Jan 27 2005, 07:24
OK MY NAME IS NICHOLAS I AM AN AMERICAN. I ask of you to help me. for i dont understand any thing that you all say. soo please explain
I'm Yume, and I'm from Rga, Latvia. As are 99% of other users of this forum.
As we speak in latvian, it's not a surprise that you don't understand us, but we prefer to speak our mother language, so no offence, but you won't understand enithing in the futare eather.
Jan 27 2005, 10:26
So... i guess americans don't understand meaning of words "Art" and "Offtopic" either...
I suppose, the problem here would be, that the web adress ends in .lv, I wonder, why would you even bother coming here at all?!
Jan 27 2005, 13:12
That's just my question!

If ya don't understand what is here spoken, then keep out of this!
kikumi, how rude, take Tora-san as our guest.

But I think not for long.
Jan 27 2005, 14:53
Mind to read what's written on the top banner?
Now, lets read it word by word.
All three words are in english...
....and you come with questions like this? ...jeez. o_O;
(by the way; "understeand" is how you write it, not "under stand"... xD)
Jan 27 2005, 14:55
QUOTE(Yume @ Jan 27 2005, 14:53)
kikumi, how rude, take Tora-san as our guest.

But I think not for long.
I know it's rude, but it's just what I think, so, no offence! It just freaks me out, when people come to a place they don't understand what's going on there... Sorry! Those are just my thoughts...
Jan 27 2005, 16:26
QUOTE(baseboalbatboy @ Jan 27 2005, 16:26)
I have nothing to say...............( I think that you don't want to translate each word in this forum???????( It could be a bit hard........he he......

Jan 27 2005, 16:49
Welcome! Nice to see u here. So what exactly do u want us to explane u?
P.S. People don't be too rude
Jan 27 2005, 16:53
QUOTE(deBUGa @ Jan 27 2005, 10:26)
So... i guess americans don't understand meaning of words "Art" and "Offtopic" either...

They really do!
Kikumi, tu tikko pateici, ka vinji tiktieshaam saprot art un offtopic noziimi (bez sarkasma, pietam).
Un Kikyou, to raksta Understand, nevis understeand...
Are you really american? If you are, then you definately are a 10-year-old. Your writing looks weird even to a non-native person like me.
Jan 27 2005, 19:27
That's American English, my dear Sigfa!
Well I checked Tora-sans' profile and I figured out that he/she is 16 years old.
Jan 27 2005, 19:47
QUOTE(aya-angel @ Jan 27 2005, 18:42)
Yumčik, kas tā par Rga???

Nu tad pie reizes, kas tas par "enithing", "futare" un "eather"?
Varbūt bija domāts 'anything', 'future' un 'either'?
Aya, 18gs. anglijaa raksiija taa kaa vinjsh raksta. Tam nav nekaada sakara ar american english.
Jan 27 2005, 19:57
Nu zini, man savulaik ASV bija daudz pen palu, tāpēc es jau ne par ko nebrīnos......... Nedod Dievs tev taaaaaadas pareaizrakstības kļūdas redzēt, kādas es redzēju!

Brīžiem vienu vēstuli 2 dienas burtoju.......
Hehe, Aya, gribi es tev vēstuli uzrakstīšu.. tu burtosi nedēļu un atnakīs lai es tev izlasu jo neizburrtosi, un es arī pēcāk neizburtošu.
Spelling ir jautra lieta, plus mans rokrakts... es brīnos kā man angļuvalodas skolotāja vēl nepakāras.
Jan 27 2005, 20:25
Aha, tad re kas šodien pie skolas karājās..........
huh? kas bij, tas nebija mans, es nebiju tur, es kā godīs cilvēks sēdēju darbā.
Jan 27 2005, 20:32
A viņa tikai šodien tavu darbu izlasija!

Lapi, jābeidz spamošana.
Cerams, tas amerikānis neapmaldīsies un atradīs savu topiku. Ļoti gribētos zināt, ko viņš par visu šito teiks.
nu, lai pameklē. hhe
bet reāli... mēs viņu te diskriminējam, bērns nāca iepzaīties a mēs viņu , kārtējo, nolaidām.
Priecajaties, ka viņš nesaprot.
hehe, a kāda tam/i atšķirība, es jau parasti besos par spamu.
QUOTE(Yume @ Jan 27 2005, 19:38)
nu, lai pameklē. hhe
bet reāli... mēs viņu te diskriminējam, bērns nāca iepzaīties a mēs viņu , kārtējo, nolaidām.
Jā, jā.. i am american i don't understand
Moš man jeņķu mecha foruma arī sākt pravas kačāt tipo - i am latvian i don't understand???

