Aug 11 2004, 23:56
Gostaria de saber se minha assinatura está dentro dos limites permitidos por este fórum.
Tanks!! =)
godiigi sakot nekaa nesapratu
Aug 12 2004, 06:51
QUOTE (Nebulosa @ Aug 11 2004, 11:56 PM) |
Gostaria de saber se minha assinatura está dentro dos limites permitidos por este fórum.
Tanks!! =) |
You're welcome!
hmm... kas taa par valodu? vaacu nav, franchu nav, polju arii nebuus. spaanju, laikam?
Your'e welcome, but is that spanish your'e speaking?
Aug 12 2004, 08:40
QUOTE (Sigfa @ Aug 12 2004, 06:18 AM) |
hmm... kas taa par valodu? vaacu nav, franchu nav, polju arii nebuus. spaanju, laikam?
Tiesji taa.
Aug 12 2004, 12:38
Aug 12 2004, 17:13
QUOTE (kuchieris @ Aug 12 2004, 11:38 AM) |
Latiinju. |
Tu maldies, taa ir spaanju val.
Aug 12 2004, 18:13
saaks te naakt aarzemnieki beigaas veel foruma galvenaa valoda buus jaapaarsleedz uz anglju..
Aug 12 2004, 19:58
QUOTE (Dzonis @ Aug 12 2004, 06:13 PM) |
saaks te naakt aarzemnieki beigaas veel foruma galvenaa valoda buus jaapaarsleedz uz anglju.. |
nee forums ir taapeec domaaju ir ok ka mees paarsvaraa lv runaajaam bet nav nekaadu pretenziju ar pret citaam valodaam
Aug 12 2004, 22:54
ok ok atziistu kjuudu, lai gan itaalju un spaanu val. ir ceelushaas no latiinju val. - taapeec liidziigas (Romaanu valodu grupa)
Aug 14 2004, 06:05
QUOTE (Nebulosa @ Aug 11 2004, 11:56 PM) |
Gostaria de saber se minha assinatura está dentro dos limites permitidos por este fórum. |
[Nebulosa] Sim, com certeza está. (como tu chegaste aqui?)
Realy, i dont known nothing about her, but she probably speaks
Aug 14 2004, 13:08
Mh =3 Eiropa naak ar tuuristiem
ja jaa tuuristiem.Itkaa neesmu rasists vai vel zin kas bet saak jav apnikt ka pa riigu staigaajot vienu vieniigu angllu vacu valodu var dzirdeet.Vismaz man bij taads vakars....
Aug 14 2004, 15:41
Vismaz man bij taads vakars |
Nu nezinu... ejot caur vecriigu vienmkeer juutos paarsteigts, kad 'peekshnji' izdirdu latvieshu valodu... =)
ka jau teicu tas bij man taads vakars
Hmmm, rasisms... Rases ir, ja nekluudos, negroiidi, eiropeiidi (droshi vien, ka citaadaak) un aziaati, bet vaacieshi un angli pieder arii pie tavas rases (ja nu vieniigi tu esi `aafrikaanis` vai aziaats). Taadad rasists tu neesi. Vieniigi shovinists vai nacionaalists.
Aug 15 2004, 12:52
QUOTE (kaarleens @ Aug 12 2004, 06:58 PM) |
QUOTE (Dzonis @ Aug 12 2004, 06:13 PM) | saaks te naakt aarzemnieki beigaas veel foruma galvenaa valoda buus jaapaarsleedz uz anglju.. |
nee forums ir taapeec domaaju ir ok ka mees paarsvaraa lv runaajaam bet nav nekaadu pretenziju ar pret citaam valodaam
tas nebija domaats nosodoshi..laikam vaidzeeja teikuma beigaas piebaazt kaadu nav nekas pret aarzemnieku apgrozishanos forumaa,tikai nebuutu slikti ja runaatu saprotamaa valodaa
Aug 15 2004, 16:10
I can be a ignorant that don't understand almost nothing above, but, i do start do have feeeaarr..

