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Subj. Radusies vajadzība pēc labiem diskiem animes drukāšanai. smile.gif
Neviens gadijumā uz Lietuvu netaisās braukt? wink.gif
QUOTE(Hideki @ Feb 10 2005, 15:24)
Subj. Radusies vajadzība pēc  labiem diskiem animes drukāšanai.  smile.gif
Neviens gadijumā uz Lietuvu netaisās braukt? wink.gif

Sorry par offtop, bet :
1) Tikpat labi sho vareeja apspriest vecajaa matricu topikaa
2) Iesaku paariet uz DVD+/-R... rakstiit anime ieksh CD tas tachu nepraata darbs... smile.gif
Varu piedāvāt DATEX CD-R 100 gab par 20 Ls.
un Esperanza DVD+R matricas 10 gab par 5.5 Ls
Vai leetaak ir cd vai dvd? (cena/ietilpiiba)
QUOTE(edg @ Feb 10 2005, 16:16)
Vai leetaak ir cd vai dvd? (cena/ietilpiiba)
Ljoti rupjsh piemeers ar JurCHiX cenaam:
100 CD-R == ~ 70 Gb t.i. ~0.28 Ls/Gb
10 DVD+R == ~ 45 Gb t.i. ~0.12 Ls/Gb

P.S. Cerams, ka nekur nenokljuudiijos... smile.gif
P.S.S. IIsteniibaa ir veel viens faktors... rakstot reti kad sanaak "sabaazt" CD/DVD datu neseejaa anime liidz malaam, parasti paliek kautkaada briiva vieta, kuraa nevar "iebaazt" veselu seeriju, dazhreiz pat liidz 100 MB. Taadaa zinjaa, jo mazaaka ietilpiiba datu neseejam, jo vairaak paliek neizmantotas vietas...
Bet DVD rakstiishanai vajadziigs ieguldiijums - DVD rakstiitaaja pirkshana. Cik tas raksteklis izmaksaa?
Edg - stagnāts! tongue.gif
Nu vai tiešām ir tik grūti apgreidoties?
Es vairs CD vispār nerakstu, nu vismaz animi ne. Naruto jau uz DVD-R aizņem 5 gab. bet uz CD 40+ gab. blink.gif
DVD raksteklis ar vismaz 8x un Dual Layer rakstīšanas iespēju maksā 40-50 Lati, pāris gadus atpakaļ tā maksāja labs CD.
QUOTE(edg @ Feb 10 2005, 16:42)
Bet DVD rakstiishanai vajadziigs ieguldiijums - DVD rakstiitaaja pirkshana.
Arii taisniiba...
Un tagad visi pareekjinaam, peec cik megamatricaam tas viss atmaksaasies... smile.gif

BET ieguustam papildus fiichas: skatiities DVD un samazinaam izejosho matricu daudzumu 6x... smile.gif

P.S. Jaa un veel aizmirsu par rakstiishanai pateereetaa laika ekonomiju... rolleyes.gif
Tu aizmirsi pieminēt vietas ekonomiju plauktā vai disku maciņā - arī tieši 6-6.5 reizes biggrin.gif
Viena lieta, kas tomēr kaitina pēc pāriešanas uz DVD-R, ir seriāli, kuri pārkodēti domājot par CD-R lietotājiem - tb, 233 Mb sērijas (3*233). Parasti tādu nevar uzmānīt uz DVD matricas pilnā garumā un nākas izlietot otru matricu, kurai tad puse paliek brīva. Vienmēr jau nav kāds pēc tematikas/noskaņas atbilstošs OVA ko tur iemānīt :/
Njaa, tas DVD tieshaam izskataas peec labas lietas. Buus nopietni jaaapdomaa.

P.S. Vai mana aciimerdzami dziljaa interese par jaunajaam anime rakstiishanas tehnologjijaam ir stagnaatisma izpausme. Nedomaaju vis.
Nēēē... runa gāja par to ka tu tik dikti spurojies tam pretīm smile.gif
Vienkārši šķiet ka visiem iesēdies kaut kur galvās ka DVD ir elitāra tehnoloģija un tikai bagātajiem. Tā nav!
<---- Cilvēks, kuram DVD atskaņotājs bija jau 99. gadā. Un neir nekāds biezais.
QUOTE(Taka @ Feb 10 2005, 20:56)
Nēēē... runa gāja par to ka tu tik dikti spurojies tam pretīm smile.gif

Kuraa vietaa? Es, personiigi, redzu tikai interesi par ekonomiskajaam izmaksaam jeb "vai taa maz buus leetaak".

"You land a single blow, I'll bow down and call you master."
Nu jā, es jau tāds DVD entuziasts, kurš vienmēr ir bļāvis "VHS must die" smile.gif
Ja interesē es varu pastāstīt par savu rakstekli - parametri utt...
DVD raksteklis noteikti ir ātrāk, lētāk un ērtāk.
DVD raksteklis raksta visu to pašu ko CD raksteklis + vēl DVD+R, DVD-R, DVD+RW, DVD-RW un DVD+R DL
Protams, lasa arī CD un DVD

Es teiksim pērku eProformance DVD+R maricas tuvējā veikalā. Gan 4x gan 8x maksā 0.75Ls/gab.

