Tour de France it is the biggest bicycle race in the world. Now, a new achievement is about to be recorded in the history of Tour de France. The top racer is a Japanese boy named Shinozaki Mikoto.
Why dont you join our bicycle club? said Fukazawa, Shinozaki Mikoto`s secret love.
Unfortunately, despite being a high school student, he doesn`t know how to ride a bike. With no real idea of what the bicycle club is, he earnestly practices. After he overcomes this challenge, while he pedals along, something that was smoldering in his mind for 15 years ignites.
"I want to devote myself to bike riding."
Experiencing failure with his friends and rivals, he pedals towards becoming the top racer.
Lai gan mani nekad nav interesējusi riteņbraukšana kā tāda, šo anime noskatījos līdz galam (un ar ceru sagaidīt arī otro sezonu). Tēli šajā animē ir interesanti, jo īpaši Shinozaki un Yamato, kuri man patika vislabāk. Sižetiski anime ir piesaistoša un pat tās sērijas, kurās notika tās pirmās sacīkstes un kurās pārsvarā tika aprunāta riteņbraukšana, man likās interesantas.