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Anime forum > Anime > Requests
varbut kads zin, esmu dzirdejusi par catu mangu stilaa(tipa lidzigs starchatam) bet nevaru atrast...ja kads zin tad plz palidziet...
i dont even know what language that is so i can translate it at babelfish :x
QUOTE(Forum Guidelines)
This is Latvian forum, and almost all its content is in Latvian. If you can not speak this language, you may write in English or Russian, but nobody is required to answer you in your language. Avoid asking for translation in the public forum (do it with PM). If you don't understand a word of this forum and do not feel comfortable with it, you are free to leave. Also note that although you may not read or understand these rules, you are still bound by these rules as long as you use this forum.
paskatījos, kas tas starchat īsti ir un secināju, ka izskatas pēc pilnīga bullshit'a
iesaku RO vai kaut ko tāda tipa, ja vajag varu arī iedot linkus uz tādām online spēlēm.
Ja vēlies tieši čatu vari izmēģināt IMVU.
nekaa jau pati atradu tiesi to catu... tongue.gif
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