Man ir LiteON SOHW-1653 raksteklis. IDE protams. Strādā UltraATA 66 režīmā. Maksāja 52latus, līdzi nāca Nero un Power DVD 5

DVD+R 16x
DVD-R 12x
CD-R 48x
CD-RW 24x

CD-ROM 48x

1x DVD rakstīšanas ātrums aptuveni atbilst 4x CD
4x DVD ieraksta apm 15 min, 8x DVD - kādās 8 min, 16x - zem 5 min.
DVD matricā salien kādi 4.5GB, DL (divslāņu) matricā - 8.5GB, tikai tās pagaidām ir neganti dārgas.

Var izmantot Nero, CloneCD, CloneDVD utt
QUOTE(driznaks @ Feb 10 2005, 20:02)
Viena lieta, kas tomēr kaitina pēc pāriešanas uz DVD-R, ir seriāli, kuri pārkodēti domājot par CD-R lietotājiem - tb, 233 Mb sērijas (3*233). Parasti tādu nevar uzmānīt uz DVD matricas pilnā garumā un nākas izlietot otru matricu, kurai tad puse paliek brīva. Vienmēr jau nav kāds pēc tematikas/noskaņas atbilstošs OVA ko tur iemānīt :/

Bet mani kaitina seriāli, kas tā kā speciāli kodēti lai nasalīstu cd matricās, viena sērija 190, otra 270, treša vispār 320. Vai tikai nav speciāli kodēti priekš rakstīšanas dvd. rolleyes.gif Jo tas nav njemts no dažādām relīzēm. laugh.gif

to Taka: Kā Lite On reaģē uz lētajiem diskiem? Citādi no lietotājiem dzirdēti bēdu stāsti, kad ar vienu firmvāri vieni diski rakstās labi, citi nerakstās normāli, bet updeitojot sanāk otrādi un tad visu laiku sanāk viņas mainīt. rolleyes.gif Nezinu, varbūt tie ir kautkādi nevieksmīgi modeļi. Man nekad nav bijis, ka kautkādi parastie CD-R diski nerakstītos vispār veselām bundžām (kā tiek stāstīts kautvai par tiem pašiem DIGITEX vai ACME - uzliku uz TEAC un cilvēkam par lieliem brīnumiem tieši no tās pašas bundžas diski ierakstās un lasās normāli.) ...
DVD draivam ir sanacis nomērīt C1/C2 errorlevel matricām? Un kādi rezultāti? Cik atceros, laikam bez LiteOn tāda iespēja bija tikai Plextoriem...
QUOTE(JurCHiX @ Feb 10 2005, 15:37)
Varu  piedāvāt DATEX CD-R 100 gab par 20 Ls.
un Esperanza DVD+R matricas 10 gab par 5.5 Ls

Kas tie DATEX ir pēc atip koda (vai Nero propertijās)? Fornet (kā digidata), prodisc, CMC vai kas cits?

Pashlaik viens no izdeviigaakajiem piedaavaajumiem:
SAMSUNG 160GB 7200RPM ATA133 8MB CASH [SP1614N] 59.00 Ls (Ls0.36875/GB)

160 GB glabaashanai vajadziigi 35 DVD. 36*0.55=19,80
Veel vajadziigs DVD raxtiitaajs, kursh pikjo 50 latus. taatad 70 lati par 160 gigiem, kuri izmeetaati pa diskiem, kuros nevar orienteeties.

320 Gigi, protams maxaas Ls120, ja izmanto HDD un Ls90 ja DVD.

Jaanjem veeraa arii tas, ka uz HDD ir daudz eertaak glabaat failus, savukaart ar DVD varees arii lasiit filmas utt...
Bet DVD arii paiet laix kameer ieraxta, arii neerti.

Taatad ja grasaamies saraxtiit mazaak par 200 gigiem njemmam cietni, ja vairaak, tad izdeviigak DVD raxtiitaaju.

Velns... gribeeeju pieraadiit, ka HDD ir labaak njemt, bet re kaa sanaaca...
Pasham jaasaak stukot par rakstiiklja pirkshanu. Jaasagaida tik kad shis CD rom nomirs.
Man interesee veel viena lieta:
Ierakstiitiem cd ir tieksme ar laiku nochakareeties, saskraapeeties, vairs nelasiities labi un visaadi citaadi ljauni un neatgriezeniski izdariities. Vai dvd ir tieshi taadas pashas probleemas?

