Vakar noskatījos.
Ļoti laba Korejas režisora Kim Ki-duk jaunā filma!!
Noteikti viena no skaistākajām pēdējā laikā redzētajām Āzijas filmām.
*jāredz noteikti*
Filmai ir fantastiski labs muzikālais pavadījums. Noteikti kautkur sadabūšu OST.
Amerikāņi šādu filmu neuztaisīs nekad. nekad. nekad.
Žanrs filmai minēts, kā drāma - bet tā nav "parasta" drāma. Tā ir māksla.
Man pat pietrūkst vārdu, lai šo filmu pienācīgi aprakstītu.
Ieskats sižetā īsumā:
The story centers around a man in his sixties who has been raising a young girl since childhood on a ship that floats unanchored off Korea's western coast. Though the borders of her world are obviously quite limited, she seems happy, and the old man plans to marry her the day she reaches legal age. The two make their living by hosting fishermen aboard the boat, and also tell fortunes in a rather bizarre and dangerous fashion, by shooting arrows whizzing past the girl's head into a Buddhist painting on the side of the boat.