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Jebšu 13. epizode..
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Tik smuka meitene.. A viņš ko?
Vai esi redzeejis 14. epizodi? Varbuut tur sleepjas iemesls...

P.S. 14. epizode LJOTI smuki saziimeeta... ohmy.gif
QUOTE(deBUGa @ Sep 19 2004, 12:37)
Vai esi redzeejis 14. epizodi? Varbuut tur sleepjas iemesls...

P.S. 14. epizode LJOTI smuki saziimeeta... ohmy.gif

Esmu redzeejis 14 ep. uz sjo jautaajumu tur iisti atbilde nav rodama, tacju atrsinaajums kopumaa buus ineteresants. Man jau saak likties, ka sjis seriaals saak nedaudz "bukseet". Cik tad ilgi tas "road movie" turpinaasies gribaas kaut kaadu konreetiibu un sizjeta attiistiibu.
Nene.. Manuprāt ir labi kā ir, ja saak kaut ko attīstīt, tad ir skaidrs ka viss beigsies vai arī var nonākt pie lielākām buksēšanas problēmām (pie kam road showi var buūt gaāaāaāaāri par piemēru One Piece jau paari par 100 epizodēm un nekur īpaši tālu tikuši nava smile.gif ).
"I would like to stay like this forever .. "
to ShinChan:
Es jau nemaz neteicu, ka tur ir atbilde... es teicu - varbuut... pameegjini izteeloties sevi Mugena vietaa...

kush kush... lai tik "buksee", ka tik tas viss paliek pienaaciigaa liimeni... smile.gif
Man jau liekas, ka divi no sjīs trijotnes seriaala gaitaa mirs nedabīgā nāvē. Miniet kuri divi tie būs tongue.gif
Un seriaala nosaukums... ? biggrin.gif
Samurai Champloo smile.gif,1391,rq...ai_champlo.html

sharp like an edge of a samurai sword
the mental blade cut through flesh and bone
though my mind's at peace, the world out of order
missing the inner heat, life gets colder
oh yes, I have to find my path
no less, walk on earth, water, and fire
the elements compose a magnum opus
my modus is operandi is amalgam
steel packed tight in microchip
on my arm a sign of all-pro
the ultimate reward is honor, not awards
at odds with the times in wars with no lords

a freelancer,
a battle cry of a hawk make a dove fly and a tear dry
wonder why a lone wolf don't run with a klan
only trust your instincts and be one with the plan

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

look, just the air around him
an aura surrounding the heir apparent
he might be a peasant but shine like grand royalty
he to the people and land, loyalty
we witness above all to hear this,
sea sickness in the ocean of wickedness
set sail to the sun set no second guessing

far east style with the spirit of wild west
the "quote-unquote" code stands the test of
time for the chosen ones to find the best of
noble minds that ever graced the face of
a hemisphere with no fear, fly over

the blue yonder where
the sky meets the sea
and eye meets no eye
and boy meets world
and became a man to serve the world
to save the day, the night, and the girl too
ah, danke schon... kjeros pie vilkshanas... biggrin.gif

UPDT: ak, shaize, shis licenzeets.. tas sarezhgjii lietas...
Dazhiem shodien veicas... uziet TAADU neredzeetu anime... laugh.gif
Linksu uz veco Samurai Champloo 'topic'u
es pacietīgu gaidu aone relīzes viņam tik nah neizlaiž jaunas pacietība saak beigties wacko.gif
QUOTE(kaarleens @ Sep 20 2004, 10:01)
es pacietīgu gaidu aone relīzes viņam tik nah neizlaiž jaunas pacietība saak beigties wacko.gif

tālāk par 7 sēriju nav tikuši sad.gif
Anime-Forever is your friend

QUOTE(Saiko @ Sep 21 2004, 14:48)
QUOTE(kaarleens @  Sep 20 2004, 10:01)
es pacietīgu gaidu aone relīzes viņam tik nah neizlaiž jaunas pacietība saak beigties wacko.gif

tālāk par 7 sēriju nav tikuši sad.gif

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