ETM, njem veeraa, ka, jaa taa lieta ir kaut kur rakstaama, tad noteikti ir milzu veeleeshanaas to nepazaudeet, taapeec bez RAID5 neies krastaa. Taatad vajag pirkt vairaakus vienaada lieluma HDD, pie tam, normaali ir 4 IDE vietas, no kuraam 1 aiznjem cd-rom(vai dvd vai kaut kas tamliidziigs), taatad paliek 3 vietas. Ja 3 HDD saliek raidaa, tad 33% vietas ir gaisaa izkuupeejushas. Nee, tas galiigi nekam neder.

Aaa, jaa, veel viena lieta:
Kaa ir ar DVD-RW - vai taadi eksistee pie reaalaam cenaam? Un vai vinjos taapat kaa CD-RW var cuukoties iekshaa vismaz 100 reizes pa virsu?
QUOTE(edg @ Feb 11 2005, 00:09)
ETM, njem veeraa, ka, jaa taa lieta ir kaut kur rakstaama, tad noteikti ir milzu veeleeshanaas to nepazaudeet, taapeec bez RAID5 neies krastaa. Taatad vajag pirkt vairaakus vienaada lieluma HDD, pie tam, normaali ir 4 IDE vietas, no kuraam 1 aiznjem cd-rom(vai dvd vai kaut kas tamliidziigs), taatad paliek 3 vietas. Ja 3 HDD saliek raidaa, tad 33% vietas ir gaisaa izkuupeejushas. Nee, tas galiigi nekam neder.

Zheel, ka cilveeki uzskata ka HDD ir tik viegli sabojaat.
Un lai Raid 5 uztaisiitu nevajag vienaada lieluma cietnjus, vajag vienaada lieluma volumes.
Un par taam briivajaam IDE... Ir taada lieta kaa Serial ATA, tad veel taada lieta kaa RAID kontrolieri. Neviens tev neliedz 20 disku raid5 uztaisiit. tad zaudeejumi buus tikai 5%, kas buutiibaa nav nekas.
QUOTE(ETM @ Feb 11 2005, 00:35)
Neviens tev neliedz 20 disku raid5 uztaisiit. tad zaudeejumi buus tikai 5%, kas buutiibaa nav nekas.

Sāk izskatīties, ka tad jau lētāk būs iepirkt orģinālos DVD ar animi, sanāks lētāk. smile.gif Cerams viņi paši no sevis nebojājas...
Nu nezinu kaa ar DVD, bet CD saliidzinot ar HDD bojaajas kaadas reizes 20 biezhaak. Bet par to Raidu ar 20 cietnjiem:tas taa, neredzu iipashi jeegu animeem raid 5 vispaar taisiit, jo kaa jau teicu cietnji luuzt diezgan reti. Tas ir ja tu baisu datu baazi glabaa, tur uznjeemuma darbinieku algu uzskaites, vai kauko taml, tad gan kaadu fault toleranci vajag, bet ja grib nepazaudeet infu tad uz DVD arii buutu triiskaarshi jaaraxta.
Citam cietie luuzt reti, bet citam pieredze nav tik rozhaina.

Par raid: Ja es gribu, lai cieto pirkshana buutu leetaakaa uz gb, tad viens cietais izmaksaas vismaz 50Ls. 10 cietie * 50ls = taada nauda, kura uz celja nemeetaajas.
QUOTE(Hideki @ Feb 11 2005, 01:03)
Sāk izskatīties, ka tad jau lētāk būs iepirkt orģinālos DVD ar animi, sanāks lētāk. smile.gif Cerams viņi paši no sevis nebojājas...

Hideki, vienmēr var atrast 100un1 iemeslu kāpēc kaut ko nedarīt laugh.gif
Manis pēc tu vari sēdēt uz CD matricām, kamēr viņas nepaliks dārgākas par DVD matricām. Industrija piespiedīs. No CD tehnoloģijas datu uzglabāšanas jomā ir izspiests maksimums, industrija virzās tālāk.
Tikai nevajag burkšķēt, ka redz saberi nedomā par sēriju savietojamību ar CD, pie tiem seriālu apjomiem kādi ir tagad nav nekāds brīnums, ka viņi uz DVD pārmetušies. Sen jau bija laiks.

Un tā frāze par DVD pirkšanu mani uzjautrināja. Esmu gatavs likt galvu ķīlā ka labi ja 1% no publikas būs ar mieru pirkt animi uz DVD pat ja disks maksās 2-3Ls vai mangu, ja tā ies par 0.5-1Ls.

Vairumam kačāt ir ērtāk. Un to darīs pat tad ja DVD ar animi maksās sviestmaizi.

Iesaku palasīt - DVD FAQ lai izglītotos mazlietiņ.
QUOTE(edg @ Feb 11 2005, 00:09)
Man interesee veel viena lieta:
Ierakstiitiem cd ir tieksme ar laiku nochakareeties, saskraapeeties, vairs nelasiities labi un visaadi citaadi ljauni un neatgriezeniski izdariities. Vai dvd ir tieshi taadas pashas probleemas?

