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RULE 1: Each month, the Otaku meeting will be on the 2nd Sunday of
the month

RULE 2: Determination for the location for the Otaku meeting
is like calling shotgun for the front passenger seat of a
car. Whoever calls the location first, wins, and that's where Otaku is
going to be, period. In case of close calls, "first" is determined by
date received by the forum server machine, and ties go to the runner.

RULE 3: A meeting announcement must be posted by a message to the
forum, in the Pasākumi section. It must define a time, a location
(with address and/or directions by car and public transportation),
and use the declarative voice ("We are going to..." not "Would
you guys like to go to...?"). It should not be sent before the previous
month's meeting has happened (or should have happened).

RULE 4: If you make the announcement, you have to go, you have to be
on time and preferably early, and you have to make a little sign
that says "Otaku" so people know where they're supposed to sit.

RULE 5: If no one makes an announcement, the meeting will not
happen. If nobody cares enough to take responsibility and make an
announcement, and everyone minces around with do-you-think's and
what-about-this's, we are weak and cowardly and do not deserve a
lovely meeting together.

RULE 6: Nobody is making you go to Otaku meetings. Your
dialysis machine is not at the Otaku meeting. You are not a robot of
the future who will be stuck in our dimension forever if you don't
attend the Otaku meeting.

If, for some reason, you cannot make it to the Otaku meeting, or you
don't like where it's being held, or Chinese food gives you an upset
tummy, then Don't Go, and make a note in your calendar to yourself
to take some initiative and make the next month's announcement.

RULE 7: In case of SEVERE HAZARD -- for example, the originally chosen
venue has burnt to the ground or is on fire at the scheduled time
for the meeting, etc. -- the original organizer should post a new
announcement according to rule 3, mentioning prominently that it
is a change.

The organizer MUST put a sign and/or a human runner at the original
venue to send people who missed the revised announcement to the
new location.

That's it. 7 simple rules. The Date Rule, the Shotgun Rule, the Email
Rule, the Organizer Rule, the Have a Spine Rule, the Take Your
Lumps Rule, and the System Crash Rule.

* A sample announcement email would look like this:

Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Otaku Meeting For April 2002
Date: 24 Mar 2002 08:31:11 -0800

The Otaku meeting for this month will be held at Munster's Pizza
Parlor on April 10th, 2002 at 1313 Mockingbird Lane in Berkeley at

Munster's is at the corner of Mockingbird and Yourtown Street on the
Number 17 AC Transit line. It is a 2 block walk from the Northside
BART station.

I will be bringing DVD's with Serial Experiment Lain. If you want to
see something else or borow these DVD's, then PM me.

See you there,


Note that this message projects authority, it has all important
information, and it does not use a question mark anywhere in the
message or subject line.

* There is no shame in announcing the meeting for someplace that
Otaku has already been before. Heck: if it was good enough
before, it's probably good enough now.

* If you make an announcement, it's entirely possible that NO ONE will
come. This is the risk you run. You have put yourself on the line,
and it's within the realm of likelihood that you will spend the
night lonely and afraid, standing naked in the rain while fire ants
crawl on your legs and chomp your skin and all of the people you
have ever had secret crushes on point at you and laugh and laugh.

In short, it will be the worst night of your entire life, bar
none. If you are prepared for this, any other outcome will be icing
on the cake.

If you are not prepared for this, and you send a vituperative and
bitter email to the Otaku list on the Day After, you will
come off like a fool, and you will have capped your disastrous event
with a bitter and ugly conclusion. This is not smart, so don't do


Copyright © 2002 Evan Prodromou.
Modified for by Aigarius.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
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Just a suggestion tongue.gif
QUOTE(aigarius @ Jun 19 2006, 04:07)
Just a suggestion tongue.gif

Nezaudee autoritaati ar shaadu minstinaashanos!
QUOTE(edg @ Jun 19 2006, 09:53)
QUOTE(aigarius @ Jun 19 2006, 04:07)
Just a suggestion tongue.gif

Nezaudee autoritaati ar shaadu minstinaashanos!

Tur neko nevar darīt, jo formāli autoritātes man jau nav - ne es moderātors, nedz administrātors, nedz kaigan valdinieks, bet nervi ir tikai izpildorgāns. Turklāt tā kā es pats vēl līdz aprīlim esmu Anglijā, tad uz mani tas vienalga nekādu iespaidu neatstāj.

Savukārt, ja kāds moderātors šito topiko nopinos, tā jau ir cita lieta.
doma ir visnotalj spozha. tikai ir bailes ka taa vis nenotiks. Shotgunu noignorees ja kaas ieteiks tautai daudz patiikamaaku vietu/laiku.
Tāpēc arī ir vajadzīga autoritāte - kur pirmais pateica, tur arī pasākums notiek un nekādu bet un nekādu izmaiņu. Otrā vieta var mēģināt dabūt savējo ideju nākošajā reizē. Viss ir ļoti vienkārši - ja tu piedāvā ļoti sliktu vietu, tad tu ne tikai dabuj slikti apmeklētu pasākumu, bet arī klusu nopēlumu no pārējiem par laika izniekošanu. Bet ja neviens neuzdrošinās neko piedāvāt, jo citi uzreiz sāks komentēt par to cik tā ir slikta vieta, tad vienkārši nekas nenotiks gan ar, gan bez shotgun noteikumiem.
Tādā veidā shotgun nodrošina ideālu pašregulāciju ilgākā laika periodā un arī iedrošina tikšanās regulārā un daudz maz paredzamā veidā.
Galu galā galvenais ir nevis laiks vai vieta, bet gan cilvēki.
Nu jaukums buus taads, ka saakumaa pasaakumi vienkaarshi netiks apmekleeti ja kaads vienkaarshi joka peec kaut ko piepostos, pats nemaz neieradiisie un buus varen prieciigs.
Mums te pasaakumi jau taapat notiek tik reti, ka nav izcili biezha paraadiiba divi vienlaiciigi. Taa kaa shitais gaajiens te, manupraat, ir nevajadziigs. Bet ideja ir laba.
Problēma ir arī tāda, ka cilvēki kas grib pasākumu sāk čatot par tēmu "nu vajadzētu kaut ko kaut kur kaut kad", bet līdz sākotnēji piedāvātajam laikam nekas arī nav noteikts un cilveki nezina vai kas notiek vai nē un ja notiek tad kas, kur, kad un cikos.
Nosakot to, ka topika uzsācējs ir organizators un nosakot kam ir jābūt pirmajā postā, lai par to vispār varētu runāt, palielinās cilvēku iespēja jebko plānot un tas arī organizētājam būt pārliecinātam un veikt galvenās organizatoriskās lietas vēl pirms pirmā posta.
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