QUOTE(Taka @ Jan 15 2006, 13:16)
Manuprāt problēma ar Celeroniem ir tā, ka viņiem ir krietni zemāka FSB (joprojām kādi 100-133MHz, ne?) nekā P4 vai Athlon'iem, kā arī smieklīgi mazs L2 kešs - 128-256KB, kas pie video dekodēšanas ir ļoti būtiski. P4 un Athlon L2 kešs ir vismaz 512KB, Extreme Edition pat līdz 1MB, nūū ir vēl ūberproči, bet diez vai kāds mājā tur Xeon'us ar L2 kešu 2MB
Celeron FSB ir līdz 400 MHz, ar kādu arī mans procis strādā, taču pēc šī nezinu ko domāt:
Setting a FSB speed is related directly to the speed grade of memory that a system must use. The memory bus connects the northbridge and RAM, just as the frontside bus connects the CPU and northbridge. Often, these two buses must operate at the same frequency. Pushing the front-side bus to 170 MHz means pushing the memory to 170 MHz in most cases.
Similar to the PCI and AGP buses, however, the memory bus can also be run asynchronously from the front side bus. In Pentium 4 systems, it is possible to see memory ratios of "5:4" and the like. The bus will run 5/4 faster than the memory in this situation, meaning a 200 MHz bus can run with the memory at only 160 MHz. With bus speeds increasing rapidly, it is often necessary to run the RAM at a lower frequency than the system bus in order to stay within the limitations of the DRAM modules on the memory stick. This incurs a performance penalty, but it allows slower RAM to be used with the faster bus speeds that some processors were designed for.
Toties Intel lapā atrodamais man patika:
The Intel® Celeron® or Celeron® D processor may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Paldies, ka informējāt, varat būt droši, ka mans nākamais procis būs no AMD.