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Man ir tāds jautājums.
Vai kāds lūdzu var man uzrakstīt ko īsti Japāņu kultūrā simbolizē šīs krāsas:

Zaļš -
Balts -
Sarkans -
Zils -
Melns -
Dzeltens -

Lūdzu, lūdzu padalieties savās ziņāšanās!!

Jau iepriekš pateicos par atbildēm.
Ja nekljuudos...
Balts - seeru kraasa
sarkans - laimes kraasa utt... [Labojiet mani ja es kluudos]
Varbuut es jaucu ar kjiinu... nevainojiet mani... bet zinu ka tai kultuurai kaazaas liigava ir sarkanaa kleitaa utt... maajaas lampas ir sarkanas un taadaa garaa... itkaa nesot laimi sarkanaa kraasa...
Jā, balts simbolizē nāvi.
Un sarkans it kā ir auglības, laimes krāsa.

Kaut ko tādu pa ausu galam esmu dzirdējusi.

Var jaukt arī ar Ķīnas simbolismu, ja neviens tieši nezin kāds ir Japāņu simbolisms.
Ne pa ausu galam - skatoties Discovery kanaalus... Vieniigais varu jaukt ar Kjiinu... Bet pa ausu galam toch tas nav dzirdeets!!
Google: japanese culture colors

Nu jā .. es ar mēģināju ar googli, bet tur var sprandu nolauzt.
Es vienkārši domāju, ka šeit ir kāds kurš to zin un spēj atbildēt pat nakts laikā...

Tipa man interesē tieši, kura krāsa apzīmēja piemēram godu, kura lojalitāti, kura jaunību. Nu tādā veidā..
Kaut kur dzirdēju, ka melna krāsa simbolizē gudrību. Tāpēc skolas tērpi Japānā ir melni.
un baltā-taisnību.
--Red: passionate, the color of hearts and flames, attracts attention and speed up metabolism.  Pink is associated with romance.  Deep red looks aristocratic.
--Yellow:  Lively, happy, the color of sunshine and daffodils.  Bright yellow can be oppressive, pale yellow breezy and springlike.
--Green:  Tranquil, pastoral, the color of trees, grass.  Associated with spring, fertility, poison, jealousy.  Dark green is eloquent bringing to mind the deep quiet of a pine forest.
--Blue:  The color of sky and sea it has a calming effect but is also powerful, the strongest of the colors after red.  Light blues looks young and sporty, navy dignified and wealthy.
--Purple:  Sophisticated, associated with royalty.
--Brown: Rich, fertile like soil.  Also sad, wistfullike leaves in autumn.  Also suggests a rustic, natural or opulent look as in leather.
--White:  Purity, virginity, innocence, peace.  Can also be associated with sterility and winter.
--Black:  The color of night and death, often linked with evil, wealth and elegance.
---Warm Colors: From red to yellow, including orange, pink, brown, burgundy.  Bright, splashy, aggressive, attract the eye, excite emotions, heightens motivation, makes us work faster, grab our attention, can be brash, cheerful, exuberant.
---Cool Colors:  Green to violet, including all blues and grays.  Remind us of snow and ice, slow down metabolism, used to calm, can be gloomy, oppressive or clean and inviting or cool, refreshing and sanitary looking.
Can also be associated with loneliness or alienation.
---Light Colors:  Includes light shades of all colors including orange and purple.  Give a soft, ethereal look, have a gossamer, fairy-tale quality. Effective in a quiet way.
---Dark Colors:  Black and other dark shades.  May feel heavy, strong, solid, be associated with royalty (dark purple, red, green and blue) or dignity.  Can look expensive.
---Vivid Colors:  All have powerful personalities and stand out (such as red), are vivid (such as blue and yellow) and also includes black and white.  Too many used together can result in cacophony - too many voices shouting at once.
--Dull Colors:  Colors with gray added to them.  They can be soft or muddy, vague, diffuse, blurry, help reduce tension, give a meditative, dreamlike mood.
---Striking:  Colors that almost jump off the page.  Catch the eye, makes things seem larger and closer.  A striking color scheme should contrast dark colors with light colors.
---Tranquil:  A tranquil color scheme uses cool colors like blue and green and avoids strong contrasts.  Often secondary colors like green, turquoise and purple are more tranquil than primary shades, pastels more tranquil than vivid shades.  Gray more than black and white. Conveys a sense of quiet and familiarity or may seem old -fashion.
---Exciting:  Makes use of bright red and strong contrasts, but instead of using the red with other primary colors uses secondary colors like yellow-orange or pale green or purple.  Exciting colors tend to clash and this heightens the sense of motion and excitement.  A dark color like black can be used to mediate.
---Natural:  Subtle, complicated hues, often dark and muted.  The colors of nature.
---Young:  Any colors that young people are wearing at the moment.  Tend to favor extremes and reject,  safe-middle of the  road colors.  Either extremely bright or extremely pale.  Sharp contrasts or almost no contrast.  Powerful, energetic primaries or black and white.
---Feminine:  Colors that are eye catching and chic but less startling than the young preferences.  Often contrasting hues from the same color group such as red and pink or purple and lilac or if different color groups are mixed, the value or lightness tends to remain the same- for example light shades of blue with light shades of green.
---Surprising:  Colors and combinations not often seen together in everyday life.  Three colors not often seen together in nature,: magenta, cyan and yellow.  Colors that run contrary to their natural brightness, for example dark yellow and orange or very pale blue or green.  Color combinations that do not take contrast into consideration:  blue/green, magenta/purple, magenta/red.
--White:  Purity, virginity, innocence, peace.  Can also be associated with sterility and winter.
--Black:  The color of night and death, often linked with evil, wealth and elegance.