(quotes 'rasisms' 'nacionaalists' 'shovinists')
Aug 15 2004, 17:37
Latvia doesn't have weapons of mass destruction, so don't worry... for a while...
Aug 15 2004, 17:48
QUOTE (Jaffa @ Aug 14 2004, 01:01 PM) |
ja jaa tuuristiem.Itkaa neesmu rasists vai vel zin kas bet saak jav apnikt ka pa riigu staigaajot vienu vieniigu angllu vacu valodu var dzirdeet.Vismaz man bij taads vakars.... |
it's all started with this post:
..about tourists. as though i'm not a racist but it's start to bother when u walk trought Riga u can hear sole english or least i had one evening like this..
and reply was:
race is negroid,europeid (??) and asiatic,but germans and britishers belongs to your race (in case if u arn't "african" or asiatic)...then u aren't racist.only chauvinist (pig in slang

)) or nacionalist.
and some piece of truth is in deBUGa's post too.

pieljauju ka tulkojums drausmiigs jo anglju valodu nav naacies normaali lietot kaadus 2 gadus (vismaz ,cerams,tagad kaut kas mainiisies jo esmu atsaacis studeet)
Aug 16 2004, 05:43
Aug 16 2004, 23:03
QUOTE (Extrarius @ Aug 16 2004, 04:43 AM) |
I can sleep alliviated knowing that latvians will not launch atomic weapons in the countries of strange visitors equals to me.
Who knows...

Just give us a motive and we'll strike instantly
Aug 16 2004, 23:27
we'll strike instantly |
hell yeah!.. tourist-kamikaze strike...
[searching where is Guarapari located]
Aug 17 2004, 02:13
QUOTE (Extrarius @ Aug 14 2004, 06:05 AM) |
QUOTE (Nebulosa @ Aug 11 2004, 11:56 PM) | Gostaria de saber se minha assinatura está dentro dos limites permitidos por este fórum. |
[Nebulosa] Sim, com certeza está. (como tu chegaste aqui?) ------------ Realy, i dont known nothing about her, but she probably speaks portuguese. |
Procurando MP3 no Altavista. =)
Sou do Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul.
Desculpem, pois não sei escrever na lingua de vocês, consigo entender algumas palavras mas nunca estudei ela.
Vocês falam Letão e Russo, estou certa?
Casos vocês não gostem que eu escreva em português posso procurar algum site que traduza do português para o letão ou o Russo.
Latvia doesn't have weapons of mass destruction, so don't worry... for a while... |
Brasil também não tem...
mas o único país que não tem responsabilidade para ter armamentos de destruição em massa é os EUA que acham que eles são melhor que os outros, mas não passam de um bando de idiotas...
Aug 17 2004, 07:46
Nja... laikam varees saakt rakstiit latgalju valodaa...

Vispaar diezgan incanta saruna izveersaas... cilveeks uzdeva jautaajumu par baneri un panesaas sarunas par rasismu un politiku...

Tagad mums te truukst paaris japaanji!!!
lol, taa gan.
no nebulossas teksta es sapratu tikai peedeejo vaardu *lol*
un veel vinjsh kauko par kreiviem runaa, un laikam pats ir braziilis... o.O
atklaaju fishkoshanas sacensiibas.
Aug 17 2004, 14:40
Nebulosa: would u be so nice and write in english?
Aug 17 2004, 15:05
Baabeles tornis.
Aug 17 2004, 18:31
QUOTE (Nebulosa @ Aug 17 2004, 02:13 AM) |
Vocês falam Letão e Russo, estou certa? Casos vocês não gostem que eu escreva em português posso procurar algum site que traduza do português para o letão ou o Russo. |
Eles falam letão. É coisa de Europa mesmo países separados por dezenas de km falarem idiomas diferentes.
Você podia falar inglês, acho que a maioria aqui vai entender.
Ah, sou do Brasil também, Espirito Santo. Achei isso aqui pelo Google, eram os únicos que sabiam a forma correta de Inner Universe.
(Mas pelo jeito minha cidade vai evaporar em alguns dias)
Hey, somebody knowns a site with free-translation of latvian to english?
(or inverse?)
It's curious. The people here dosn't known portuguese, and we don't speak latvian. And we continue talk in our natural languages. Lol!
(still worse! I'm who more use the common language, the english, But i do not know english well... O.o)
Well latvian is kinda hard to translate automatically with services like babelfish and so on (actually its quite a difficult language if not the hardest

) - because of its different meanings.
You can't sometimes (often) just translate one / two words out of context without whole sentence and besides there are quite a lot of words that are written identically, pronounced similar, but with totally different sense. Not to mention grammar

