[12:32:05 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: hello
[12:32:29 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: do you have a minute?
[12:32:45 PM] Art` Scene.: yees
[12:33:30 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: my name is Roxanna Ravenor
[12:33:41 PM] Art` Scene.: okay. ^^
[12:33:44 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: i promote Japanese rock bands in Europe
[12:33:52 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: i schedule a tour for October
[12:34:13 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: which will include many countries in east and north europe
[12:34:22 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: it will include Latvia too
[12:34:33 PM] Art` Scene.: awesome :]
[12:34:55 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: i have been searching the internet for people who can get me in touch with anime/manga/jrock community leaders
[12:35:03 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: please tell me if you can help
[12:35:14 PM] Art` Scene.: well.
[12:35:28 PM] Art` Scene.: let me see.
[12:52:55 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: can you get me his email address?
[12:32:29 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: do you have a minute?
[12:32:45 PM] Art` Scene.: yees
[12:33:30 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: my name is Roxanna Ravenor
[12:33:41 PM] Art` Scene.: okay. ^^
[12:33:44 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: i promote Japanese rock bands in Europe
[12:33:52 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: i schedule a tour for October
[12:34:13 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: which will include many countries in east and north europe
[12:34:22 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: it will include Latvia too
[12:34:33 PM] Art` Scene.: awesome :]
[12:34:55 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: i have been searching the internet for people who can get me in touch with anime/manga/jrock community leaders
[12:35:03 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: please tell me if you can help
[12:35:14 PM] Art` Scene.: well.
[12:35:28 PM] Art` Scene.: let me see.
[12:52:55 PM] LAMA SABACHTHANI: can you get me his email address?
Arī kaut kur citur lasīju, ka kaut kas, kaut kur eirōpā kaut ko organizē un grib atsaucību no otaku komjunitiju līderiem. Varbūt tie, kas parasti organizē anime festus un vēl ko ne, ir ieinteresēti un uzrīkot kaut ko no tā ko šis cilvēks piedāvā?
Es tikai padodu informāciju uz priekšu, varbūt ir vērts. Es jau īsti nezinu, kam to īsti padot tālāk, bet LĪDERI atsaucaties un varbūt izdosies uzrīkot vēl kādu foršu pasākumu latviešiem! =D Why not.
Parasti ignorēju visādas vēstules, kuras te saspamo ārzemnieki, bet šis cilvēks jau kādu 3šo reizi man kaut kur izlec, nedomāju, ka spamo aiz nekodarīt.
Savu meilu negribēja dot publiski, bet varbūt jūs, organizatori, man varat te atsūtīt mesidžu, lai varu iedot viņas skype name. Pati īsti nezinu, kuri jūs te esat tie galvenie. :'D
Un, ja ne, tad ne. :]