Composed in the form of a series of short stories, this is the story of the travels of the human Kino and the talking motorbike Hermes. Kino and Hermes visit various different countries.
A country that can`t live with others because of the development of telepathy (a country that understand people`s pain); a country that are striving to make everything equal, whose residents are extremely united (a country ruled by majority), etc. etc.
Then, when three days pass, they leave the country. Kino and Hermes are travelers (observers). Small ripples are formed in the usual lives of the people living in the various countries by the appearance of the unusual traveler Kino. But that is becoming a major incident that will shake up their usual lives.
What will Kino and Hermes see in their travels? And what will be left in the hearts of the people they encountered?
Es domāju, ka kāds no Jums noteikti būs redzējis šo anime un ja nē, tad vēl kādu brīdi torentu varēs novilkt, kur es arī dabūju šo anime. Man pašai tā ārkārtīgi iepatikās, taču es nespēju īsti izteikt to, ko domā mans prāts, tādēļ, ka viss tas ir tik ļoti haotiski. Es Nespēju īsti nokoncentrēt savas domas pēc šādas animes, jo tā ir tāda, kuras stāsti izraisa vēlmi uz ārkārtīgi ilgām pārdomām. Bet varu noteikti teikt, ka ļoti patika šī anime.