Title: Izumo -Takeki Tsurugi no Senki-
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Romance
no anidb: Yagi Takeru is a student who goes to Izumo Academy. He has no family but he spends his days with his friends like Yamato Takeshi who is his bestfriend aswell as his rival in kendo, Shiratori Kotono and her sister, Asuka.
One day, an abrupt earthquake changed the school completely. The teachers and the students disappeared and the school was infested with monsters. Takeru managed to escape from the school, but he found all his friends and even his town were gone. Then suddently people wearing odd uniforms appeared.
Redzēju šo anime jau krietnu laiciņu atpakaļ. Meklēju pavedienu šeit, bet neatradu- piedodiet, ja tāds bija.
Kopumā man anime likās pat ļoti pieņemama. Animācija bija ļoti laba, sižets vien nedaudzp piekliboja, pēc manām domām, jo kaut kā krietni trūka. Tēli likās sakarīgi, tomēr atkal nepatika tā ideja- viens puisis/daudz meiteņu. Bet īpaši tas netraucēja.
Es lieku 6/10