May 15 2005, 06:49
Hello everyone! I'm new here. I love all the anime pictures, they're beautiful!
May 15 2005, 11:48
brr.. and thats it? that's all you wanted to say? I hope you do understand Latvian.. cause if not then it's to bad for you!!
emm..well,i hate to say it,but it seems that you are some kind a freakin' stupid1 if you make a new topic JUST TO TELL US, that you love anime pictures and that u r new here.. EVERYONE HERE LOVES ANIME, in case you didn't notice this is an ANIME FORUM !!!
waax,kkaa jaateik waljaa no shitaadiem *biip,biiip*, ja te taadi mm.. pamulkjiishi wajrumaa saradiisies, buus kaudze ar shaadiem topics ... weh. fuj,fuj un welrejz fuj. nez,warjaw buut,ka mani spriedumi nau logjiski.
May 15 2005, 12:26
Welcome. :3 Though, we speak latvian here most of time. So, if you can't understeand what we say, please, don't run around shouting "Liek omg, translate it 4 me!!111one". XD
Rebel, ārzemju forumos parasti visi taisa šitos "Hi I'm new" threadus. :3 Varbūt tāpēc...
Man jau arī diez ko tie ārzemnieki nepatīk, bet... ._.;
Greetings in our loveley forum

Mani kautkaa jau kaitina tas ka saak savilkties pa pilno aarzemnieki shajaa forumaa.... kaadaa velnaa vinji te vispaar tiek?
QUOTE(SheWr @ May 15 2005, 12:44)
Greetings in our loveley forum

Mani kautkaa jau kaitina tas ka saak savilkties pa pilno aarzemnieki shajaa forumaa.... kaadaa velnaa vinji te vispaar tiek?
caur google... meklējot kautko noteikti kāds links ar uz šejieni norāda.. ta viņi ierauga lielo bilžu kolekciju un nodomā - jā, man te jāpiereģistrējas un mazliet jāpaspamo..
May 15 2005, 20:56
hi! by!
gluži ka mana masa kas visur reģistrejas ar niku lacus klyne... ja nemaldoso tad šini foruma ari ir tikusi =[
ja redzat useru ar niku lacus klyne tad zinat mana masa kaas fano tikai un vienīgi par gundam seed un seed destiny....
pat es uz gundamiem nesu tik ķerts ;\
emm..pac lapaaakais - shie jaw nesaprot neko no taa,kas te tiek raxtiic..brr..tas ir taa..mmm..njujaa,bajgi diiwajni...ko winjiem wajag? hehe..nju,nekas,laj jaw ariii taadiem tiek saws priecinsh...
man skjiet ka regjistreejoties ieguust taad ubonusu kaa: tev raada kuros topikos ir ieposteots kaut kas jauns. Taatad tev nav jaauztraucas par to, ka kaadas bildes garaam palaidiiisi.
Jun 2 2005, 08:48
I thought people would be nice here...usually when someone is new at a forum you don't yell at them, you greet them...
Jun 2 2005, 09:05
taads ieteikums uztaisiet aarzemniekiem sadallu un lai shie spamo tur
QUOTE(MyCatMaggie @ Jun 2 2005, 08:48)
I thought people would be nice here...usually when someone is new at a forum you don't yell at them, you greet them... usually that happen, but not there. If all new members make new topic "Hi, I'm new", then there was been about 1000 new topic with spam!
Sorry about my poor english, becose this is latvian anime forum, and there all speak in latvian! If you dont understand, then look ecchi, yuri etc pictures and don't spam there!
Nu kautkā tā..
there(tur) vietaa liec here(sheit)

So you thought wrong. You see, nobody gives a damn if you like it here or not, you can enjoy the pictures, and join a discussion if it's in a language you know and all, but if you start spamming like this, then the reaction we display is only natural, since this is a latvian forum. ie. in case you didn't notice (look at the banner at least...), and we don't have custom of making a new thread to greet, we usually do that in a new post as a
Post Scriptum below an on-topic continuation of the discussion at hand.
So stop spamming.
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