Mazākas. Kopš tā laika disku pārklājumi ir uzlaboti, protams ja nelieto ACME vai vispār kaut kādas noname matricas un nemētā pliku matricu pa galdu vai somu.

QUOTE(edg @ Feb 11 2005, 00:09)
Aaa, jaa, veel viena lieta:
Kaa ir ar DVD-RW - vai taadi eksistee pie reaalaam cenaam? Un vai vinjos taapat kaa CD-RW var cuukoties iekshaa vismaz 100 reizes pa virsu?

<nopūšas> edg tu manu postu lasīji - es taču minēju ka praktiski katrs DVD raksta gan DVD+RW gan DVD-RW, viena pārrakstāmā matrica maksā ap Ls1.20, bet tās parasti vairumā nepērk.
Ierakstīšanas/dzēšanas ciklu skaits apmēram tāds pats kā CD-RW
QUOTE(Hideki @ Feb 10 2005, 22:45)
to Taka: Kā Lite On reaģē uz lētajiem diskiem? Citādi no lietotājiem dzirdēti bēdu stāsti, kad ar vienu firmvāri vieni diski rakstās labi, citi nerakstās normāli, bet updeitojot sanāk otrādi un tad visu laiku sanāk viņas mainīt.  rolleyes.gif Nezinu, varbūt tie ir kautkādi nevieksmīgi modeļi. Man nekad nav bijis, ka kautkādi parastie CD-R diski nerakstītos vispār veselām bundžām (kā tiek stāstīts kautvai par tiem pašiem DIGITEX vai ACME - uzliku uz TEAC un cilvēkam par lieliem brīnumiem tieši no tās pašas bundžas diski ierakstās un lasās normāli.) ... 
DVD draivam ir sanacis nomērīt C1/C2 errorlevel matricām? Un kādi rezultāti? Cik atceros, laikam bez LiteOn tāda iespēja bija tikai Plextoriem...

No sērijas - viena tante teica? dry.gif
Konkrēti - kuram draivam ar kuru firmwari tas ir ?
LiteONam ir vismaz 10 DVD modeļi. Par firmwarēm nemaz nerunājot.
Un ir taču arī citi ražotāji kam ir labi rakstekļi par pieņemamām cenām - NEC, Teac, Plextor, LG utt...
Un visiem DVD rakstekļiem regulāri iznāk firmware apdeiti, arī Pioneer.
ACME matricas neesmu lietojis, tagad man divas ir - pamēģināšu.

Errorleveli mērīt? Ar ko? blink.gif Papagailīšus skaitīt?
Ir n-tie review saiti, kur to visu var izlasīt.
QUOTE(edg @ Feb 11 2005, 00:09)
ETM, njem veeraa, ka, jaa taa lieta ir kaut kur rakstaama, tad noteikti ir milzu veeleeshanaas to nepazaudeet, taapeec bez RAID5 neies krastaa. Taatad vajag pirkt vairaakus vienaada lieluma HDD, pie tam, normaali ir 4 IDE vietas, no kuraam 1 aiznjem cd-rom(vai dvd vai kaut kas tamliidziigs), taatad paliek 3 vietas. Ja 3 HDD saliek raidaa, tad 33% vietas ir gaisaa izkuupeejushas.
Ir speciaali IDE un RAID kontrolieri ieksh PCI slotiem sprauzhami (pasham viens taads)... Tas atrisina probleemu ar cietnju piespraushanu (tikai tad saakas naakoshaa probleema - baroshanas vadi)...

P.S. Un sakaraa ar datu neseeju novecoshanu tas ir aktuaali gan CD, gan DVD, gan HDD, ja kaadam ljoti ruup sava kolekcija, tad to buus noteikti regulaari jaatjauno... Pastaav arii probleema ar kodeejumiem (tas gan mazaak attiecas uz origjinaalajiem DVD), tie gadu laikaa moraali noveco, piemeeram tagad paskatoties kaadu 5-6 gadus atpakalj kodeetu filmu naakas secinaat, ka kvalitaate vairs nav gluzhi pietiekosha... kodeki un datu neseeji nepaartraukti attistaas... nez vai veel buus veeleeshanaas skatiities patriez kodeetu anime seeriju peec veel kaadiem 5 gadiem... smile.gif
Citēšu DVD FAQ:

4.3 What about recordable DVD: DVD-R, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD+R?
There are six recordable versions of DVD: DVD-R for General, DVD-R for Authoring, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD+R. DVD-R and DVD+R can record data once, like CD-R, whereas DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW can be rewritten thousands of times, like CD-RW. DVD-R was first available in fall 1997. DVD-RAM followed in summer 1998. DVD-RW came out in Japan in December 1999, but was not available in the U.S. until spring 2001. DVD+RW became available in fall 2001. DVD+R was released in mid 2002.