No surprise there still aren't whole text translators cause its not that simple.
Like we ourselves learn latvian for 11-12 years (and of course use whole life) but not always it is done right.
Though you can try
Aug 17 2004, 19:37
QUOTE (Roze @ Aug 17 2004, 06:01 PM) |
Like we ourselves learn latvian for 11-12 years (and of course use whole life) but not always it is done right.
Damn right! Take me for example, i'm still struguling with this God forsaken language
I must agree. Latvian realy is one hard nut to crack.
It would be great if there was an international law that makes everyone learn the same language as a second language. (like those artificial languages... was it espantoso? or something like that...)
Aug 17 2004, 23:27
QUOTE (Sigfa @ Aug 17 2004, 09:55 PM) |
was it espantoso? or something like that...) |
esperanto. Runaa ka neesot iipasji gruuta, vieniigi vaardu kraajums taads pasjvaks.
Aug 18 2004, 05:34
uh.. i guess have to study 11-12 years the dictionary to read latvian.
But i don't like the ideia of a universal language, because it means a only culture for all people... It would go to fail.
(and i dont understand a thing: Latvians uses this alphabet "abcd..." in the daily normal speaking? Or uses that one... "алфавит". ?)
that "алфавит" is a russian word meaning "alfabet".
and, yeah, latvians use the latin alfabet in writing, but how can you use an alfabet in speaking?!
no, i mean everyone has to study that language so that people can communicate. It doesn't mean that you have to discard all other languages. People in their countries could speak their own tongue.
Aug 18 2004, 19:30
Sigfa: yes, writing, wrinting use the latin alphabet. But do you use the cirilic-alphabet in determined moments, no?
Ah, in this way, the english is the language most similar a world language. (now, exists more Chineses studing the english than Usa-americans. Brazil has ones 2-3 milion people that known english)
heh! On the web then...
Aug 18 2004, 19:58
QUOTE (Extrarius @ Aug 18 2004, 06:30 PM) |
But do you use the cirilic-alphabet in determined moments, no?
As you may know, there are a lot of russian speaking people in Latvia, (russians, belaruss, ukraines... bunch of people from all over the former USSR and they're offsprings). Therefore you can often see text done in cirilic in sites www. ....... .lv, but it's not a common thing for etnic latvians to use cirilic, because our alphabet is latin, and its not a comfortable to use two compleatly different alphabet's together. I hope that my subjective explanation of things will be useful for you.
ak tu kungs cik smagi iet ar anglju val., taa iet, ka regulaari nepraktizee
QUOTE (Extrarius @ Aug 18 2004, 07:30 PM) |
Sigfa: yes, writing, wrinting use the latin alphabet. But do you use the cirilic-alphabet in determined moments, no?
Ah, in this way, the english is the language most similar a world language. (now, exists more Chineses studing the english than Usa-americans. Brazil has ones 2-3 milion people that known english)
heh! On the web then... |
I obtain to understand the English when I read, but have some difficulties to write, then use translating...
I finish writing as an indian...
the English who the school teaches is weak.
Aug 19 2004, 19:14
Yes, very weak.
I self never understand the english-talked, only the writed.
This is other problem in the language-education. We learn only with the practise.
I self never understand the english-talked, only the writed. |
Watching something in the current language helps..
well at least it helped me to learn english and german.. It's quite easy this way.. You just watch anime (or something else..

) in this language and before you know it you can actually talk and perfectly understand the talked sometimes even more better than people who learn it from books..
Aug 23 2004, 13:51
That's right!
I can only agree. But if you learn Languges from watching tv or listening to radio it's harder to learn the grammatic. Thats a reason why I can't vrite correctly.

The thing I realy don' t understand is vheather to vrite v or w.
Whats the difference???
Aug 24 2004, 03:15
QUOTE (ELLADORA @ Aug 24 2004, 01:40 AM) |
I can only agree. But if you learn Languges from watching tv or listening to radio it's harder to learn the grammatic. Thats a reason why I can't vrite correctly. The thing I realy don' t understand is vheather to vrite v or w. Whats the difference??? |
The sound of the W in the English if would be equivalent to the U
In the Portuguese it is equivalent itself to the sound of V believes that in the Letão also it has the same sound.
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