At age nine, Yeomin (played by Kim Seok) attends an elementary school as a third-grader at a village nestling deep in the mountains. Yeomin is the protector of justice in his village. Yeomin beats a macho boy who has harassed his friends. Yeomin shares his lunch box with his friend who lives lonely with his sister. Yeomin sometimes becomes a peddler of ice cream and cleans a piano lesson room in order to earn money needed to buy a pair of glasses for his mother. By all means, he has one true thing he wants to keep in mind: his love toward a girl. His life turns into chaos after proud and haughty girl Jang Urim has transferred from her Seoul school to his village school. Although he makes every effort to woo her, things do not turn out so favorably. Although she lures every boy¡s attention because of her dazzling beauty, she if any has a dark side. In this movie, grown-up actresses just play minor roles, while the child actors and actresses appear as adult characters who seem to have already experienced the ups and downs of life.