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Tiem kam patīk Blade Runner un līdzīgas filmas iesaku šo..
Are we so shallow that we prefer the love of a machine to that of a human?

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Natural City is an ambitious Korean science fiction tribute to Bladerunner with a well managed budget of only 6 million dollars (Matrix had cost about $63). The film was a box-office smash but only in Korea. It received very little in the way of press coverage in the UK with the only showing known to this reviewer being at the excellent Sci-Fi-London 3 festival in February 2004. Like Scott’s movie, Natural City too had left audiences leaving the cinema feeling somewhat baffled around the storyline.

user posted image
Just like the foreign science fiction film ‘Open Your Eyes’ remade into the soulless ‘Vanilla Sky’ we will be seeing the same treatment done to ‘Natural City’. While I respect the remakes give the opportunity to appeal to mainstream viewers in that ‘Hollywoodised’ way, science fiction fans who thought Scott’s directors cut a masterpiece and enjoyed films likes ‘Open Your Eyes’ will want to own a copy of this instead. If only more people had seen it this truly is a science fiction classic.

user posted image
tas otrais screens kaut kur baigi redzēts. dry.gif

ir kāds torrents vai arī jāmeklē dc++?
Yep torrentu var savaakt
Diemžēl atsauksmes par šo filmu internetā nav tās labākās. Es bi neriskētu vilkt 1.4 Gb kluci.
Nu kā to ņem.. jebšu ar ko riskējam smile.gif

Ja nepatīk cyber vai asiātu kino tad protams nav jēgas, taču filmas budžeta apjoms, manuprāt, pilnībā attaisno sevi.
Vienā no manis minētajiem aprakstiem jau arī ir teikts, ka filma nav "holivudiska" - proti skatītājam principā nekas netiek skaidrots (ar ko viss sākas, ar ko viss beigsies un kādus secinājumus izdarīt, kas labs, kas slikts)..
Tēma kautvai vien ir aktuāla (atsaucoties uz Innocence, I Robot vai AI), "the story behind Natural City has a profound prediction to make. When humans choose to become more like machines and even choose to love machines it can become somewhat unsettling"..

Ja vien nav žēl sava provaidera "go for it" smile.gif
Hehe, parasti ne visai uzticos internetaa atrodamajiem reviewiem smile.gif Un mans provaiders no 1,4 gb nenomirs, taa kaa.. Buus viss labi smile.gif
vispaa es viilos bija pagarlaiciigi blade runer the best forever
Man ar likaas biski garlaiciiga, vieniigi tie fight skati bija in4iigi ^^
Nee, nee, bija visai interesanta, un staasts tur ir gan iekshaa, tikai skatitaajam nekas iisti netiek gan barots. Pasham jaaskataas uzmaniigi.

Taapeec laikam filma izskataas it kaa baigi reaalistiskaa, kaa filmeeta iz dziives. Un veel vinja ir pluustosha, leena, lai gan itkaa tajaa pashaa laikaa asa sizheta. Nu pavisam neholivudiska.

Un jaa, piekriitu vienam viirinjam, kas idmb datubaazee teica, ka iisteniibaa filma ir par vientuliibu. Kaa jau Cyon filmas beigaas teica:

"You're lucky...
You had someone to stay with you and leave with you."

Stabilas 7 balles no 10 varu likt shai filmai.
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