Es vienkārši domāju, ka mūsu forums ieticis kaut kādā pasaules Yugio fanu forumu listē
Jan 27 2005, 20:44
Tā laikam ir.............
Well, let's speak English.
QUOTE(aya-angel @ Jan 27 2005, 19:44)
Tā laikam ir.............
Well, let's speak English.
Nu nē.
Ir n-tie tūkstoši forumu, kur var angliski muldēt cik vien iekšā lien.
Šis ir vienīgais man zināmais otaku forums, kur var runāt latviski
Jan 27 2005, 21:10
Nu tad pasaki to Tora-san vai kā tur viņu.
man šķiet ka tas bērns nobijās, un te vairāk nenāks.
Tapēc beigsim spamot. Ne?
Jan 27 2005, 22:23
Ne-a, viņš atnāks tikai tad, kad mēs visi vai vismaz vairākums gulēsim.........

Viņiem tak laika josla tur ASV ir savādāka. Ta ka gaidīsim viņa komentāru r't.
aya - Es jau reiz izskaidroju par bērniem, kuri kolekcionē pierakstus forumos, nu apmēram tā kā nozīmītes. Neņem galvā.
Jan 27 2005, 22:43
Droši vien tas būt tāds pata kolekcionārs........... Pilnīgi besī.... Bet mans klusēs.
Labi, tad jau redzēs kā tas kolekcionārs express himself.
Jan 27 2005, 23:46
im sry. but i didnt under stand and i like to learn more about this. i found this site when i was looking for pictures of catgirls^_^ i love them. but as i was here i found loads of pics. that i liked.
Jan 27 2005, 23:56
I'm glad u found what u was looking 4
Well, that was our gallery, what you'v fund. I coud say, a work of a forum in searching pictures.
Jan 28 2005, 00:02
well what youll are sayinglooks kool. and my prob is that i type too fast. i am 17 i am a guy. i used to live in italy when i was lil. and my dad is in the navy so i am always on the move. i no how to speak a lil bit of russian japanese spanish Italian. and english
Oh, you'r pritty interestin person. And it would be interestin to have you around but... there is one problem.... as this is latvian forum, and it is actually the only forum that is in latvian, we wont start speaking in English, so you will not understend a thing in the future, too. I'm afrade you'll have nothing to do here. But feel free to stay if you like to.
Jan 28 2005, 00:13
Well, if ya wanna know something just pm to me or Yume ^__^
Jan 28 2005, 00:16
QUOTE(aya-angel @ Jan 27 2005, 16:13)
Well, if ya wanna know something just pm to me or Yume ^__^
ty and while i am here i will search the library and the internet to learn more on how to speak it or at least type it. for i have respect for other countrys. i dont feel ya'll should change for me
Belive me, we won't.
And, I feel honored that you'd like to know more about aou language. Try to do it.
Baka-na... Muri-da, muri.
Jan 28 2005, 08:04
QUOTE(Sigfa @ Jan 27 2005, 17:01)
Baka-na... Muri-da, muri.
sry ur baka (stupid)
Jan 28 2005, 08:23
QUOTE(S.U.D @ Jan 27 2005, 02:30)
QUOTE(baseboalbatboy @ Jan 27 2005, 16:26)
I have nothing to say...............( I think that you don't want to translate each word in this forum???????( It could be a bit hard........he he......


njā vispār...
QUOTE(Tora-san @ Jan 28 2005, 08:04)
QUOTE(Sigfa @ Jan 27 2005, 17:01)
Baka-na... Muri-da, muri.
sry ur baka (stupid)
I know what baka means, i'm just saying, that your'e being very naive for your age.
Jan 28 2005, 15:24
Tas par to, ka viņi saprot, bija domāts pēdiņās! Tāpeēc jau tos divus smailijus pieliku klāt... Kādēļ visiem ir tendence mani pārprast?

Ak, labi, lai paliek....
And I think Sigfa's right, you are very naive for your age...
QUOTE(Kikumi @ Jan 28 2005, 15:24)
Tas par to, ka viņi saprot, bija domāts pēdiņās! Tāpeēc jau tos divus smailijus pieliku klāt... Kādēļ visiem ir tendence mani pārprast?
es tev teicu, ka tu vienkaarshi nepareizi uzrakstiiji. To ko tu uzrakstiiji var saprast tikai kaa kaa mineeju augstaak.
Jan 28 2005, 15:28
I... don't... like... you!
Jan 29 2005, 22:58
im sry that i gave a bad im pression. but im am a lil sheltered. im not good with geography. and im always busy to spend time to learn. its either poetry club wrestling soccer, video games or work or movies or sk8 boarding
Jan 29 2005, 23:01
Everything is o.k., don't be sorry. We're all people.
Jan 29 2005, 23:02
If you think that I said that about you, then you're wrong!

Anyways, you're welcome to learn more (if it is that way)!
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