No AniDb........

Based on the manga by Itsuki Natsumi.
Chimera, a planet of beasts, is a prison planet for brutal criminals. Thor and Rai are twins who have an executive father, and they have been brought up without wanting for anything. However, their father is murdered, and his murderers send the twins to Chimera. It is the world where you must struggle for existence, and they will have to become beasts to survive.

Žanrs - Sci-fi, action, adventure.

Pat īsti nezinu kapēc šis iekrita acīs. Iespējams pat ka tik tapēc ka galvenais varonis atgadināja kādu citu mīļu animi. Pirmo epu pat skatijos kā teikt ar gariem zobiem. Nedaudz kaitināja daži čari un animācijas stils, bet ar nākamām jau apradu un tagad tiešām ir interese.
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Paldies autoram ka novāca Rai jau pirmajā, citādi diezvai ilgāk par pāris epām izturēt varētu to pīkstošo būtni.

Varētu dot kādus 8 punktus

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