4.3.1 Is it true there are compatibility problems with recordable DVD formats?
Yes. None of the writable formats are fully compatible with each other or even with existing drives and players. In other words, a DVD+R/RW drive can't write a DVD-R or DVD-RW disc, and vice versa (unless it's a combo drive that writes both formats). As time goes by the different formats are becoming more compatible and more intermixed. A player with the DVD Forum's DVD Multi is guaranteed to read DVD-R, DVD-RW, and DVD-RAM discs, and a DVD Multi recorder can record using all three formats. Some new "super combo" drives can record in both plus and dash format, and a few "super multi" drives can record all 5 disc types (DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, and DVD-RAM).

Very roughly, DVD-R and DVD+R discs work in about 85% of existing drives and players, while DVD-RW and DVD+RW discs work in around 80%. The situation is steadily improving. In another few years compatibility problems will mostly be behind us, just as with CD-R (did you know that early CD-Rs had all kinds of compatibility problems?).

Here is a summary of recordable DVD compatibility. Below each drive is a column indicating how well it can read or write each format (for simplicity, "doesn't write" is implied if not otherwise specified).

DVD unit DVD-R(G) unit DVD-R(A) unit DVD-RW unit DVD-RAM unit DVD+RW unit
DVD-ROM disc reads reads reads reads reads reads
DVD-R(G) disc often reads reads, writes reads reads, writes reads reads
DVD-R(A) disc usually reads reads reads, writes reads reads reads
DVD-RW disc often reads reads reads reads, writes usually reads usually reads
DVD-RAM disc rarely reads doesn't read doesn't read doesn't read reads, writes doesn't read
DVD+RW disc usually reads usually reads usually reads usually reads usually reads reads, writes
DVD+R disc often reads usually reads usually reads usually reads reads reads, may write

4.3.2 DVD-R
DVD-R (which is pronounced "dash R" not "minus R") uses organic dye technology, like CD-R, and is compatible with most DVD drives and players. First-generation capacity was 3.95 billion bytes, later extended to 4.7 billion bytes. Matching the 4.7G capacity of DVD-ROM was crucial for desktop DVD production. In early 2000 the format was split into an "authoring" version and a "general" version. The general version, intended for home use, writes with a cheaper 650-nm laser, the same as DVD-RAM. DVD-R(A) is intended for professional development and uses a 635-nm laser. DVD-R(A) discs are not writable in DVD-R(G) recorders, and vice-versa, but both kinds of discs are readable in most DVD players and drives. The main differences, in addition to recording wavelength, are that DVD-R(G) uses decrementing pre-pit addresses, a pre-stamped (version 1.0) or pre-recorded (version 1.1) control area, CPRM (see 1.11), and allows double-sided discs. A third version for "special authoring," allowing protected movie content to be recorded on DVD-R media, was considered but will probably not happen.

Pioneer released 3.95G DVD-R(A) 1.0 drives in October 1997 (about 6 months late) for $17,000. New 4.7G DVD-R(A) 1.9 drives appeared in limited quantities in May 1999 (about 6 months late) for $5,400. Version 2.0 drives became available in fall 2000. Version 1.9 drives can be upgraded to 2.0 via downloaded software. (This removes the 2,500 hour recording limit.) New 2.0 [4.7G] media (with newer copy protection features), can only be written in 2.0 drives. 1.9 media (and old 1.0 [3.95G] media) can still be written in 2.0 drives. Version 1.0 (3.95G) discs are still available, and can be recorded in Pioneer DVD-R(A) drives. Although 3.95G discs hold less data, they are more compatible with existing players and drives.

Pioneer's DVR-A03 DVD-R(G) drive was released in May 2001 for under $1000. By August it was available for under $700, and by February 2002 it was under $400. The same drive (model DVR-103) was built into certain Apple Macs and Compaq PCs. Many companies now produce DVD-RW drives, all of which write CD-R/RW. As of mid 2002 DVD-RW drives were selling for under $200. Most DVD-RAM drives also write DVD-R discs, some also write DVD-RW discs. Many new drives write both DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW.

Pioneer released a professional DVD video recorder in 2002. It sells for about $3000 and provides component video (YPbPr) and 1394 (DV) inputs (along with s-video and composite). It has 1-hour (10 Mbps) and 2-hour (5 Mbps) recording modes, and includes a 2-channel Dolby Digital audio encoder.

Prices for blank DVD-R(A) discs are $10 to $25 (down from the original $50), although cheaper discs seem to have more compatibility problems. Prices for blank DVD-R(G) discs are $2 to $6. Blank media are made by CMC Magnetics, Fuji, Hitachi Maxell, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Pioneer, Ricoh, Ritek, Taiyo Yuden, Sony, TDK, Verbatim, Victor, and others.

The DVD-R 1.0 format is standardized in ECMA-279. Andy Parsons at Pioneer has written a white paper that explains the differences between DVD-R(G) and DVD-R(A).

