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biggrin.gif Noskatījies pagaidām iznākušās sērijas Fate/Stay Night un paspēlējis Fate/Stay Night insani tulkoto spēli - vizuālo noveli, radās šāds pieprasījums.

Vēlos iegūt šīs vizuālās noveles PILNO versiju, kuru ir tulkojuši Insani grupa. ohmy.gif
Der arī citu tulkotas versijas, bet šķiet ka insani iztulkojuši vienīgie visu.
tur tevi jaaapbeedina, bet neviens nav iztulkojis visu Fate/stay night speeli, Insani ir iztulkojushi tikai tik daudz cik ir tajaa demo.
Will you do (insert popular eroge title here)?

No. But since we'll get e-mails about this anyway, we've covered a couple of the games which are most likely to be requested:

Tsukihime and Fate/stay night

Even though gp32 thinks that the writing of nbkz Sakai (scenario writer for minori games like Wind -a breath of heart- and Haru no Ashioto) is awful, it's at least amusing. Nasu Kinoko (scenario writer for TYPE-MOON) is much worse, making the most heavy-handed statements which would make veteran editors cower in horror. Here is an example of text from Fate/stay night:


    結界内での効用は千差万別。結界を張った地域そのものを人目に付かないよう遮断するモ ノから、結界内での魔術を制限するモノまで多種多様だ。その中でもっとも攻撃的な物が 、結界内における生命活動の圧迫である。


    There are an infinite variety of uses for the interior of a Matrix. Since the area enclosed by the Matrix itself is quarantined away from public notice, it is possible to deploy a wide variety of magecrafts, restricting them to the interior of the Matrix. The most aggressive thing one can do with a Matrix is to drain the life force that exists inside it.

And people like this kind of stuff? What the heck are they smoking?

Anyway, Mirror Moon is working on Tsukihime. NLA is doing Fate/stay night, but God only knows when that will be done. And it looks as if their translator has figured out how bad Nasu Kinoko actually is -- in their most recent posting to their forum, NLA has stated that it will not work on the "Unlimited Blade Works" or "Heaven's Feel" paths (each one a third of the game itself) -- the latter because it s.cks, and the former because it's so incredibly long-winded that it's not worth the effort. In other news, GipFace is a veritable oracle.

Bet ir arii laba zinja - nesen mirror moon pazinjoja ka vinji uzsaak darbu pie Fate/stay night visas speeles tulkoshanas - New Project: fate/stay night
Vari apskatiities cik ilgi vinji jau straadaa pie Tsukihime speeles tulkoshanas [arii no Type-Moon], lai nojaustu cik ilgi apmeeram buus jaagaida liidz pabeigsies darbs pie Fate/stay night.
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