock Thurston, "Eureka Seven"/

"Jibun-wo shinjiru omae-wo shunjiro!"
"Tici tam, ka Tu tici pats sev!"
/Kamina, "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann"/
''Remember kids, a smart man knows when it's time to RUN LIKE A LITTLE BIIITCH!!!'' Desert Punk no Desert punk

"Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me, who believes in you!" Kamina no Gurren Lagann

"In this world everything exists, anything can happen at any moment, and everything does happen all the time" Boogiepop Phantom

"Whoopie-f*cking-doo" Sato no Welcome to the NHK

"When it's all said and done, the Wired is just a medium of communication and the transfer of information. You mustn't confuse it with the real world. Do you understand what I'm warning you about?" Iwakura Yasuo no Serial Experiments: Lain
"People die if they are killed..." - Emiya Shirou, Fate/Stay Night
"BAN-KAI!" /Ichigo/, Bleach
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" /Naruto/, Naruto
"Onnanoko wa ereganto ni" (parasti tulko kā "We girls should be elegant") - /Lumiere/, Kiddy Grade
"Zettai karen, dakara makenai!" ("We`re absolutely loveley. And that`s why we can`t lose!") - /Akashi Kaoru, Nogami Aoi, Sannomiya Shiho/, Zettai Karen Children
Okay, nākamais bez romaji, jo nejūtos tik kruts, lai mēģinātu to sadzirdēt pareizi:
"Grit your teeth well, "strongest" one. My "weakest" attack might shake you up a little!" un "If you think you can do anything you want, let me destroy that messed up illusion first!" kā arī populārais "Fukou da!" ("Such misfortune!") - /Kamijou Touma/, Toaru Majutsu no Index
hmm... pēdējais, ko atceros:

"..risouna kareshi dakara.." esmu ideālais bf
un "Ecchi shiyou yo!" .. nodarbosimies ar neķītrībām!

/Tenjou Night/ "Zettai Kareshi"

atvainojos, ja ir kļūdas pareizrakstībā
"The ability to try hard is a talent too." no FLCL
"High goals attract good company." (teica Arisugawa Juri no Revolutionary Girl Utena filmas)
[Homo ga kiraina džoši nanka imasen!]
jeb "Nav tādas meičas, kam nepatīk zilie!"
/Kanako Ōno no Genšiken/
Isabel Carmin fon Edelhain
-Have you ever seen a spy that looks this stupid?
-Ah, so the truth has been revealed.
-So then, what exaclty are YOU supposed to be?
-I'm beauty. (pause) Just kidding...
Reiner un Ferris no Legend of legendary heroes
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