It's possible to submit DVD-R(A) and DVD-R(G) discs for replication, with limitations. First, not all replicators will accept submissions on DVD-R. Second, there can be problems with compatibility and data loss when using DVD-R, so it's best to generate a checksum that the replicator can verify. Third, DVD-R does not directly support CSS, regions, and Macrovision. Support for this is being added to DVD-R(A) with the cutting master format (CMF), which stores DDP information in the control area, but it will take a while before many authoring software programs and replicators support CMF.

4.3.3 DVD-RW
DVD-RW (formerly DVD-R/W and also briefly known as DVD-ER) is a phase-change erasable format. Developed by Pioneer based on DVD-R, using similar track pitch, mark length, and rotation control, DVD-RW is playable in many DVD drives and players. (Some drives and players are confused by DVD-RW media's lower reflectivity into thinking it's a dual-layer disc. In other cases the drive or player doesn't recognize the disc format code and doesn't even try to read the disc. Simple firmware upgrades can solve both problems.) DVD-RW uses groove recording with address info on land areas for synchronization at write time (land data is ignored during reading). Capacity is 4.7 billion bytes. DVD-RW discs can be rewritten about 1,000 times.

In December 1999, Pioneer released DVD-RW home video recorders in Japan. The units cost 250,000 yen (about $2,500) and blank discs cost 3,000 yen (about $30). Since the recorder used the new DVD-VR (video recording) format, the discs wouldn't play in existing players (the discs were physically compatible, but not logically compatible). Recording time varies from 1 hour to 6 hours, depending on quality. A new version of the recorder was later released that also recorded on DVD-R(G) discs and used the DVD-Video format for better compatibility with existing players.

DVD-RW drives write DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD-R, and CD-RW discs. DVD-RW disc prices are around $5-$10 (down from the original $30). Blank media is being made by CMC Magnetics, Hitachi Maxell, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Pioneer, Ricoh, Ritek, Sony, Taiyo Yuden, TDK, Verbatim, Victor, and others.

There are three kinds of DVD-RW discs. All are 4.7G capacity. Version 1.0 discs, rarely found outside of Japan, have an embossed lead-in (to prevent copying of CSS information), which causes compatibility problems. Version 1.1 discs have a pre-recorded lead-in that improves compatibility. Version 1.1 discs also come in a "B" version that carries a unique ID in the BCA for use with CPRM. B-type discs are required when copying certain kinds of protected video. (See 1.11 for more on CPRM; 3.11 for more on BCA.)

Note: The Apple SuperDrive (even with older 1.22 firmware) can write to DVD-RW discs, but not from the iDVD application. You must use a different software utility, such as Toast, to write to DVD-RW discs.

4.3.4 DVD-RAM
DVD-RAM, with an initial storage capacity of 2.58 billion bytes, later increased to 4.7, uses phase-change dual (PD) technology with some magneto-optic (MO) features mixed in. DVD-RAM is the best suited of the writable DVD formats for use in computers, because of its defect management and zoned CLV format for rapid access. However, it's not compatible with most drives and players (because of defect management, reflectivity differences, and minor format differences). A wobbled groove is used to provide clocking data, with marks written in both the groove and the land between grooves. The grooves and pre-embossed sector headers are molded into the disc during manufacturing. Single-sided DVD-RAM discs come with or without cartridges. There are two types of cartridges: type 1 is sealed, type 2 allows the disc to be removed. Discs can only be written while in the cartridge. Double-sided DVD-RAM discs were initially available in sealed cartridges only, but now come in removable versions as well. Cartridge dimensions are 124.6 mm x 135.5 mm x 8.0 mm. DVD-RAM can be rewritten more than 100,000 times, and the discs are expected to last at least 30 years.

DVD-RAM 1.0 drives appeared in June 1998 (about 6 months late) for $500 to $800, with blank discs at about $30 for single-sided and $45 for double-sided. The first DVD-ROM drive to read DVD-RAM discs was released by Panasonic in 1999 (SR-8583, 5x DVD-ROM, 32x CD). Hitachi's GD-5000 drive, released in late 1999, also reads DVD-RAM discs. Blank DVD-RAM media is manufactured by CMC Magnetics, Hitachi Maxell, Eastman Kodak, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Ritek, TDK, and others.

The spec for DVD-RAM version 2.0, with a capacity of 4.7 billion bytes per side, was published in October 1999. The first drives appeared in June 2000 at about the same price as DVD-RAM 1.0 drives. Single-sided discs were priced around $25, and double-sided discs were around $30. Disc prices were under $10 and retail drive prices were under $200 by 2003. DVD-RAM 2.0 also specifies 8-cm discs and cartridges for portable uses such as digital camcorders. Future DVD-RAM discs may use a contrast enhancement layer and a thermal buffer layer to achieve higher density.

Samsung and C-Cube made a technology demonstration (not a product announcement) in October 1999 of a DVD-RAM video recorder using the new DVD-VR format (see DVD-RW section above for more about DVD-VR). Panasonic demonstrated a $3,000 DVD-RAM video recorder at CES in January 2000. It appeared in the U.S. in September for $4,000 (model DMR-E10). At the beginning of 2001, Hitachi and Panasonic released DVD camcorders that use small DVD-RAM discs. The instant access and on-the-fly editing and deleting capabilities of the DVD camcorders are impressive. Panasonic's 2nd-generation DVD-RAM video recorder appeared in October 2001 for $1,500 and also wrote to DVD-R discs.