Redzi.. šis pilnīgi noteikti nav pēc Japāņu kultūras.
Jo Japāņiem melnais nekad neapzīmē ļaunumu. Un nāvi nekādā gadījumā.
Baltais apzīmē nāvi.

Un zaļais.. Tur par zaļo ir sarakstītas visādas nejaucības kā greizsirdība un tamlīdzīgi.. Bet ja mana atmiņa mani neviļ, tad zaļais apzīmē godu vai patiesību..

Ja atceraties, tad bija filma "Hero", kur galvenajiem varoņiem mainījās tērpu krāsas pēc simboliskās nozīmes un līdz ar to storijs veidojās savādāks.

Diemžēl galīgi nemāku atrast, kur varētu atrast tieši šos apzīmējumus.

Un vēl.. Japāņiem simboliskas ir tikai tās pamatkrāsas:
Balta, melna, zila, zaļa, dzeltena, sarkana.. (par dzelteno es vēl šaubos vispār, iespējams, ka tā arī nav..)
peec hero bija -

sarkans - kaisle
zils - miilestiiba
balts - skumjas
zaljsh - patiesiiba, gudriiba waj jauniiba (waj kkas taac,shito iisti neatceros,bet par paareejiem esmu paarliecinaata, lasiiju kkaadaa hero recenzijaa)

updt: weeel atcereejos (kkur pa awsu galam dzirdeec,nezinu,cik patiesi),ka japaanjiem melnam preteejaa ir dzeltenaa,newis baltaa kraasa. tas jaw ar warbuut tad kkaa ietekmee to simbolismu. nez.
Isabel Carmin fon Edelhain
Varbūt šis ka palīdzes.

Asian Color Symbolism

Red: Happiness, marriage, prosperity
Pink Marriage
Yellow: Against evil, for the dead, geomantic blessings
Green: Eternity, family, harmony, health, peace, posterity
Blue: Self-cultivation, wealth
Purple: Wealth
White: Children, helpful people, marriage,
mourning, peace, purity, travel
Gold: Strength, wealth
Gray: Helpful people, travel
Black: Career, evil influences, knowledge, mourning, penance, self-cultivation
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