Pēdējo pilienu pielika Crest nodēvēšana par oldschool, lai nu kas ir Crest, bet par oldschool to saukt ir par traku.
Manā izpratnē old school anime būtu līdz 90-tajiem gadiem tapusī, jo 90-to pirmajā pusē notika radikālas pārmaiņas personāžu un fona dizainā, aizvien vairāk sāka izmantot datoranimāciju, ienāca jauni animācijas stili. Kopš tā laika dizains praktiski nav progresējis, ja neskaita aizvien lielāku datoranimācijas pielietošanu, to starp arī pure-CGI (FF, MS Igloo, Hack/sign, utt) seriālu parādīšanos.
Visuzinošā Wikipedia saka tā:
Old school, variously spelled old skool, oldschool or oldskool, is a slang term referring to an older school of thinking or acting, and to old objects in general, within the context of newer, more modern times. Rather than carrying the negative connotation of obsolete or out-dated, it may be used to refer to a time of perceived higher standards or level of craft. The term "old school" may be effectively equivalent to "They just don't make 'em like this anymore."
Old school is often interchangeable with the word nostalgic but practitioners of semantics often define old school as simply something of an earlier period but not necessarily inferior or hopelessly dated. Nostalgia, on the other hand, is often given a negative connotation. For example, as a sentimental attachment to dated works many of which are now considered embarrasingly 'corny' or 'cheesy' in their execution, yet retaining a place in one's sentiments as a guilty pleasure or relic of one's youth. This definition is often associated with cartoons and other children's shows, especially after one reaches adulthood.
Old School has some specific uses:
Old school hip hop, referring to the hip hop music of anywhere from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. hip hop historians consider the late 1970s to the early 1980s to be old school, then the late 1980s to 1990s as Golden Age, but the mainstream often refers to the late 1980s, early 1990s period as Old School.
For electronic music fans, Oldskool (with a 'K', one word) is now a popular term that usually refers to a style of music popular in the early 1990s, which was at the time called breakbeat hardcore or rave. The style fragmented in the mid 1990s but the 'cheezy' Old Skool roots and even direct samples are easily found in many Happy Hardcore genre tracks as well as in other genres that share a common link with breakbeat hardcore.
In the world of rock music, Old School usually refers to the period between the early 1970s, when hard rock and heavy metal emerged, and the early 1990s, just before the advent of grunge. This period is a common format for classic rock/AOR radio stations.
In computer and video games, the dividing line for Old School is often before the advent of 3D graphics, generally the 8 to 32-bit sprite based games of the late-1970s to mid-1990s such as Sonic the hedgehog.
Smieklīgs fakts - pēc pāris gadiem arī Naruto būs "old school"
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