Be careful what you wish for!
College freshman Morisato Keiichi gets more than he bargained for when he goes dialing for dinner and gets an unexpected delivery - Belldandy, a real live, honest to goodness Goddess! Belldandy grants him a wish, and Keiichi decides that what he really needs is a girlfriend just like Belldandy! And that`s exactly what he gets. The mysterious `Ultimate Force` that enforces all Wish Contracts comes into play, and Keiichi and Belldandy are now inseparable. That`s when Keiichi remembers that his dorm has a strict rule: NO WOMEN ALLOWED!
Can Keiichi and Belldandy find a new place to live? Will everyone buy the story that she`s a foreign student? And does Keiichi have the guts to put the moves on a babe who is LITERALLY divine?
College freshman Morisato Keiichi gets more than he bargained for when he goes dialing for dinner and gets an unexpected delivery - Belldandy, a real live, honest to goodness Goddess! Belldandy grants him a wish, and Keiichi decides that what he really needs is a girlfriend just like Belldandy! And that`s exactly what he gets. The mysterious `Ultimate Force` that enforces all Wish Contracts comes into play, and Keiichi and Belldandy are now inseparable. That`s when Keiichi remembers that his dorm has a strict rule: NO WOMEN ALLOWED!
Can Keiichi and Belldandy find a new place to live? Will everyone buy the story that she`s a foreign student? And does Keiichi have the guts to put the moves on a babe who is LITERALLY divine?
Visi zina šo anime, jā?
Ļoti laba Romance anime, ne.
Kas jums vairāk patika - OVA, Movie vai TV seriāls?
Man visvairāk patika OVA, jo sižets interesants. Ļoti patika šis romance gabals. Un it īpaši ļoti patika mūzika, kas tur skan. Vienreizēja mūzika.
Movie bija arī laba, bet kaut kā neaizrāva kā OVA.
Bet TV seriālu izturēju tikai 1 sēriju noskatīties. Galvenā problēma bija - mūzika. Nu tik neciešamu vijoļu skaņu es nekad neesmu dzirdējis. Lai nu cik seriāls būtu interesants, bet es vienkārsi fiziski nevarēju izturēt to skaņu. Kāpēc viņi nevarēja seriālā ielikt to pašu perfekto mūziku no OVAs? Bet nē, ar kaut kādām vijolēm visu vajadzēja sabojāt?