The DVD-RAM 1.0 format is standardized in ECMA-272 and ECMA-273. How do I remove a DVD-RAM type 2 disc from the cartridge?
Type 2 DVD-RAM cartridges allow the disc to be removed so that it can be played in standard players or drives. (However, most players and drives still won't be able to read the disc -- see 4.3.1.)

First break (yes, break) the locking pin by pushing on it with a pointed object such as a ballpoint pen. Remove the locking pin. Unlatch the cover by using a pointed object to press the indentation on the back left corner of the cartridge. Data is recorded on the unprinted side of the disc -- do not touch it. When you put the bare disc back the cartridge, make sure the printed side of the shutter and the printed side of the disc face the same direction.

Most DVD-RAM drives will not allow you to write to a bare disc. Some will not allow you to write to a cartridge if the disc has been removed.

4.3.5 DVD+RW and DVD+R
DVD+RW is an erasable format based on CD-RW technology. It became available in late 2001. DVD+RW is supported by Philips, Sony, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Ricoh, Yamaha, and others. It is not supported by the DVD Forum (even though most of the DVD+RW companies are members), but the Forum has no power to set standards. DVD+RW drives read DVD-ROMs and CDs, and usually read DVD-Rs and DVD-RWs, but do not read or write DVD-RAM discs. DVD+RW drives also write CD-Rs and CD-RWs. DVD+RW discs, which hold 4.7 billion bytes per side, are readable in many existing DVD-Video players and DVD-ROM drives. (They run into the same reflectivity and disc format recognition problems as DVD-RW.)

DVD+RW backers claimed in 1997 that the format would be used only for computer data, not home video, but this was apparently a smokescreen intended to placate the DVD Forum and competitors. The original 1.0 format, which held 3 billion bytes (2.8 gigabytes) per side and was not compatible with any existing players and drives, was abandoned in late 1999.

The DVD+RW format uses phase-change media with a high-frequency wobbled groove that allows it to eliminate linking sectors. This, plus the option of no defect management, allows DVD+RW discs to be written in a way that is compatible with many existing DVD readers. The DVD+RW specification allows for either CLV format for sequential video access (read at CAV speeds by the drive) or CAV format for random access, but CAV recording is not supported by any current hardware. DVD+R discs can only be recorded in CLV mode. Only CLV-formatted discs can be read in standard DVD drives and players. DVD+RW media can be rewritten about 1,000 times (down from 100,000 times in the original 1.0 version).

DVD+R is a write-once variation of DVD+RW, which appeared in mid 2002. It's a dye-based medium, like DVD-R, so it has similar compatibility as DVD-R. Original DVD+RW drives did not fulfill the promise of a simple upgrade to add DVD+R writing support, so they have to be replaced with newer models. The original Philips DVD+RW video recorders, on the other hand, can be customer-upgraded to write +R discs.

Philips announced a DVD+RW home video recorder for late 2001. The Philips recorder uses the DVD-Video format, so discs play in many existing players. HP announced a $600 DVD+RW drive (made by Ricoh) and $16 DVD+RW discs for September 2001. HP's drive reads DVDs at 8x and CDs at 32x, and writes to DVD+RW at 2.4x, CD-R at 12x, and CD-RW at 10x.

In 2003 DVD+R discs cost around $2 to $6 and DVD+RW discs cost around $5 to $10. DVD+RW media is produced by CMC Magnetics, Hewlett-Packard, MCC/Verbatim, Memorex, Mitsubishi, Optodisc, Philips, Ricoh, Ritek, and Sony.

More DVD+RW information is at and The obsolete DVD+RW 1.0 format is standardized in ECMA-274.

4.3.6 Which recordable DVD format should I buy?
As explained in the previous sections, there are two main formats: "dash" (DVD-R/RW) and "plus" (DVD+R/RW). There's not much difference between them. They both record data and video, and they both read back data and play back video. Both formats are available as recordable drives for computers and as home video recorders. In spite of claims that one format is more compatible with players and drives, both formats are similarly compatible (see 4.3.1). There are speed differences, but it's a game of leapfrog. One format will come out with faster write speeds, then the other one will match it or surpass it. In 2003, drives reached 8x speeds. 16x is the theoretical maximum, so both formats will soon hit the limit.

The biggest thing to worry about is that DVD-RW drives only record on -R and -RW discs, and DVD+RW drives only record on +R and +RW discs, so you have to make sure you get the right kind of blank discs. You may worry that one of the formats might "win" and the other format could disappear, leaving you with abandoned hardware. This is not very likely, since both formats are doing well. Luckily there is a simple solution to both concerns: buy a dual-format, or "combo" drive. Many companies make DVD-/+RW drives that write to both kinds of discs. Dual-format drives cost a bit more, but it's cheap insurance.

The DVD+RW format has a few advantages when used in a computer, but if data backup or access speed is important, also consider the DVD-RAM format. DVD-RAM is fast and reliable, and the discs have an optional cartridge to help protect data. Most DVD-RAM drives also write DVD-R/RW discs, and some super combo drives write all three formats.

4.3.7 Other recordable optical formats
Competitors to recordable DVD were announced but never appeared, thanks in part to the success of the entire DVD family. These formats included AS-MO (formerly MO7), which was to hold 5 to 6 billion bytes, and NEC's Multimedia Video Disc (MVDisc, formerly MMVF, Multimedia Video File), which was to hold 5.2 billion bytes and was targeted at home recording. ASMO drives were expected to read DVD-ROM and compatible writable formats, but not DVD-RAM. MVDisc was similar to DVD-RW and DVD+RW, using two bonded 0.6mm phase-change substrates, land and groove recording, and a 640nm laser, but contrary to initial reports, the drives were not expected to be able to read DVD-ROM or compatible discs.

<nopūšas> edg tu manu postu lasīji - es taču minēju ka praktiski katrs DVD raksta gan DVD+RW gan DVD-RW, viena pārrakstāmā matrica maksā ap Ls1.20, bet tās parasti vairumā nepērk.
Ierakstīšanas/dzēšanas ciklu skaits apmēram tāds pats kā CD-RW

Ko tu puuties? Ne dvdrw cenu, ne ierakstiishanas ciklu skaitu tu nebiji pirms tam mineejis. Un es tachu neprasiiju, vai DVD raksta tajos RW!
QUOTE(ETM @ Feb 10 2005, 23:57)

Pashlaik viens no izdeviigaakajiem piedaavaajumiem:
SAMSUNG 160GB 7200RPM ATA133 8MB CASH [SP1614N] 59.00 Ls (Ls0.36875/GB)

160 GB glabaashanai vajadziigi 35 DVD. 36*0.55=19,80
Veel vajadziigs DVD raxtiitaajs, kursh pikjo 50 latus. taatad 70 lati par 160 gigiem, kuri izmeetaati pa diskiem, kuros nevar orienteeties.

320 Gigi, protams maxaas Ls120, ja izmanto HDD un Ls90 ja DVD.

Jaanjem veeraa arii tas, ka uz HDD ir daudz eertaak glabaat failus, savukaart ar DVD varees arii lasiit filmas utt...
Bet DVD arii paiet laix kameer ieraxta, arii neerti.

Taatad ja grasaamies saraxtiit mazaak par 200 gigiem njemmam cietni, ja vairaak, tad izdeviigak DVD raxtiitaaju.

Velns... gribeeeju pieraadiit, ka HDD ir labaak njemt, bet re kaa sanaaca...
Pasham jaasaak stukot par rakstiiklja pirkshanu. Jaasagaida tik kad shis CD rom nomirs.

Ghmm, veel pagaashgad novembrii pirku (pa inetu) pa 0.35 ls gabalaa normaalas matricas... Ja nekas nav suutiishanaa mainiijies - tad tagad liekas pat nedaudz leetaak var dabuut Ritek matricas.

Labi labi. Domāju, ka abas ACME DVD matricas ziedošu zinātniskiem mērķiem - Hideki interesējošam testam. Tad jau redzēs, kas sanāks.

Parasta, vienreiz ierakstāma DVD matrica maksā no kādiem 0.6Ls līdz Ls1.2

DVD+R DL matrica maksā savus Ls6-7
DL ir divslāņu matrica ar ietilpību 8.5GB, esot grūti ražojama un droši vien Holividai arī ir pretenzijas, tāpēc cena tik augsta.
Jo ar DL matricu var pārkopē jebkuru DVD 1:1, citādi iznāk vai nu 2 vienslāņa matricas, vai nu viena matrica ar pārkodētu, zemāka bitreita video.

Ko vajag, lai uz datora skatītos DVD? Nu pašu DVD lasītāju un tad vēl programmu - DVD pleijeri. Cik zinu DVD prot spēlēt arī tas pats Media Player Classic, tad vēl škiet ka BS Player un Zoom Player.
No tīri DVD pleijeru programmam varu minēt PowerDVD un WinDVD, PowerDVD nāk līdzi daudziem DVD draiviem.
QUOTE(Hideki @ Feb 10 2005, 22:54)
QUOTE(JurCHiX @ Feb 10 2005, 15:37)
Varu  piedāvāt DATEX CD-R 100 gab par 20 Ls.
un Esperanza DVD+R matricas 10 gab par 5.5 Ls

Kas tie DATEX ir pēc atip koda (vai Nero propertijās)? Fornet (kā digidata), prodisc, CMC vai kas cits?

Īsti nezinu kur to meklēt, bet nu cik nopratu ta tas ir Mitsui
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